Under the influence of Ling Qingyao's dazzling skill with shield, and in the short-term chaos of the people in blood robe, the attack of Tang Long huangquan ghost needle and energy Throwing Knife actually played a great effect!

Just this moment, dozens of blood robed warriors were injured!

Ling Qingyao's attack is even more fierce!

"covering the rain!"

In the front of her, she was swept by the strong wind, and all of them were swept by the wind!

Even, in this storm, countless silver light spots, like dense rainstorm water drops, are attacking those who are armed with blood in an overwhelming manner!

These silver light spots are just the core of Ling Qingyao's magic skill!

the light spots are the condensation of sword Qi, and their power is amazing!

At this time, the sword in Ling Qingyao's hand has turned into a dense sword shadow, and a little strength condenses into light. It is facing the warrior in the blood robe and attacked by the storm!

In less than 30 seconds, dozens of blood robed warriors will be attacked by vomiting blood upside down!


These blood robed warriors, one by one, are roaring in the sky. At this time, the influence of dazzle on their sight is gradually weakening!

They are about to attack Ling Qingyao and Tang Long together. The two energy dragons, one of which is flaming and the other is flashing ice light!

the red flame lion and the wind and snow wolf king have learned how to fight together. They are worthy of being ancient gods. Several times of attacks, they make these two gods, Found a mutual joint, the strongest means of attack!

One ice and one fire, two energy dragons, bombarded into the blood robed warrior crowd, directly exploded!


The ground was trembling for it, and the strength of cold and fire seemed to be rolling torrent towards the blood robed people in all directions, and they swept away in disorder!

The dense ghost needle of huangquan is attacking again!

At this time, in this dense attack, a terrible golden light, with the sound of the wind, is directly a annihilated, domineering and wild, attacking these people with blood robes!

This is golden monkey's golden cudgel. Attack!


Golden monkey, a golden cudgel, smashed dozens of warriors in blood robes everywhere. Even, the warrior of wuzun's five realms, under continuous attacks, all suffered internal injuries!

"I killed you!"

At this time, the warrior of wuzun's five realms is already angry. His face is distorted because of his anger!

He was about to rush towards the Tang dragon, but suddenly, in front of him, there were dozens of terrifying momentum coming towards this side. These people were not the strong reinforcements of lieying Shenzong!

This is the holy heart!

At last, there are more than 20 warriors of shengxinzong, and each of them has reached the level of wuzun!

these people are not the warriors who were arranged around the eagle Empire Embassy in the Tang Dynasty. This time, the holy heart sect specially dispatched them to encircle the main force of lieying Shenzong Part of it!

These wuzuns, the most powerful, even reached the seven levels of wuzun!

They rushed over, without saying a word, and directly attacked the warriors of the shadow God sect!

But these blood robed men, at this time, began to run away in a hurry, but their strength, compared with the martial arts of the holy heart sect, was far behind!

How can they escape in the face of the attack of these warriors!

All of a sudden, a blood robed man, were killed!

But at this time, when the martial arts of the holy heart sect had a good time, the dazzling purple light broke out again!

This time, the purple light helped the blood robed people indirectly!

suddenly, in the chaos, several blood robed people rushed out directly, while the martial arts of the holy heart sect, one by one, could not see things and could not catch up with them!

the battle was over in a short time!

Unfortunately, because of the influence of the purple light, the blood robed people even ran three or four. However, such an outcome has already satisfied the martial arts of the holy heart sect!

They even shocked!

Looking at Tang Long and Ling Qingyao, they can't believe the facts in front of them!

Tang Long and Ling Qingyao, together with some immature deities, killed so many warriors of lieying Shenzong. Their fighting power is so powerful!

The result is incredible!

at this time, because Tang Long inspired his potential and used the seal of the real dragon, he lost his strength again, and his whole body was in pain!

Ling Qingyao was inspired by the potential, energy consumption is too large, at this time her strength, also suddenly plummeted!

But she's not out of her power yet!Ling Qingyao saw, beside Tang long, suddenly pale, and look is to fall, her heart, suddenly a pain!

She didn't think much about it. She took the fallen Tang long in her arms and held him in her arms. Then, very carefully, she helped him back to the entrance of the mountain and came to Ye Qingling's side.

Tang Long's beast has disappeared.

Tang Long is supported, sitting on the ground, ye Qingling has taken out two bottles, poured out two golden elixirs, and fed them to Tang long.

Those martial artists of the holy heart sect, seeing that ye Qingling took them out casually, were all gold elixirs of high quality. One by one, they couldn't help but look at each other. In their eyes, they were shocked!

At this time, Tang Long's energy was exhausted, and his whole body was in great pain!

But he didn't pass out this time!

He gritted his teeth and held back the strong pain. He sat cross legged and gathered the huangquan needle to help him heal and recover his strength!

Ye Qingling, beside Tang long, waited nervously.

The martial arts of the holy heart sect are on guard.

A martial artist of the holy heart sect in his fifties came to Ling Qingyao and said softly, "you, come with me!"


Ling Qingyao took a look at Tang long, nodded, followed the old man and walked not far away.

Soon, the two people were out of forty or fifty meters, to the cliff a strange cry, the old man, looking at Ling Qingyao, very serious way: "the family came to the news, said, let you at all costs, pull Tang long, into my holy heart!"

"At all costs!" Ling Qingyao Leng Leng Leng, although before, she also received the order of the zongmen, but, that order, but not so serious!

"What happened?" she asked

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation!" The old man said, "but I heard that Tang Long was extremely shocked in the contest of King Dan for hegemony, and even, in the end, he saved everyone!"

"Saved everyone? What do you mean? " Ling Qingyao doesn't understand!

The old man shook his head: "the above, did not elaborate, just said, this boy's potential, powerful incomparable!"

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