"Bad guys, they are always so greedy. Don't look at them any more and talk about business!" North Xiang xian'er's hand swayed in front of Tang Long's eyes, interrupted his greedy eyes and said, "I was in the auction house before. Do you know why I want to buy that bloody jade pendant?"

Tang Long said casually, "you like it. We'll buy it tomorrow."

Listen to Tang Long say so, North Palace fairy son immediately, again happy sweet for a long time.

After a pause, she explained happily: "tell you, there is a secret in that jade pendant. It's a treasure map!"

Tang Long was thinking about whether he wanted to be better. He chewed on the little witch. His mind was in a mess. When he heard the three words of the treasure map, he was stunned and immediately responded: "what do you say? Treasure map? "

"Well!" Beigong xian'er answered, and his white palm stretched out in front of Tang long.

On her palm, there are four blood red jade pendants!

as like as two peas, all as like as two peas, the size, the pattern, the texture, and even the rope worn on the jade peg are exactly the same!

Tang Long Eye suddenly flashed a splendor: "my little devil, you mean, these four jade peas in the middle..."


Bei Gong xian'er gets up from Tang Long's arms with a happy smile. Then, he puts four jade pendants on the table and overlaps them with each other according to the patterns of the jade pendants. Then, he bends the ropes on the four jade pendants into a very strange shape!

Four jade pendants and four ropes have been bent into a strange figure. With the pattern on the jade pendant, it has become a very strange array!


Tang longan Tong congeals, he knows this array!

At this time, in this aura array, above the four overlapping jade pendants, the blood red light has slowly overflowed!

The light is more and more bright, shining in the air, gradually two meters in the air, gathered together, and even condensed into a complete map!

on the map, there are blood red characters:

ancient tomb of heaven!

The Lord of the 308th generation of Yu Nai Gu's Shenzong did not think that he failed to strengthen the large gate, which led to the disaster of destroying the gate. When he left, he sealed the secret treasures and inheritance of the clan in Yu's ancient tomb, leaving it to be opened by those who are destined to do so!

The ancient diaotan tomb is located in the Cangmang mountain of Xuyun continent. In the tianfengshen grottoes, ordinary people are not allowed to enter without permission. The only way to do this is to have a jade pendant and a Dan master who is more proficient in the array!


After reading these words, Tang Long's eyes suddenly flashed a thick surprise!

Beigong Xianer is also very surprised!

It has inherited the 308 belt sect. Even if it is weak, it can't be weak. It may even be a strong one. How much value is the accumulated inheritance of such a clan?!

At this time, Tang Long has made a decision to get the tomb!

The Tang family has just been established. Now, there is no strong foundation at all. If such a heritage can be obtained, then Tang Long thinks that the power of Tang government will be greatly developed!

This is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

He looked at Beigong Xianer: "Xianer, darling, we must go to find this ancient tomb of heaven!"

Beigong xian'er was extremely intimate when she heard Tang long call her name. Suddenly, her pretty face turned red. She glanced at this guy, but she reminded him: "bad guy, didn't you look at it? It says on it, this ancient diaotan tomb is in the Xuyun land! "

"Virtual cloud land!" Tang Long Leng Leng Leng, followed slightly frown: "this how to go?"

Beigong Xianer said: "now, we can't go, but if you go to Tianmo palace and become a disciple, you will have a chance to go to Xuyun land."

"Outside disciple?" Tang Long was stunned.

Beigong Xianer explained: "our ancient sect has rules for recruiting disciples. At the beginning, we are all preparatory disciples. After promotion, we can become external disciples, and then we can become inner disciples."

Tang Long was suddenly depressed: "what do you need to do to become an outsider?"

"It's very simple to become a foreign disciple. As long as you have reached the level of Wu Jun and passed the examination, you can become a foreign disciple. If you become the top ten of the external disciples, you can be more free to use the space wormhole!"

"Wu Jun realm!" Tang long thought, it seems not very difficult, after all, he is now King Wu's first priority.

He asked, "what are the requirements of the inner disciples?"

"Beigong Xianer said:" if you have reached the level of wuzun, and you have made certain contributions to the sect, you can become the inner disciple. " After a pause, he said, "it takes some time to become an inner disciple."

"If that's the case, then try to find a way to become a foreign disciple first." Tang Longdao.

He was looking forward to the tomb.

After a pause, he asked again, "by the way, when can the disciples of the ancient sect establish their own sect, or can they form a force by themselves?""At least, we should reach the level of a pioneer!" Beigong xian'er stopped and looked at Tang long. The demon laughed: "I know, you bad guy, you have extraordinary ambition, don't you?"

Tang Long laughs and intentionally changes the topic: "my ambition, I quickly eat my fairy son!"


Beigong xian'er Qiao blushed and spat softly. He put the four jade pendants in Tang Long's hand: "this one is for you to keep. Don't lose it!"

Tang Long was stunned.

The girl handed him such an important thing so simply!

if he didn't understand it, he would be an idiot!

"You'd better put it here. I'm in a mess all day. If you're not careful, don't lose it!" Tang Long put the four jade pendants back in the hands of Beigong Xianer and held her in his arms again: "anyway, this place, we are going to go together!"

"Well." The North Palace fairy son joyfully should a, will the jade pendant, put away again.

Next, they chatted casually for a while.

Seeing that it was very late, and Tang Long began to be a little dishonest. Beigong xian'er was worried about "something wrong", so she was firm and determined to drive him out of her room!

She had to do this, she was afraid, a bad, will make a big mistake!

"As long as he can become an inner disciple, even if he can achieve something, there will be no obstacles between me and him, and then I will give him!" Beigong Xianer secretly thought, filled with expectation, but also a little nervous.

The requirements of inner disciples are very high. It is even more difficult to marry her!

Tang long, can he achieve it?!

The most important thing is, how long does it take for Tang long to become an inner disciple and achieve something?!

Don't wait for decades, that's bad!

"In the future, we must let him practice hard and never relax for a moment. Otherwise, when can I marry him?" Beigong xian'er thought quietly, and suddenly found that he wanted to give himself to Tang long. Suddenly, he had a heart and couldn't stop jumping up!

"It's all caused by you, a bad man!"

She gently coquettish a voice, that exquisite beautiful face, but naturally, emerged a touch, extremely intoxicating sweet smile.

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