Prince Zhou Hongguang, staring at Zhou Hongming, said in a deep voice: "you have no ambition of a wolf. How can you suddenly return home at this time?"

"I suddenly returned home, of course, because of some people's ulterior motives!" Zhou Hongming said in a deep voice, "who is most proud of his father's assassination? I don't think I need to tell you this clearly."

Hearing this, the eyes of several princes of the tiger Empire all fell on Zhou Hongguang. Everyone knows that if the emperor dies now, the biggest beneficiary is Zhou Hongguang!

After all, he is now the prince!

Most importantly, because of the lieying Shenzong incident and the pressure of the ancient clan, Zhou Hongguang, the crown prince, is in danger. It is very likely that he will be abandoned!

Zhou Hongguang looked gloomy, staring at Zhou Hongming: "are you accusing me?"

"I don't mean who is responsible!" Zhou Hongming was full of momentum: "I'm just talking about the matter. Now, whoever stops me from treating my father's disease is the culprit."

"Grand Marshal of the eagle Empire, to cure my father's injury, you are insulting our IQ!" Zhou Hongguang said in a deep voice!

Just at this time, a Dan teacher came out of the inner room in a hurry: "no, the emperor can't do it!"

"What's going on?"

Several princes, are staring at this Dan division, a face, are extremely nervous, but at this time, Prince Zhou Hongguang is slightly bow, his eyes, flashing a touch of joy!

As long as the emperor is dead, he, the crown prince, will immediately be able to take over the throne!

Zhou Hongming was very anxious and turned to look at Tang long.

Tang long stood there with Ye Qingling. He didn't act rashly. If he started rashly, he would be very passive. After all, at this time, he was in the palace of the tiger Empire, not in the eagle empire!

Here, although Tang Kuo and they are all here, how can there be no strong men in the palace of the tiger Empire?!

After all, at this time, the emperor of the tiger Empire has just been assassinated, and all the princes have arrived again. The palace is now the most tightly defended moment!

He can't act rashly!

He can only wait for Zhou Hongming to solve the problem!

At this time, Prince Zhou Hongguang began to give orders by virtue of his status as the Prince: "all bodyguards, listen to my orders. Except for the Dan division of the tiger Empire, no one else is allowed to approach his father. Anyone who violates this order will be killed without mercy."

Hearing Zhou Hongguang's order, all the princes' faces changed slightly!

If it continues, the situation will be controlled by the crown prince. No matter how it develops, these princes will be extremely passive!

First of all, Zhou Tiantai, the eldest prince, stood out: "prince, although my father is in critical condition, he is still alive. Although you are the prince, it is not up to you to give orders. At least, there is my elder brother here."

Zhou Hongguang stares at Zhou Tiantai coldly: "why, is it difficult? Do you want the Grand Marshal of the eagle Empire to kill his father?"

Zhou lie, the fifth Prince's son, who had not spoken for a long time, stood up at this time: "my father is in critical condition. Anyway, as long as anyone can cure his father and let him out of danger, then we should let him go to see him!"

"Not bad!" Zhou Hongming answers with a loud voice!

At this time, there was a Dan master, a pale face ran out: "no, the emperor lost too much blood, maybe, maybe, not much time!"

"What!" Hearing this, even if it was Tang long, he felt a little anxious at this time!

His eyes fell on Zhou Hongming!

Zhou Hongming is also in a hurry!

He glared at Zhou Hongguang: "do you want the people I've come to treat my father?"

"No Zhou Hongguang stood directly in front of Zhou Hongming and blocked him. At the same time, he waved: "come on, look at these people. Who dares to act recklessly and kill without mercy!"

Fourth Prince Zhou Mingqi, at this time also know, can't not speak!

He also stood up and looked at Zhou Hongguang and said: "prince, at this time, the father's life is in danger. We should all seize a chance. How can you stop others from treating his father at this time?"

"He is the Grand Marshal of the Empire of the eagle. How can he heal his father?" Zhou Hongguang angrily said: "if you let the people of Tianying Empire go in? In case of any accident, who will be responsible for it? "

"I'll take care of it!" Zhou Hongming said in a loud voice: "if my father is dead, I'll thank you with my death!"

Hearing what Zhou Hongming said, the eldest prince immediately said, "since the three brothers have said so, we have no reason to stop the people invited by the third brother from treating the father. If you want to stop him again, we can only suspect you and have ulterior motives!"

Zhou Hongguang looked gloomy: "do you want to rebel?"

"I think you're going to rebel!" Zhou Hongming glared at the prince and angrily exclaimed, "the father's life is hanging on the line, but you don't let anyone treat him. If the father is unfortunate, who will take the responsibility? Are you?"

"Unfortunately for my father, this is the incompetence of Dan Shi!" Zhou Hongguang said angrily, "how can you wrongly treat me?"Zhou Hongming no longer paid attention to Zhou Hongguang and turned to look at other princes: "brothers, I put my words here, let me ask the people to treat my father. If my father is lucky enough to die, I promise not to receive this credit. However, if my father dies unfortunately, I am willing to take full responsibility and hope the family will support me!"

"I support you!"

"I also support you. Let the people of Tianying Empire go and have a look!"

"We all support it!"


Several princes stood on Zhou Hongming's side in an instant. After all, now they don't want to watch their father and die!

Zhou Hongming saw that they were all on his side, and his confidence was greatly increased!

Staring at Zhou Hongguang, he said in a deep voice: "now, if the prince doesn't let my people treat his father, then it's the prince's responsibility to pass away his father's death, that is, the crown prince indirectly kills his father!"

"Not bad!" The eldest prince was the first to approve of Zhou Hongming's words: "if the father dies unfortunately, the crown prince should take full responsibility."

"The crown prince is in full charge." The fifth Prince is also a big voice!

At this time, at this juncture, they can take the opportunity to trample on the prince, which is naturally the best choice. Therefore, at this time, they all point their spearheads at the prince. After all, when the emperor is dead, the prince is the biggest beneficiary. Only when they trample on the prince can they have a chance to fight for the throne!

The prince's face is livid!

Although he was in power, at this time, so many princes were present, and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty were concentrated outside the hall, and there were many martial arts around him. Even if he had some arrangements, he could not suppress all the forces of the prince for a time!

at this time, another Dan master rushed out and yelled: "no, the emperor can't!"

"Prince, get out of the way!"

Zhou Hongming was in a hurry. His sword seemed to be about to start!

Other princes are also staring at Zhou Hongguang!

Zhou Hongguang is relieved at this time.

The emperor is no longer able to do so. At this time, Tang Long is allowed to go in and the man is dead. He has no responsibility to get rid of Zhou Hongming by the way!

People are not dead, or at least half dead. He, the prince, has many opportunities to approach the emperor and look for opportunities. As long as he starts a little bit, the emperor dies, and he still has no responsibility! , the fastest update of the webnovel!