"As long as my strength can recover as soon as possible, I can take the initiative."

Tang Long secretly thought, huangquan God needle, in the body like lightning stab, cooperate with the golden elixir, while quickly recover the injury, while restoring his vitality!

His injury is just a sharp pain in the meridians. Although he has pain all over the body, it is extremely easy to recover the injury by virtue of his domineering constitution of the real dragon body, not to mention the coordinated treatment of huangquan Shenzhen and Jindan!

An hour later, his meridians were no longer in pain, and his vitality was not bad.

But at this time, Tang Long suddenly felt a terrible momentum and swept towards him. Ling Qingyao and ye Qingling, of course, had already noticed this momentum!

This momentum, not far from the mountain cave, it is obvious that outside Shandong, someone is moving towards this side, rapidly approaching!

"The people of the shadow God sect, come here!"

By virtue of this cold and evil momentum, Tang long can clearly judge that this is what the martial arts of lieying Shenzong have cultivated, that kind of strange blood red energy!

Ling Qingyao and ye Qingling are both a little nervous!

Ye Qingling looked at Tang Long and said softly, "brother long, it seems that there are many people outside, and it seems that there are wuzun. What should we do?"

"It doesn't matter!"

At this time, Tang Long is not very worried!

He believed that the people of the shadow God sect could find this place, and the people of the holy heart sect would certainly find it.

He just needs, as long as he can, to wait for reinforcements!

At this time, Tang long looked at Ye Qingling and Qin Ziyi and said cautiously, "we must leave this cave, otherwise, they will collapse the cave, and we will be in a bad situation."

Slightly pause, he continued: "wait a minute, you must not attack, just hide behind me!"

Ling Qingyao frowned and said, "I can help you!"

Tang long looked at Ling Qingyao, with a look of domineering authority in his eyes: "you are responsible, take care of ling'er!"

Seeing Tang Long's domineering and majestic eyes, Ling Qingyao wants to refute, but somehow, she can't say any words to refute. After a pause, she has to say: "OK, then, be careful yourself!"

"They're here. Let's go out!"

Once again, the Dragon could not stand out of the cave!

At this time, more than 50 meters away from the cave, more than 30 soldiers with blood robes were approaching Tang long!

Ye Qingling and Ling Qingyao, also have been out of the cave.

Of course, they would not attack. After listening to Tang Long's arrangement, they stood at the entrance of the mountain, cautiously staring at the blood robed men in front of them.

At this time, ye Qingling and Ling Qingyao have already summoned their respective sacred animals and divine beasts.

Ye Qingling's ice wolf has not yet grown up, and its combat power is still very weak. However, at the critical moment, this ice wolf can also play a role!

Lingqingyao's Baize is more powerful!

Last time, Tang Long gave Ling Qingyao a falling moon pill. At this time, Baize's combat power has grown to the level of three-level Warcraft. Although he can't beat wuzun, it's no surprise to defeat Wu Jun!

Tang Long's supernatural beast has also come out of the heavenly spirit garden!

Red flame lion and sky fire demon wolf, back together, to Ling Qingyao and ye Qingling, responsible for protecting the safety of Ye Qingling and Qin Ziyi!

Golden monkey, stand beside Tang Long!

At this time, the golden monkey's eyes twinkled with dazzling gold, wearing gold armour, wearing colorful cloud boots, purple gold crown on the head, and the golden cudgel in his hands, glittered with golden light. It looked like the born God of war, domineering and powerful!

This golden monkey is born with a kind of arrogance!

Tang Long raised his sword eyebrows slightly, and his face was cold. Staring at the people in front of him, he saw a very obvious disdain in his eyes: "bullying the less with more has always been the means of your lieying Shenzong. It's really shameless indeed!"

Among more than 30 blood robed people, one of them has the strength of wuzun's four realms!

The man with blood robed stepped forward and stared at Tang Long and said darkly, "I thought it was the saint Xin Zong who rescued these two girls, but I didn't expect that it was you who rescued them!"

"I am, of course!" Tang Long said haughtily: "depend on you, want to catch my woman, dream!"

"What can you do if you save them? Now, I'm here to kill all three of you!" The man in blood snorted coldly.

At this time, the red flame lion of Tang Long suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared. The roar fell down and followed closely. The wolf king of the wind and snow also roared fiercely. The two roars made the sound go straight to the sky!

The blood robed man, hearing the roar of the Tang dragon beast, immediately saw a touch of anger in his eyes!

He stares at Tang Long: "do you think it's useful to summon reinforcements with supernatural beasts? Those guys of the holy heart sect were attracted by our people, and we can kill you all in a few minutes"You can't kill me Tang Long snorted coldly: "if you have the ability, you old dog, please come and fight with me. Within ten moves, I will surely kill you under the silver dragon halberd!"

The voice falls, Tang Long's hand, already held tightly Silver Dragon halberd!

Silver Dragon halberd in the hand, a rapid rotation, suddenly, layers of purple gold light, from the silver dragon halberd, burst out!

At this time, Tang Long has already used the huangquan God needle to stimulate his own potential and strength, which also started to soar wildly!

"Kill you, I'll do it with one punch!"

The blood robed man stares at Tang long. His voice drops and his blood red energy suddenly bursts out from him. The strength of wuzun's four realms is very important!

His strength is much stronger than the three wuzuns that Tang Long killed before!

After Tang Long's death, ye Qingling and Ling Qingyao are very nervous. They are worried that if one is not good, Tang long will be injured!

Two people, is also in a hurry to gather energy, plan, in the most dangerous time, rush past, at least, can also save Tang Long!

Tang Long took a deep breath and looked at the Wu Zun in front of him. The strength of the golden light and lightning was constantly exploding all over his body. Suddenly, he burst into a drink. On his hands, there were more than one side of his shield, flashing purple light!

Shining shield!


Suddenly, he looked up to the sky and roared!

With the sound of his roar, his body, purple gold flame, like volcanic eruption in general, crazy explosion out!

The flame completely enveloped his whole body. At this time, he was like a purple and golden flame. The God of war who bathed in the fire, even his whole body, was still shining with terrible golden light and lightning!

in the fire, the God of war, who bathed in the fire, was still shining with terrible golden light and lightning!

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