Tang Long's body flashed, and he came to the eyes of the second warrior in Qingyi. His face was icy and his murderous spirit became colder and colder. He stepped on the arm of the warrior with a fierce foot!



The sound of broken bones sounded, and the warrior screamed, shrinking into a mass of pain!

Tang long cold, spit out two words: "antidote!"

"I, I didn't!"


Tang Long also kicked the man out directly. He also kicked the man against the wall. The wall was smashed with a big hole. Among the stones flying, Tang Long appeared in front of the third warrior!

His face is cold, still spit out cold two words: "antidote!"

"Those who have the antidote didn't come in just now. Now, they may have run away!" The warrior looked at Tang Long with fear: "we have no antidote!"

"Who are you?" Tang Long asked coldly.

"We, are, the people of the evil castle!"

"Where is the evil castle?"

"Two kilometers to the East, that's the biggest mansion!"


Tang Long's gloomy voice fell, and his body flashed. He had already arrived at Beigong xian'er, but suddenly, the ghost needle of the yellow spring condensed and flew towards the people in green on the ground like lightning!

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the blood of the ghost of the dark dragon came out of the bottle, and then they took out a needle of their life!

Dark Ling Huangyou night to see Tang long in the hands of the golden elixir, in the pupil, is also a touch of shock!

This is the seven pattern gold elixir!

"Where did this guy's golden elixir come from?" In the night of dark Ling Huang you, he was stunned, but at this time, he still had no strength, and even all over his body, there were faint pain!

Tang Long took the golden elixir to Youming tiger and Chen Chen, and relieved the poison of Youming tiger and Chen Chen Chen. Then, he went to Beigong xian'er, condensed the huangquan needle, and stabbed it like lightning!

Soon, Beigong xian'er's face relaxed a lot, and even, she had the strength to stand up!

"Bad man, help Youye brother quickly!"

Beigong xian'er grabs Tang Long's hand and refuses to let go!

Tang Long didn't want to save the night of dark Ling Huangyou. However, seeing the pleading of Beigong Xianer, he couldn't bear to refuse.

After biting his teeth, he finally walked to the front of the dark Ling Huangyou night, and the needle of huangquan was stabbed one after another. Soon, the dark Ling Huangyou night felt that his strength had recovered a lot, and the pain on his body disappeared completely!

"This guy's medical skills are so terrible. Is it that Xianer's previous meaning is -"

in the night of dark Ling Huangyou, there is a strong expectation!

Tang long had picked up the northern palace fairy and put it on the back of the red flame lion: "Xianer, don't worry, I will save you, certainly!"

At this time, although Tang long had already removed the poison from the Youming tiger and the ghost house, it was impossible to remove the poison from the three quarter dead soul powder in the northern palace immortal son, because the poison in the Youming tiger and the black box was completely different from the poison in the northern palace Fairy!

This kind of poison is extremely domineering. The most important thing is that it is made from the fusion of hundreds of kinds of poisonous drugs. To remove this kind of poison, we must first find out what kind of poison is integrated into this kind of poison!

If Tang Long is given one day or even half a day, he is confident that he can remove the poison!

However, Beigong Xianer now, only half an hour!

Beigong xian'er, sitting in the red flame lion, has already walked to the side of the seriously injured Youming tiger and put it into the animal bag. At this time, the dark Ling Huangyou night also reluctantly walked to the side of the black tiger and took him into the animal bag.

Tang Long is very anxious now!

See dark Ling Huang you night this slow Teng Teng walk appearance, he immediately fierce frown!

He didn't want to save this guy, but he knew that Beigong Xianer wanted dark Ling Huangyou to live at night, so he had to save this guy with him!

After a flash of his body, he immediately picked him up and put it on the back of the red flame lion and behind the northern palace fairy. Then, he urged the red flame lion to fly forward!


With a roar, the red flame lion rushed out of the inn directly and flew away in the direction of the fierce devil's castle!

Tang Long's body flash, is also jumping on the back of the red flame lion!

Golden Monkey shrunk, standing on Tang Long's shoulder!

In a flash, the red flame lion was at the gate of the fierce devil's castle. Tang Long jumped down from the back of the red flame lion. He was furious, and his eyes were full of murders. He looked like a raging demon. His momentum was fierce and fierce!

"People from the evil castle, come out and die!"He roared, and his body flashed. He jumped directly from the back of the red flame lion and jumped to the gate of the fierce Devil Castle. The icy and piercing strength has swept out of his body!

Fist, with dazzling silver light, smashed out!

A cold and penetrating momentum swept out of Tang Long's fist and turned into an energy fist, which smashed on the closed door!


The gate was smashed and broken, and the broken wood flew out like an explosion!

"Who dares to break into the evil castle? Don't you want to live?"

Two angry rebukes came, two soldiers in green rushed fiercely from the broken gate!

"Let my immortal son be poisoned, I want to let your fierce Devil Castle vanish in smoke and ashes!" In Tang Long's eyes, it was cold and murderous. He jumped up directly. His body turned into a whirlwind. He used Fengshen's legs and kicked forward with lightning!

Leg shadow flying, two warriors, directly kicked more than ten meters, landed on the ground, is motionless!

Tang Long has rushed forward!


Red flame lion roared, carrying the northern palace fairy and dark Ling huangyouye, also followed Tang long, and rushed forward madly. Tang Long's golden monkey, at this time, returned to Tianling garden and disappeared!

Although at this time, because of Beigong Xianer poisoning, Tang Long is very anxious and angry, but he did not lose his cool!

He knows that he doesn't have much time!

On the back of the red flame lion, when dark Ling Huangyou saw Tang long at night, he seemed to be a madman. If he met anyone, he would hit him with a fist and fly him out. He knew in his heart that Tang Long was very important to Beigong Xianer!

He is also in the North Palace fairy's ear, gently way: "you this villain, to you really is very good!"

Beigong xian'er didn't say anything.

Of course, she knew that Tang Long was very good to her. Before, on the way to whirlwind City, Beigong Xianer knew this. At this time, when she saw Tang long in front of her, she felt like a crazy attack. She couldn't help but feel a surge of sweetness in her heart.

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