These fruits have little effect on Tanglong.

Tang Long has been able to confirm that these flame fruits belong to miraculous drugs, and they are four kinds of miraculous drugs!

It's a pity that the four kinds of miraculous drugs have no effect on the martial artists in the Zhenwu realm. However, the elixir of this level has a great effect on the warriors with the strength below the Zhenwu realm!

Green vines, hanging all around the stone wall, the above is full of this small flame fruit, it seems that there are hundreds of them!

Although this thing is of no use to Tang long, it is of great use to other people in Tang mansion!

"Although we didn't find the ghost flower, the harvest was not small."

Tang Long plans to take all these fruits back and give them to the young people in the Tang mansion to make them into elixirs to take, so as to quickly improve their strength.

Of course, he won't treat them badly!

Together with Xue linyue, he picked off the strange flaming fruits one by one and counted them. It was a big surprise. Tang Long was also very generous. He took two of them and threw them to the red flame lion and golden monkey!

He didn't dare to let these two little things eat too much!

The flame fruit is good for the beast. If you eat too much, the two animals will run to sleep again!

After eating this strange flame fruit, two animals burst out a strange flame on their bodies. After that, the flame converged and went away. The breath of the two animals also improved a little in this short period of time.

Of course, it's a long way from being promoted!

Tang Long collected the rest of the flame fruit, and then slowly searched for it along the vines.

"Woo Hoo Hoo!"

Red flame lion, but it seems to have found something, running in front of Tang long, soon, to a stone wall below, turned to look at Tang long, golden eyes, full of pride!

Tang Long walked over.

Xue linyue was curious and followed in the past.


Golden Monkey squats on Tang Long's shoulder and looks at the stone wall behind the red flame lion. It seems that there are some discoveries!

Under the guidance of the red flame lion, Tang Long found the root of the vine and the place where it grew under the stone wall behind the red flame lion. At this time, the red flame lion was still whining at Tang long.

"What's the secret?"

Tang long thought secretly.

He squatted down, took out a long sword, and then, began to dig very carefully!

After a short time, Tang Long carefully dug out the root of the vine, and found that the hard stone ground below was surging upward, a kind of extremely terrifying hot energy!

This energy is exactly the same as the energy contained in those strange flame fruits!

"No wonder there are such strange flame fruits here. It turns out that there is something under the ground!"

Tang Long is curious and continues to dig!

Pry open a stone below, and then, unexpectedly, there is a piece of fiery red jade, appeared in front of Tang Long!

The fiery red jade, however big as a fist, is full of extremely terrifying hot energy, which can even catch up with the powerful power of chaos fire practiced by Tang Long!

"What is this?"

Tang Long was secretly curious, and the snow listening moon beside him was also very curious.

Red flame lion and golden monkey, are low voice, eyes, a blink, looking at the red jade!

Tang Long reached out his hand and carefully picked up the red jade. All of a sudden, the whole ground was filled with the sound of rolling thunder. The whole cave, like an earthquake, shook violently!

"Be careful!"

In a panic, Tang Long quickly turned around and hugged xuelingyue fiercely and blocked it below. At this time, the golden monkey and the red flame lion had directly hidden in the Tianling garden!

Xuelinyue is also very nervous!

"Tang long, the cave seems to collapse. What should I do?"

She yelled in panic, but suddenly, the ground collapsed, her feet empty, the whole person, has been held by Tang long, fell down!

Tang Long has no idea what this is about!

Because of the panic just now, the blood red jade he was holding had long since been lost. He was worried that xuelingyue would be in danger. He held her tightly in his arms and condensed her vitality to protect him. He turned into an energy shield to protect himself!


The whole cave is still shaking violently. Tang Long has fallen to the ground, still clinging to the snow and listening to the moon!

He had just fallen on the ground with snow, and was about to dodge to the side. Behind him, a huge stone had hit his back from the air. Suddenly, he took a cold breath with pain. However, more boulders hit him hard on his back!

even though he gathered his energy to defend, he could not stop the boulder!"Poof!"

Finally, when hit by a huge stone, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood!

He's been hit by a boulder and hurt internally!

This one mouthful of blood, however mercilessly spurted on the snow leaf month's body!

Xuelinyue is protected by Tang long in her arms. She is nervous and flustered, but suddenly she is sprayed with blood from Tang long. It is found that Tang Long has always protected her from any harm, regardless of being hit by a huge stone!

In her heart, suddenly surged the thick heartache!

Boulder, has stopped falling, Tang Long and snow leaf month, has been a mess of boulders, completely buried!

Xuelinyue did not get any harm, but also know that Tang Long has been injured!

"How are you?" she asked quickly

"It's OK."

Tang long endured the sharp pain in his back and summoned the red flame lion and golden monkey in the Tianling garden. The two magical beasts easily flew the huge stones piled on them.


Tang Long vomited a breath, pulled snow to listen to the moon together, stood up, and then, was taking a healing gold pill.

Although he was hit by a huge stone just now, he has become extremely strong after practicing the real dragon body. These internal injuries are not serious enough for him.

The fire of chaos's vitality moved around and absorbed the power of the golden elixir. His internal injury was greatly improved. The pain on his back was also reduced a lot!

Xuelinyue was very distressed and hugged Tang Long: "how are you? Does your back hurt? It doesn't matter! "

"No pain." Tang Long reluctantly smiles and looks around.

This is still in the deep cave in the middle of the mountain. Tens of meters away in front of the deep hole, there is a very large framework of Warcraft. The skeleton of the Warcraft is 20 meters long, and there is a skeleton with a pair of wings!

Obviously, this is the skeleton of a flying Warcraft!

looking at the skeleton, Tang Long immediately thought of the fiery red jade that he had seen before!

Thinking of some possible occurrence, he was shocked: "is that bloody jade the spirit of a god beast?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!