Tang Long's voice dropped and he stopped. Looking at the young and old, he continued: "however, although your poison can be removed, but your strength, if you want to recover, within three years, I'm afraid it will be very difficult. I think you should also be very clear about it!"

"I know that the strength of our warrior can not be restored, but there is still hope for the strength of our Dan division." "Three years later, when our agreement is completed, I will go to look for medicinal materials to restore mental strength," said situ gang

"Good!" Tang Long nodded happily.

Although he wanted the old man to stay in the Tang mansion, he could not say that now!

Of course, he also has his own ideas!

Now, in this remote place, it's very difficult to find herbs to recover the soul trauma. But in the future, once you enter the ancient sect, once you arrive at the Ziyou continent, everything will be hard to say!

after all, he has the red flame lion and the powerful technology of refining miraculous elixir. At that time, he will look for some herbs to restore the soul trauma Not easy?!

And now, he is still playing Ouyang qian'er's idea!

Such a good-looking girl, there is such a powerful teacher behind, Tang Long thinks, if this girl, marry Tang que, that is also a good choice, of course, Tang que has Gu Tianshuang!

"It seems that you can let the storm thunder and lightning, add fuel!"

Tang long thought secretly!

Just now the old man said that his vitality could not be restored. Naturally, Tang Long didn't care about this, because Tang Long was 100% sure that he could recover his strength quickly!

Therefore, he must leave the old man in the Tang mansion!

Ouyang qian'er of course did not know that Tang Long was playing her idea. At this time, she was happy. After all, her master's poison wound could finally be cured!

She has been working hard these years!

Her master's poison injury is very serious. Every time she attacks, she is still in pain. After the attack, for three months, she will be weak and unable to do anything!

This kind of poison, every year, will attack twice!

Ouyang qian'er is most worried about her master. One day, she suddenly suffers from poisoning and dies. What can I do?!

Looking at Tang long, she couldn't help but urge: "Hey, you can detoxify my master within three days, so now, anyway, there's nothing wrong with it. Is this going to start?"


Tang Long readily agreed.

Turning to look at Ye Mutian: "emperor, it's not early, you go back first, or you can rest here with me!"

"Ha ha, I'd better go back. I have a lot of things to deal with tomorrow morning." Ye Mu Tian said, already stood up.

Tang long did not delay. He took Ouyang qian'er and situ Gang together and went into a training room. He put a drop of situ Gang's blood and studied it carefully. In less than an hour, the result was achieved!

"You wait for me outside. I'll come out soon!" Tang long looked at situ gang and Ouyang Qian and said.


They nodded together, then got up and went out.

Tang Long closed the door, took out the heaven and earth tripod, refining poison pill, to attack poison with poison!

In less than half an hour, he had refined four golden elixirs, one of which was toxic and the other three were detoxification.

Go out and give a poison pill to situ Gang: "take it."

When situ gang saw that Tang Long took out a seven grain gold elixir, he was stunned: "you, you made your own gold elixir?"

"Eat it!" Tang long light road.


Situ Gang hesitated a little, ate the poison pill, Tang Long with the huangquan God needle, began to help situ Gang treatment, not far away, Ouyang qian'er is anxiously waiting.

For an hour, situ Gang suddenly passed out!

"What's going on?"

Ouyang qian'er was shocked and stood up in a hurry. He was about to run over, but Tang Long stopped him: "don't come here. Don't touch him. I promise that in another hour, his poison will disappear completely."

Listen to Tang Long say so, Ouyang Qian son, gently vomit a breath, but still a face nervous!

At this time, situ Gang's face was still black, and even his whole body began to turn black. Ten minutes later, his whole body was dark!

He's still in a coma!

At this time, Tang Long finally walked over and fed a golden elixir into situ Gang's mouth. Within ten minutes, situ gang was completely dark, and he began to retreat. Tang Long again fed a golden elixir to situ Gang!

then, Tang Long began to give situ Gang a golden elixir again!

An hour passed.

At this time, situ Gang's face had returned to ruddy, but he was still lying on the ground, sleeping soundly!

Looking at situ Gang's appearance at this time, Tang Long also felt a long sigh of relief. He knew that at this time, situ Gang's poison injury had been completely relieved. However, he had been poisoned for a long time and needed to be recovered for a long time!He took out a bottle of golden elixir and sent it to Ouyang qianer's hand: "take this, give it to your master. When your master wakes up, let him take one every day. Within ten days, he will be able to recover completely. Moreover, the necrotic meridians in these years can gradually recover."


Ouyang qian'er, took the pill bottle in Tang Long's hand.

Tang long at this time, but looking at Ouyang qian'er curiously asked: "you also learn to make weapons with your master?"

"Of course On Ouyang qian'er's pretty face, a touch of pride appeared: "my master said that I am a born craftsman, but what I am good at is arranging various defensive arrays!"

"Oh, that's just right!" Tang Long smile: "I can give you a kind of array!"

"What formation?"

"Defensive array, nine Yao Tiangang formation!" Tang Long said: "this array is divided into nine layers. Of course, with your master's ability, now, it is very good to arrange three layers."

"Tell me about the formation!" Ouyang qian'er is busy.


Tang Long began to teach Ouyang qian'er the Jiuyao Tiangang array. This array is a kind of Tiangang array specially used to defend against foreign invaders. Once the array is launched, its defense will be extremely amazing!

To arrange this array, you need to arrange dense energy crystal stones at the bottom of the array. Moreover, you need to build various rockery pillars on it, and even plant trees with various attributes!

It's very demanding to arrange this array!

However, Tang Long is planning to arrange the nine Yao Tiangang array in the Tang mansion!

Of course, at this time, it is a miracle that the Tangfu site can be arranged with three floors of Jiuyao Tiangang array. If you want to arrange more than four floors, it's just that the site is too small!

If you want to arrange a nine story nine Yao Tiangang array, you need at least the size of Tianying city. If the array is successfully arranged, all the areas covered by the array will be protected!

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