Tang Long and Ouyang qian'er soon met situ gang in a training room.

At this time, situ Gang, compared with yesterday, looks much better. He seems to be in a better state of mind than yesterday.

Now, situ Gang gives people a feeling of being hale and hearty.

When situ gang saw Tang long, he felt a deep gratitude in his eyes: "Tang long, I really don't know what to say. I didn't expect that your medical skills were so excellent. I really appreciate it!"

"You are welcome!" Tang Long smile: "you look for me, what's the matter?"

"It's about the snake you gave qian'er!" Situ Gang's voice dropped, and he said, "the scales of the lock sky Python are many and very strong. It's not easy to make armour, and the loss is too big!"

Tang Long said, "how do you plan to use these scales?"

"I intend to make a shield!" Situ Gang said, "I've tried it. If you like, I can make all these scales into shields, and surely all of them can reach the quality of medium quality artifact."

"What!" Tang Long's eyes suddenly widened!

It's extremely rare to have a medium-sized artifact. Can it be made so easily?!

What's more, there are hundreds or even thousands of scales of the snake. It's too exaggerated to make them into artifact shields!

He looked at situ Gang: "you really can do it?"

"It's a fluke, too!" In situ Gang's eyes, there was also a touch of excitement: "to tell you the truth, I once got a kind of rare meteorite iron 500 years ago. Although this kind of meteorite iron is very tough, it can not be integrated into any other metal. I have been reluctant to use this meteorite iron, so I kept it!"

"And now?"

"Yesterday, I happened to find that the scales of lock sky Python seem to be made of strange materials. So I tried it and found that the scales could absorb my meteorite steel!"

In Tang Long's heart, he suddenly jumped fiercely: "what do you mean..."

"Fused with the scale of meteorite iron, the strength has increased hundreds of times, has become a rare treasure!"

Tang long felt that his scalp was a little numb: "what do you mean, all the scales have absorbed meteorite iron, have..."

"Not bad!" At this time, situ Gang's eyes also had a touch of maneuver: "these scales, just need to depict some Rune arrays, and then, use the yellow spring water to make them, all of which can be turned into artifact shields easily!"

"Then make it a shield." Tang Long was in a hurry.

"Good!" Situ just nodded: "it's just that I didn't notice the abnormality at the beginning, so I wasted some scales. These scales can be made into a pair of armor!

"Armor?" Tang Long said: "artifact armor?"

"Not bad!" Situ Gang nodded: "this armor should have a very strong defense ability. I have a name called golden armor."

"It doesn't matter what the name is. Let's make it first." Tang Longdao.


Situ just nodded.

Next, situ just went to work. He took out the scales and began to make them.

Making this shield is completely different from making weapons, because the scales do not need to be changed at all, or even need not be made at all. They just need to melt into the water of the netherworld, depict runes, and input the soul of the weapon!

Soul, Tang long can provide!

Only a drop of the blood of the god beast, coupled with the Rune of situ Gang, can make the scales have the best soul!

Si tugang, has begun to be busy!

At this time, Tang Long began to teach Ouyang qian'er to arrange the nine Yao Tiangang array. Moreover, Ouyang qian'er was also asked to take time to prepare those things for array arrangement. Because, in order to arrange the array, a lot of things need to be prepared in advance!

Qin Ziyi and xiaoqueer did not come to see Tang long.

At present, they are also very busy, because the Tang mansion is expanding, and at this time, more than half of the tower required by Tang Long has been built. With Ye Mutian's support, there is no shortage of craftsmen, and the progress of the project is fast!

High tower, Tang Long is specially built for that magic pill!

There is a high tower in the middle, called Tianwang tower, and the five lower towers around it are called Juling pagoda!

Under the five towers, according to the requirements of Tang long, the spirit gathering array is arranged. This is to make the divine pill come, safe and comfortable, and survive here!

In order to start construction as soon as possible and arrange the array in the Tang mansion, Tang Long asks Qin Ziyi to prepare what he needs, while seizing time to teach Ouyang qian'er.

After a full day's work, it was late at night, and Tang longcai finally explained to Ouyang qian'er the mysterious control of the first three layers of the Jiuyao Tiangang battle. As for the changes and the ingenious way of arrangement, Ouyang qian'er needs to ponder and digest it slowly!It's not easy to arrange the nine Yao Tiangang array!

Fortunately, Tang Long was not in a hurry at this time. After all, there was still a lack of materials for arranging the array, and the infrastructure of the Tang mansion was not completed.

Of course, in order to arrange the array, at this time, the various structures of the Tang mansion have to be divided according to the requirements of the Tang dragon. This is to make sure that when everything is ready, the nine Yao Tiangang array can be arranged at the fastest speed.

Busy for a day, the dead of night, Tang long can not rest!

Qin Ziyi and xiaoque'er, seeing Tang Long busy nearby, neither of them went to rest and sat beside him.

Tang Long is very serious!

He took out a small bottle, which contained a drop of blood in the dark night.

Since we have promised others, we should try our best to finish it.

He wants to detoxify Youye!

After a full night, Tang Long finally mastered some special poisons contained in the blood. He believed that one more day tomorrow would be sure to remove the toxin in the blood!

Look at the time, it is midnight, Tang Long is no longer busy.

Next to him, Qin Ziyi and Xiao Que'er are still waiting for Tang long. Seeing that Tang Long is finished, Qin Ziyi asks, "dragon, do you want to rest?"

"Well." Tang Long nodded, his face also showed a little tired.

Xiaoque'er quickly came over and supported Tang Long: "young master, I will serve you and go to wash. I have prepared some of the prescriptions you told me before, which can relieve fatigue."


Tang Long nodded and held the little bird.

Xiaoque'er's pretty face turned red. Then, she went to the warm pool behind with Tang long.

The next day, Tang Long got up very late. It was Beigong Xianer who woke him up in the heart of Tang long, because today's Dan Wang competition is about to start!

Tang Long got up in a hurry and sighed in his heart. Last night, he was too greedy to sleep so heavily!

Qin Ziyi also woke up.

She gently gets up and helps Tang Long clean up. Then, Tang Long appears in front of Beigong Xianer with huixinmen.

Beigong Xianer was angry with him. He went to take part in the Dan King competition with him.

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