The Python's whole body is golden, and even its scales are light golden!

the Python's eyes are blue. There are two short tusks spit out from its mouth, and a pair of cold eyes stare at Tang Long and they are cold. Their mouth sends out a strange "ho ho ho!" The voice of!

The python is more than 20 meters long, and the bucket is thick and thin. It looks extremely ferocious and scared!

"This is, lock sky Python!"

At this time, Tang Long also couldn't help but take a cold breath. The lock day Python is not a four level Warcraft, but a more powerful five level Warcraft!

Although Suo Tian Python is one of the five level Warcraft, its combat power is relatively ordinary, but it is also a fifth level Warcraft. Even if the attack power of the fifth level Warcraft is worse, it is also very powerful!

Xue Lingyue is a little nervous and looks at Tang Long and says, "what can I do with level five Warcraft?"

"Good, take care of yourself!"

Tang Long whispered in the ear of the snow leaf moon.

This time, he could not stand by and watch. He had to deal with the lock sky python with the red flame lion and the golden monkey. If it was only the red flame lion and the golden monkey, Tang long thought that he was not the opponent of the lock sky Python!

"Ho ho ho ho!"

Lock day Python staring at Tang long, strange cry, that long tail, gently swimming on the ground, gradually, plate together!

Tang Long embraces xuelinyue's slender waist and jumps down from the back of red flame lion with her!


With a roar, the red flame lion rushed fiercely towards the lock sky python. At the same time, it opened its mouth. A mass of flame energy light spewed out of the red flame lion's mouth, and attacked the python fiercely!

Lock day python, also open mouth, unexpectedly spit out a golden lightning!

The golden light and lightning, like a thunderbolt, hit the flame light group hard, and immediately the flame light group, split to pieces, and the long tail of the lock day python, but has been toward the red flame lion, severely swept over!

At this time, five meters in the sky, a dazzling golden light, with the roaring strong wind, severely smashed down!

It's golden monkey's golden cudgel!

The golden cudgel was as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, it had already hit the tail of the snake!


The place where the golden cudgel collided with the tail of the lock sky Python broke out a group of extremely dazzling golden energy, which was like a bomb explosion, a fierce hurricane, roaring and tumbling towards four meters and eight meters!

Lock day Python's tail, was hit heavily on the ground, hit the sky gravel!

Golden monkey's gold stick, but also by the earthquake to jump high!

"Ho ho ho ho!"

Lock day Python's attack, unexpectedly extremely strange, tail hit the ground, head, unexpectedly suddenly toward the falling golden monkey, hard hit up!

In front of him, the red flame lion roared and rushed to the front of the lock sky python. The flame steel claw, towards the neck of the snake, swept it hard!


The sharp voice sounded, a string of fire broke out from the neck of the snake. The flame steel claws of the red flame lion rushed through the neck of the snake. However, the snake was not hurt at all!

Obviously, the golden scales on the snake are very strong in defense!

Just at the head of suotang python, he was about to bump into the golden monkey. Suddenly, two cold and cold lights stabbed the snake's eyes, but they were just two energy throwing knives flying from Tang Long!

Lock day Python's reaction speed, unexpectedly extremely fast!

The flying dagger stabbed at the eye of Suo Tian python. The head of Suo Tian Python is extremely weird. It moves towards the side and some of it has escaped the attack of Tang Long's two throwing knives!

However, the snake's head can't hit the golden monkey!

with the support of Tang long, the golden monkey has just got out of danger, but at this time, the tail of the python has suddenly rolled back into the sky, and is attacking the golden monkey again!

the power of this attack of suotang Python is still very strong!

the golden monkey uttered a strange cry and fell at the same time, The golden cudgel turns into a golden light and resists the tail of the snake!

At the same time, the red flame lion on the ground once again raised its front paw, and the flaming blade and steel claw moved towards the neck of the python, and even more fiercely crossed it. This time, it even directly scratched the golden scales on the neck of the snake!

"Ho ho ho ho!"

Lock day Python because of pain, strange cry, suddenly lowered his head, toward the red flame lion, a fierce head down!

And the tail of lock day python, at this time, has been the golden monkey that stick, hit the ground heavily, will hit a big hole!

Tang Long has already flashed forward, two meters behind the red flame lion!

Looking at the lock day Python's head, from the air hit hard, Tang Long is directly ordered the red flame lion, back to the Tianling garden!

Red flame lion, directly disappeared in front of Tang long, disappeared in front of lock day python, lock day Python hard hit the head, suddenly there is no target to attack, hard hit on the ground!This collision, the power of the extraordinary, will be the ground, all hit a big hole, between the rubble flying, red flame lion, but has reappeared next to the lock day Python!


Red flame lion a roar, open its mouth, a group of flame light, hard bang in lock day Python's head!


The light of the flame explodes on the top of the Python and turns into a sea of fire all over the sky. In the sky of the flame, a golden light is smashed down like lightning!

It was the golden monkey's golden cudgel!

the head of suotang Python was just raised from the ground, and it was hit by the golden cudgel. Once again, the head of suotang Python hit the ground heavily!

"dragon leaping in the sea of anger!"

Tang long jumps up in the air, and the silver dragon halberd turns into a cold awn and stabs the snake's head!

And follow closely, the red flame lion's attack also arrived!

Just when the flame light emitted by the red flame lion was about to hit the snake's head, the snake's tail rolled up a big tree and smashed it towards the red flame lion and Tang long!

This attack is extremely overbearing!


Tang long looked at the big tree that was quickly smashed, and his mind moved. The red flame lion had returned to Tianling garden again!

And Tang long, has already used blink, flashed three meters ahead!

Lock day Python's tail, rolled up a big tree, heavy hit in front of another big tree, the big tree, directly hit the fragmentation, immediately flying sawdust, leaves messy!

At this time, the golden monkey jumped from the distance like lightning, and the golden cudgel aimed at the head of the snake that had just been raised and smashed down again!

the red flame lion immediately came out of the Tianling garden and rushed towards the snake fiercely!

Lock day Python's tail, but ruthlessly swept over!


The golden cudgel smashed heavily on the top of the snake's head. The snake's head was smashed and hit the ground, which was more than one meter deep!

The tail of lock day Python sweeps over, see to fall on the body of red flame lion!

At this time, the red flame lion actually jumped up in the air, jumping up more than two meters high. The tail of the lock sky python, from the foot of the red flame lion, roared and flew in the past. At the same time, Tang Long also jumped in the air, avoiding the attack of the tail of the lock sky Python! , the fastest update of the webnovel!