"Now, start to distribute the herbs!"

Muye Lingfeng's voice dropped, and he waved to the competition platform!

Soon, more than 20 martial artists came up to the competition platform, one by one holding a tray. In the tray, there were many kinds of medicinal materials. These medicinal materials, of course, were used to refine Guixi pills!

The medicinal materials were placed in front of twenty Dan masters!

Tang Long took the medicinal materials that belonged to him, checked them, and then took a deep breath!

Although, he is proud of the level of refining elixir, but at this time, also dare not have the slightest carelessness!

After all, this is the refining of guixidan!

Muye Lingfeng has announced in a deep voice: "now, the competition begins, each person has five opportunities to refine Guixi pill. The time is three hours. After three hours, the rank will be determined according to the quality of the elixir!"

When his voice dropped, the Dan masters began to be busy!

all the people under the stage were watching carefully. Seeing these Dan kings, they began to distribute medicinal materials and make various preparations.

It is impossible to refine a single pill and then prepare the herbs for refining the second one. This not only wastes time, but also distracts the attention of the Dan master and reduces the success rate of refining the elixir.

Therefore, they will be ahead of time, the medicinal materials will be separated, and then, one by one, refining the elixir!

Tang Long also operates in the same way!

time is in a hurry, and twenty minutes later!

At this time, most of the Dan Masters had already begun to refine the elixir, and Tang long had already begun to refine the first one!

Beigong Xianer was a little nervous under the stage, because she knew that it was difficult to refine Guixi pill!

"This bad man, it will be done!"

Beigong xian'er thought secretly, her fist was tightly clenched and her heart was beating nervously.

For Tang long this competition, she has more expectations.

If Tang long can win the first place in this competition, then after Tang Long enters the demon palace, he will surely get another look. This is very beneficial to their future!

The most important thing is that Beigong Xianer knows very well that Tang Long wants to join more than one sect!

This is an absolute special case!

If Tang long does not show enough surprise, this unprecedented thing will never be accepted by any ancient sect!

"Come on

Beigong xian'er couldn't help but shout.

But at this time, she even saw that Tang long, who was refining the elixir, was also looking at her. In her eyes, there was a faint smile, which seemed to be saying, let her rest assured.

Not far away, dark Ling Yuyou night's heart, is also nervous!

Twenty Dan masters in competition, the first, she must get, to be included in the tianxie sect!

This is what she came here for, the ultimate purpose!

Lost a Tang long, can no longer put the first, also to lose, such a loss, will let her have a sense of frustration!

After all, it's the first time she's been on such a mission!

On the competition platform, the Dan masters, in the intense refining of miraculous elixir, the thick fragrance of medicine, diffused. The whole square was filled with strange fragrance, smelling a kind of smell. The martial artists under the competition platform, one by one, felt refreshed!

These medicinal materials, after all, are good for people, taste, can also make people relaxed and happy!

Not to mention, so many alchemists, refining elixir together, will surely let the aura of heaven and earth converge towards this side!

While enjoying the very comfortable air, they were watching the competition of Dan masters on the stage, but they didn't know. At this time, under the stage, among the tens of thousands of people watching, some of them were quietly retreating!

They're slow and slow!

Originally, they are mixed in all the people, different directions, but at this time, but gradually, moved to the most peripheral crowd!

If someone pays close attention, they will be able to see that the pupils of these people are all stained with a touch of strange blood red. In their eyes, this blood red is like a leaping flame, burning quietly!


Suddenly, on the test bench, in a Dan Ding, the sound of explosion broke out!

A Alchemist's elixir, refining failed!

Although they are all the king of Dan, and even the king of Jiupin Dan, there is still a high failure rate in refining Guixi pill. In this case, it is extremely difficult to refine the golden elixir!

Time goes by!

Finally, all the Dan masters in the competition had finished refining the first elixir, and Tang long, of course, had already finished refining the first elixir.

Twenty Dan masters have succeeded in refining only nine tortoise breath pills!

Eleven of them burst to pieces!

The elixir who successfully refined the tortoise breath elixir produced the best quality elixir, but it was only the five pattern elixir!Tang Long refined a miraculous elixir with one grain!

He looked up at Beigong Xianer under the stage, and there was a faint smile in his mouth!

Beigong xian'er's pretty face shows a slight blush, some sweet joy in the heart, but a little blame.

This villain, she asked him to refine a grain of miraculous elixir, just joking, but he, at such an important time, actually refined a one grain elixir!

"At this time, you are still joking with me!"

Beigong xian'er clenched his small fist and waved it to Tang long!

Of course Tang Long saw it!

With a faint smile, he continued to refine Guixi pill.

Through the successful refining of the first elixir, Tang long had a good grasp of the preparation of Guixi pill. Therefore, it was easy to refine without any tension.

Time is in a hurry!

In a flash, an hour and a half passed!

At this time on the test bench, Dan masters, most of them began to refine the fourth turtle breath pill!

Tang Long also began to refine the fourth Guixi pill.

The first three, he did not once fail, and, unexpectedly, all are, refined out of a grain of elixir!

Beigong xian'er was under the stage. She was very angry, but she couldn't help it. The villain, one joke is enough. How can you make jokes one after another? It's not serious!

She now, have a little regret, had known this, before she, did not play that joke with him!

"Villain, the fourth, we must refine a golden elixir!"

She thought to herself!

on the competition platform at this time, all the Dan masters only refined the miraculous elixir, and the highest quality was only the six pattern elixir. Moreover, every Dan master had failed at least twice!

Although Tang Long refined a grain of elixir, but the success rate, is 100%!

Therefore, although his achievement is not good, but it is also to let the people under the stage look at him differently. After all, the success rate for a Dan teacher is often more important than refining high-quality elixir!

In general, the requirements for the success rate of miraculous elixir or golden elixir are not particularly strict!

the requirements for the success rate of alchemy of alchemy masters are extremely harsh. After all, holy drugs or elixirs are too rare. If refining fails, the loss will be too heavy!

It is also because of this, so, this time's competition, will ask for refining Guixi Dan!

This is to test the success rate of alchemy!

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