"Maybe, Xianer is practicing in seclusion and has closed all contact with the outside world." Tang long thought secretly.

Some martial arts practitioners, at the most important juncture of their cultivation, in order to prevent the outside world from disturbing, will enter a kind of Zen state in which things and I forget each other. This kind of Zen state will not be disturbed and concentrate on practicing until a breakthrough is made!

"I hope my guess is right!"

Tang long thought secretly and thought about it. He didn't think that Beigong Xianer would be in danger!

Holding Qin Ziyi and xiaoque'er in his arms, Tang Long thinks of the tiger Empire again. He can't help but think of Dongfang binger again!

At this time, his heart, suddenly had an epiphany!

"I ignored it!"

Tang Long took a cold breath and finally realized that there was a huge black curtain behind the attack!

Taiyi Xianzong!

He always thought that Taiyi immortal had something to do with Heisha sect, but he ignored that Taiyi Xianzong and lieying Shenzong had some relations!

Tang long thought about the last time he was surrounded and killed by more than 30 warriors in the prince's mansion. At that time, among those warriors, there were Falcon deities. However, he also found a man of Heisha sect!

Most importantly, he later saw a cooperation between yingtianhe and ye Wuyuan in the palace!

"It seems that the leader behind it is Ying Tianhe!"

Tang Long took a deep breath!

"It's no wonder that lieying Shenzong can work with me in the Tianying Empire and the tiger Empire at the same time. With yingtianhe, they can use the wormhole of space. In this way, everything can be said!"

"If Ying Tianhe wants to kill me, he will not kill ling'er!"

Tang long thought secretly.

He has fought yingtianhe for many times. He already knows what kind of sinister yingtianhe is. He knows that Ying Tianhe will surely use it to blackmail him if he catches Ye Qingling!

However, Tang Long is still worried about the safety of Ye Qingling and Ling Qingyao!

Especially Ling Qingyao!

Ying Tianhe doesn't kill Ye Qingling, doesn't he kill Ling Qingyao? Unless he thinks, Ling Qingyao can also threaten him!

"If Ying Tianhe threatened me with Ling Qingyao, what would I do?"

Tang Long secretly thought, could not think of the answer!

At this time, Qin Ziyi asked softly in the Tang dragon's arms: "dragon, are you worried about something? Is there something wrong with the tiger Empire? "

"Yes." Just now, the news came from the emperor of the Tang Dynasty

"If so, why don't you go there yet?" Qin Ziyi quickly got up from Tang Long's arms.

Tang Long sighed: "I have been unable to contact ling'er!"


Qin Ziyi's face changed. The little bird beside him was also a little nervous. He was also in a hurry and got up from Tang Long's arms.

They are aware of the seriousness of the situation!

"Two places so far apart, will be attacked at the same time?" she asked

"It's yingtianhe!" Tang Long bit his teeth: "he must have used the space wormhole to direct the action of lieying Shenzong. Unexpectedly, Tianhe should cooperate with lieying Shenzong!"

Xiaoque'er once again doubts: "why should yingtianhe direct such an action? Does he know that you can quickly appear in two places? "


Hearing the words of xiaoque'er, Tang Long was shocked!

Why does Ying Tianhe do this? It is obviously to divert the tiger from the mountain. However, how does he know that there is danger here and I will come back immediately? How could he know that I could be in two places like this?!

After thinking about it, Tang Long immediately figured it out!

Before that, he went to xuanxu mountain to take part in Dan Wang's struggle for hegemony. There were many Taiyi Xianzong people there. How could yingtianhe not know the news that he was taking part in the competition there?!

It was when he participated in the Dan King's struggle for hegemony that Tang mansion was attacked by Heisha sect. At that time, he went back!

What's more, he also met Ying Tianhe, who was disguised as a ghost!

later, he returned to xuanxu platform to participate in the Dan King's competition for hegemony!

"It seems that Ying Tianhe at least knows that I can quickly appear in two places far away!"

Thinking of this layer, Tang long can finally be sure that Ying Tianhe's attack has been well planned, and the purpose is obviously to control his favorite woman, so as to threaten him again and even kill him!

Obviously, this plan, very successful!

Qin Ziyi looked at Tang long, worried: "dragon, ling'er and Qing Yao, are there any strong warriors around them?"

"Yes, there are, but they are far away." Tang Long said: "I'm afraid that Ying Tianhe's action has a clear target. In this case, the situation will be very bad."Tang Long was so anxious that suddenly, deep in his heart, he thought of Ye Qingling's voice: "brother dragon!"


Hearing this sound, Tang Long's heart suddenly surges with a surprise. As long as ye Qingling is still alive, it's good. Through the contact with Ye Qingling, he can easily control the situation there!

"linger, how is your situation there?" Tang Long asked in a hurry.

"They sent warriors from wuzun's three realms to attack us. Moreover, there are three warriors with such strength. Sister Qingyao and I can't beat each other. They caught me!" Ye Qingling said: "however, the martial arts of the holy heart sect have come after us, but the three martial masters of the strong shadow God clan have taken us away!"

"Where have you been?"

"I don't know. We're in a car, dark around!"

"I'm going to save you now!"

"Don't come here first, and then wait!" Ye Qingling said: "now, we haven't run far. When the surrounding area is completely quiet, you can come and save us!"

Of course, Tang long would not wait!

He decided to go to save Ye Qingling immediately!

If you wait for the car to stop over there, maybe you will arrive at the old nest of the strong shadow God clan. At that time, there will be more people of the strong shadow God clan. In that case, even if he wants to save people, it is not easy!

As soon as he appears, the people of lieying Shenzong will kill him immediately, including Ling Qingyao and ye Qingling!

"Ling'er, I can't wait any longer. I'll be right there."

In his heart, after finishing this sentence with Ye Qingling, Tang Long immediately turned his head and looked at Qin Ziyi and Xiao Que'er: "ling'er has contacted me. You are at home. Don't go there. I'm going to save them now!"


Qin Ziyi and xiaoque'er nodded at the beginning.

Tang Long calmed down. Soon, he established a spiritual connection with Ye Qingling again. Five minutes later, he called out the wisdom heart gate!

Qin Ziyi and xiaoque'er, seeing the Huixin gate around Tang long, all of a sudden, are a little worried about looking at Tang long.

"Dragon, be careful!"

"Young master, pay attention to safety!"

Both of them are looking at Tang Long with concern on their faces.

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