Although Beigong Xianer and Ling Qingyao still want to chase after him, they are a little afraid when they think of Tang Long's angry appearance just now. They look at each other. Beigong Xianer stomps his foot and stares at Ling Qingyao: "it's all your fault!"

The voice dropped, turned around and walked up the mountain again.

Ling Qingyao ignored Beigong xian'er's random blame and wanted to chase Tang Long down. She hesitated and finally gave up the idea.

"This man must be safe!"

She thought to herself, with a very uneasy feeling in her heart.

Turning to look at Ye Qingling beside her, Ling Qingyao said softly, "ling'er, let's go back."

"But what about brother long?" Ye Qingling is a little worried. For a while, she doesn't know what to do. She wants to chase Tang long, but she knows that her own strength can't help Tang long.

Ling Qingyao suppressed the uneasiness in her heart and forced a smile: "he can kill even wuzun now. Those people in the valley are definitely not his opponents."


Listening to Ling Qingyao's words, ye Qingling feels that it makes a lot of sense.

At the entrance of the mountain, Tang Long was so powerful that she killed so many people with blood robes. When she thought about it, she immediately felt that her brother dragon must be invincible in the world. Just a few martial warriors in blood robe must not be her brother's opponent.

"Let's wait for brother long to come back!"

Ye Qingling blinked the eyes of shuilingling. Although he was worried, he had more confidence in Tang long.

When they got to the top of the mountain, Beigong Xianer was sitting not far away, staring at the blood red light in the distance.

Ling Qingyao went to the North Palace and asked, "that should be an array!"

"I know it too!" Beigong xian'er stopped, but turned to look at Ling Qingyao and asked, "do you know what array this is?"

"I don't know." Ling Qingyao shook her head: "but Tang long should know."

"Of course he knows!" Beigong xian'er snorted, looking a little proud, but followed closely. Then he looked at Ling Qingyao and asked on guard, "Ling Qingyao, do you like my bad guy?"

Ling Qingyao did not expect that Beigong Xianer would ask her such a sentence.

She was stupefied, in the heart, inexplicably a little flustered.

The expression on her face always seemed calm and calm: "I just hope that he can join my holy heart sect!"


Beigong xian'er obviously didn't believe it. He was about to continue to say something. Ye Qingling, next to him, suddenly exclaimed: "look, the blood red array is shining, and it's spinning faster and faster. Brother long is gone. Is there any danger?"

Hearing Ye Qingling's exclamation, Bei Gong xian'er has no time to argue with Ling Qingyao again. He looks at the distance in a hurry, and the bloody CD-ROM looks in the past!

At this time, the strange blood red disc array in the sky above the blood cloud Valley turned faster and faster. Moreover, the countless red flashing runes also became more and more dazzling!

"What kind of formation is this dragon circling array?"

Three girls, are nervous, looking at the blood red CD, heart secretly pray, hope Tang long, can be safe.

Tang Long is in a state of anxiety!

Of course, he knows the Panlong array. Ten thousand years ago, this array has been famous all over the world!

In fact, very few people can use the Panlong array!

Although Tang long had heard of the Dragon panning array, he did not know how to arrange it. Thousands of years ago, there were only a few people who could use this array in the whole universe!

"I didn't expect to see this famous ancient array here!"

Tang Long's heart, is also a little sigh!

According to the power and influence, the array can be divided into five levels: Ancient array, ancient array, Tiangang array, Dagang array and Xuangang array.

The level of the ancient array has infinite power. Of course, this kind of array belongs to the ancient secret. Few people know it. Moreover, it is very difficult to arrange such a array!

Even though Tang Long has studied the array for thousands of years, it has never been able to learn an ancient array!

And the ancient big array, Tang Long is also not one!

The only thing he felt very proud of was that he had learned three kinds of Tiangang array by chance. Among them, the defensive array he taught Ouyang qianer was Tiangang array!

There are a lot of Tang dragon generals in Dagang array and Xuangang array. The two levels of arrays are extremely powerful.

It seems that the spirit gathering array arranged by Tang long in Tang mansion is the most elementary Xuangang array. This kind of array is very weak and can only gather the spirit of heaven and earth. However, this kind of array has a great effect on the old Shendan.

Tang long will blink body method, to the limit, a kilometer of distance, not much time, is over.At this time, he has been standing above the valley of blood cloud Valley!

Looking around, at this time, the blood cloud Valley is full of blood red energy, the fierce hurricane, whistling and tumbling in the blood cloud Valley, the whole valley, at this time, seems to be shaking!

In the valley, the warriors of shengxinzong and tianmooyu Palace are fighting with the warriors of lieying Shenzong!

the number of these warriors exceeds 1000!

At this time, the blood cloud Valley left, and the situation was very strange. Seeing that dozens of blood robed warriors were attacked by the martial arts of shengxinzong and tianmooyu palace, they were flying everywhere. Then, they were directly smashed and disappeared, and then, in other places, one by one blood robed martial arts men appeared out of thin air!

Tang Long knows that this is the magic of Pangu formation!

Once the Pangu formation is launched, at the beginning of the array, the person who arranges the array can be projected into the array. From the energy in the array, one energy person can be condensed to fight with the enemy trapped in the array!

At this time, the people in the array want to rush out of the array. They not only keep fighting with one energy person, but also break the defense barrier of the array, which is more powerful!

however, this situation is only the power possessed by Pangu at the beginning of its opening!

When the power of Pangu array breaks out completely, it will open a strange summoning door on the blood light array plate in the sky, which can summon the monsters with terrible fighting power!

Even if it only calls out the lowest level of human demons, it is definitely not the martial arts of the holy heart sect that can resist!

People and demons are so powerful that even Emperor Wu and even Emperor Wu can't resist it!

Therefore, Tang long must destroy this array before people and demons are summoned, otherwise, the people in the array will surely die!

Want to break, according to the current situation, from inside, it is impossible!

Only from the outside!

Just when Tang Long was in a hurry to find out the person who arranged the array and wanted to break the array, a red figure suddenly flashed out and rushed towards Tang Long fiercely. The strength of the warrior reached the first level of martial respect! , the fastest update of the webnovel!