Some of these people holding long knives, some of them, are quietly paying attention to the surroundings, while a few people in the corner are whispering:

"lame, are you sure that boy is here?!"

"I'm sure that boy is definitely in here. I saw it with my own eyes."

"There's a beautiful girl. That girl is so beautiful. I've never seen such a beautiful girl before!"

"Keep an eye on me, sunspot. Go and explore the way. If you have a chance, you can do it!"


People quietly scattered, in the shelter of the surrounding buildings, soon disappeared, and at this time, Tang Long is still seriously practicing!

In Beigong Xianer's room!

Dark Ling Huangyou sat opposite her at night, looked at her and asked, "this boy, are you worth it?"

"Why not?" In the eyes of Beigong xian'er, there was a daze: "he has only one shortcoming. In addition, among all the men I have ever met, he is the best!"

"However, his strength is too weak to reach the realm of King Wu!"

"So what? Don't you feel that he's very energetic "What's more, in a place like Tianying City, he can reach this level. Do you think it's easy?"

"However, we have not reached the realm of King Wu. In our ancient sect, even the disciples of other schools are not as good as us!"

"Can't he reach the realm of King Wu after tonight? Don't you find that his strength is improving rapidly, and he is about to reach the peak of Zhenwu! " North Palace fairy son snorted: "his strength, but the promotion is very fast!"

"That's because he got the cold weather of Tiansha!"

"For those of us who lived in ancient times, if we want to improve our strength, who does not have a thousand ways? He gets the cold Jue of Tiansha, which is his own skill. Otherwise, why can't we be won by others?"

"Well, let's not talk about it!" Dark Ling Huangyou night sighed: "you said before, he can help me? What do you mean by that

"I'll tell you when the king Dan fights for hegemony," he said

"Well, I'll wait until the king Dan fights for hegemony." Dark Ling Huang you night's eyes, flashed a touch of bitterness: "although I know, this may be very small, but I still hope that your confidence in him, is correct!"

"Yes, of course!" Beigong Xianer is full of confidence!


They chatted at will, and as the night went on, they went to the first floor of the Inn and ordered a few dishes to eat slowly.

Dark Ling Huangyou night way: "fairy son, why do you want him to participate in the Dan king contest?"

Beigong Xianer said: "I want him to see the world. You don't know, this guy is arrogant and domineering all day long. He always thinks that the world is the first. His temper, of course, doesn't matter in the Tianying empire. But once he gets to the Tianmo palace, he will surely suffer a lot!"

Dark Ling Yuyou night way: "so, you let him come, suffer a little setback?"

Beigong Xianer said: "he is already the fourth grade Dan king. At ordinary times, he always thinks that his Dan master's talent is invincible in the world. If he comes to participate in the Dan King's competition for hegemony, he will certainly be frustrated, and his temper will certainly be restrained, so as to avoid going to the sect and suffer losses!"

After hearing Beigong Xianer say that Tang Long is the fourth grade Dan king in the night, he is stunned!

he stares at Beigong Xianer: "you, you say, Tang Long is the fourth grade Dan king?"

"Yes The North Palace fairy son nodded: "otherwise, you think he, why can be so arrogant and unrestrained, who all don't see in the eye!"

"No wonder you like him. It seems that he has something special about him." Dark Ling Yuyou nodded at night, but the words turned and said: "it's just that, even if it's like this, I'm afraid it won't be very smooth between you two."

The North Palace fairy son is very firm way: "my heart, only with him, Shun Shun, I will not change!"

"I can see that you like him very much!" Suddenly, his face suddenly changed. His chopsticks fell directly on the table. He had raised his head and was looking at Beigong xian'er!

The face of North Palace fairy son, also become very ugly!

Both of them were pale!

"The food is poisonous, we are poisoned!" Dark Ling Huangyou night clenched her teeth. In her eyes, there was a touch of bone chilling. In her hand, she had two more nine grain elixirs: "quick, eat it!"

He said, throwing the elixir in his hand to Beigong Xianer!

The North Palace fairy son didn't want to think about it. He took the elixir and took it directly!

"Damn it, the gutter capsized Dark Ling Huang you night cursed fiercely, wanted to stand up, but found that, unexpectedly, all over the body is weak!

Although he has eaten the detoxification elixir, it is obvious that this elixir can not suppress the poison he is in at this time!

Beigong xian'er is already looking around!

She had been having dinner and chatting with dark Ling Huangyou at night, but she didn't notice that when the guests in the restaurant on the first floor of the inn were only left with them, even the shopkeeper and the clerk disappeared!Just as they were about to stand up, dozens of soldiers in green came quickly, holding blue swords!

These people came to Beigong Xianer and surrounded them!

"Who are you?" Dark Ling Huangyou night clenched her teeth, and her face was extremely gloomy: "dare to start with us, I see you are really impatient to live!"

"The two of you have been poisoned by our evil castle, and you will be scattered for three minutes!" A man in Tsing Yi, triumphantly, went to Beigong xian'er and sat down carelessly: "go ahead, there's another person, where is it?"

Beigong xian'er bit his teeth and said, "fierce Devil Castle, I remember that I will go to you!"

"You don't have to look for it. I'll take you right away." The man in Tsing Yi was elated and looked at the North Palace fairy, and said with a shameless smile, "don't worry, you will live a happy life tonight, and there will be many people to serve you!"

The voice dropped, he turned to look at the dark Ling Huangyou night: "although you are a man, but, should also be, there will be brothers like, after all, you are too handsome, maybe, can meet some people's appetite!"

"You want to die!"

Dark Ling Huangyou night by this guy's words, angry all over trembling, that handsome face, are emerging a touch of ferocity, suddenly stood up, but closely followed, but also powerless to sit down!

"Hey, you think it's a common poison?" The man in Qingyi was elated: "I tell you, this kind of poison can not only make people die, but also be weak before death. If you can't get the antidote for a moment or three, you'll surely die!"

Just when the man in Tsing Yi was elated, suddenly, beside Beigong Xianer, a majestic Warcraft suddenly appeared!

It's the ghost tiger of Beigong Xianer!

The ghost tiger, although it has only grown to the level of a Warcraft, but it is already majestic! , the fastest update of the webnovel!