Zhou Yuanbo said seriously: "you can rest assured that your identity will not be told to anyone."

Tang Long nodded slightly, and then he continued: "in order to cover my secret mission, I now have many identities, one of which is the Grand Marshal of Tianying empire. I wish you knew that!"

Zhou Yuanbo was curious and asked, "since you are a member of the ancient clan, are you from the Tianying Empire?"

Tang long did not explain, and continued: "I believe that you should understand my identity as a Grand Marshal of the army and horses. What is it for? You should also be able to guess why I have this identity!"

In Zhou Yuanbo's eyes, there was a flash of essence!

He stopped for a moment and said solemnly, "I understand. The ancient clan did not allow them to participate in the national struggle. You did this to facilitate the investigation of the lieying Shenzong and Heisha sect. Presumably, the emperor of Tianying Empire also knows your identity!"

"Not bad!" Tang Long nodded his head and said solemnly: "my identity, except the emperor of Tianying Empire, now, only you know. I believe that now, you should know why I suddenly appear here!"

"I see, you are carrying out the secret mission of the holy heart!" Zhou Yuanbo dropped his voice, followed closely, and said solemnly, "don't worry, I will cooperate with you."

"Good!" Tang Long was very satisfied.

With the secret identity of the holy heart sect, his identity as the Grand Marshal of Tianying Empire immediately became insignificant. It was very easy for him to get all the trust of Zhou Yuanbo!

The most important thing is that at this time, lieying Shenzong was assassinating Zhou Yuanbo, which threatened his life. If Zhou Yuanbo wanted to be safe, he would definitely rely on him, the so-called ancient sect man!

In a few words, he has become an extremely important person in the eyes of Zhou Yuanbo!

Tang Long was secretly proud of his speech. At the same time, he also thanks Ling Qingyao for giving him the jade card. However, at this time, he had heard the sound of footsteps outside.

Tang long looked at Zhou Yuanbo and told him very seriously: "remember my identity, I can't tell anyone!"

"I know!" Zhou Yuanbo nodded quickly.

At this time, the sound of footsteps has arrived at the door. Then, Zhou Hongming and two Danshi come in with big bags and small bags. Zhou Hongming directly gives the medicinal materials to Tang long.

Tang Long asked for these herbs just to support Zhou Hongming!

Now, he's done it!

He took out another golden elixir and gave it to Zhou Yuanbo. Then he turned his head and looked at Zhou Hongming: "prepare a water tank. I want to cook medicine!"

Zhou Hongming asked nervously, "how about my father's injury?"

"It's just too much blood loss. It's no big problem. It'll be OK after a few days of recuperation." Tang Long's light way.

At this time, Zhou Yuanbo, who was on his bed, had completely believed in Tang long. After all, ordinary people, who have such a big hand, directly take out a golden elixir to cure his wounds. Even though there are few people in the whole tiger Empire, they can take out the healing elixir so easily!

Zhou Hongming took people to work. Soon, the water tank was brought. Tang Long prepared the medicine soup and looked at Zhou Yuanbo: "if you soak in the medicine soup for one night, you will be able to recover half of your injury. Next, take these golden elixirs, and within a week, it will be as if you were not injured!"

Then he handed a bottle to Zhou Yuanbo!

Zhou Yuanbo took the bottle and couldn't help opening it. His hands were shaking!

In the bottle, there are seven, all of them are gold elixir, and they are all of high quality!

He believes in Tang Long's identity more and more. Looking at Tang long, he pleads: "this one, this one," whistling for a long time, but he doesn't know what to call Tang Long!

Next to Ye Qingling, she turned her lips and said, "this is my brother dragon!"

"Young dragon warrior!" Zhou Yuanbo said: "these days, can you send someone to protect me, my guard, the casualties are very serious, so I am worried that those assassins will come again!"

Tang Long said seriously: "as long as you are obedient, I will help you arrange everything!"

"Thank you so much." Zhou Yuanbo thank you, and then seriously said: "I will issue an order immediately, and you will be fully responsible for the safety of the palace. What do you think?"

"Yes!" Tang Long nodded with certainty: "it will be very convenient for me to do things with your arrangement like this."

Next to Zhou Hongming, I can't believe it!

At this time, the two Dan masters around Zhou Hongming were totally incredible!

they left for such a short time and came back. The emperor believed Tang long so much that he gave the safety of the palace to Tang long. This is absolutely unreasonable!

Zhou Yuanbo actually handed over the safety of the imperial palace of the tiger Empire to the Grand Marshal of Tianying Empire to take charge of it!


Although Zhou Hongming couldn't think of it, he was very happy!

In any case, he knew that this situation would do him no harm!

In his heart, he was still thinking about what Tang long had done. He even let his father believe him in such a short period of time!He immediately felt that his elder brother was really unpredictable!

At this time, Tang long looked at Zhou Yuanbo and said seriously: "I am responsible for your safety, but I can't be without identity. Otherwise, I'm afraid that I can't transfer the imperial palace guards and obey my orders."

Zhou Yuanbo even said: "this is simple. I can give you a gold medal and an arrow. Seeing a gold medal means seeing me!"

"This is the best!" Tang Long nodded and paused. However, he said, "I think it's most appropriate to give this position to Zhou Hongming. If I hold this position so soon, it will make people suspect. Moreover, some people will have something to say."

"Well, then do as you say!" When Zhou Yuanbo's voice dropped, he looked at Zhou Hongming: "from now on, you are the general of the imperial palace of the tiger Empire, and you have the right to mobilize all the soldiers and generals in the imperial palace!"

"Yes Zhou Hongming agreed in a hurry. In his heart, he was more than happy!

He seems to be dreaming!

Originally, father didn't love his mother. He fell on the ground and was trampled on. Now, all of a sudden, a beggar becomes a prince!

Ye Qingling, beside him, is also very happy. He thinks that his brother is really powerful. In a short time, he is in the tiger Empire and has great power!

Tang long looked at Zhou Hongming and said: "tonight, you can make good arrangements for the affairs here. In addition, you can arrange an embassy for me in a quiet and remote place near the palace. It's better to handle this matter within three days. In these three days, I will be here to help your father heal his wounds."

"Good, good!" Zhou Hongming nodded again and again!

At this time, it seems that Zhou Yuanbo looks good, and he has recovered a lot from his injuries!

In his heart, he couldn't help sighing that the effect of the golden elixir was extremely powerful. He was worthy of being a saint Xin Zong's person, and he was also a person who arranged secretly. He could take out the golden elixir, which was extraordinary!

He looked at Tang Long and said, "I'll call in the important courtiers and some of my princes first, and issue the order. In this way, it will be very convenient for you to go in and out of the palace."

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

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