Ling Qingyao heard Tang Long say that she was beautiful. Her heart leaped and her whole body trembled slightly. She quickly buried her head in Tang Long's arms. Her sword heart was bright and she didn't know where she was flying. She felt that the heart lake was full of surging waves!

However, deep in my heart, there is a strong joy!

She was a little alarmed and said, "you, don't talk about this, or I will be angry!"

Tang Long smiles and doesn't speak any more. Moreover, he has closed his eyes gently, so he holds Ling Qingyao and enters the state of cultivation.

Ling Qingyao was nestled in Tang Long's arms. For a long time, she didn't hear this guy talking or feel that he had any action. In her heart, she was a little curious, but a little shy.

She can't always let him hold himself like this and take advantage of himself!

she plans to leave this embrace!

Although at this time, Ling Qingyao in fact has, a little nostalgia for this embrace, but, I'm sorry, let Tang long hold it all the time!

When she raised her head slightly, she wanted to say something, but she saw that Tang Long closed his eyes and breathed very smoothly. After a little feeling, Ling Qingyao immediately knew that this guy was already practicing, and that he was in the state of forgetting both things and me!

"what else should I do in the cultivation? It's not enough to hold me for such a long time!"

She was a little angry, but at this time, she also knew that if she acted rashly, she would probably disturb his cultivation. Although he would not be hurt, she would have a little influence on his cultivation.

"This guy sincerely wants to take advantage of me. I knew that he would not hold him just now."

Ling Qingyao gently bit her lip and hesitated for a moment. Finally, she gave up the idea of leaving the embrace. However, she also felt that the embrace was very comfortable.

He moved gently to make himself more comfortable. In his arms, he closed his eyes slowly and fell asleep soon.

When I woke up, it was already dawn.

At this time, she is not in Tang Long's arms, but lying on a blanket, Tang long, has long disappeared.

Thinking of last night, she was held by Tang Long for one night. Ling Qingyao's heart beat wildly: "how can I let him hold it? What's more, it's too cheap for him to hold it for so long

Ling Qingyao has a little regret to think, simply clean up, is like a fairy, flying to the tree.

As usual, Tang Long is not far away, making breakfast!

Seeing where Tang Long was busy, Ling Qingyao felt a little regret. She felt that Tang long had been so kind to himself and hugged him. In fact, it was nothing.

Go to Tang Long and sit down next to him and gently say, "you, get me some water!"


Tang Long nodded and took out the wooden basin to condense the force of the cold weather. Soon, a basin of cool water appeared in front of Ling Qingyao.

Ling Qingyao finished dressing and eating with Tang long, so she continued to look for herbs!

However, after searching for the sun for a whole day, they couldn't find any medicinal materials. They looked at each other and saw a bitter smile in their eyes!

The red flame lion ate the golden elixir refined with centipede vine, and was absorbing the medicinal power in the Tianling garden. They did not wake up. On this day, they could only look for the medicinal materials themselves, and finally they knew how difficult it was to find them!

This aimless, which can not find ah, is pure chance!

Ling Qingyao was disheartened and looked at Tang long. The voice was very rare and delicate: "Hey, let's have a rest. I'm tired to death!"


Tang Long smiles and looks at Ling Qingyao.

Because there is no riding, walking is very tired, at this time, Ling Qingyao face tired, forehead, with a little bit of crystal sweat.

Tang long looked at Ling Qingyao with a bit of heartache. He gently raised his hand and wiped the sweat from Ling Qingyao's forehead: "silly girl, I'm not too tired to say, you wait. I'll build a wooden house for you to have a rest!" Said, has turned around, toward a big tree not far away, walked in the past.

Ling Qingyao stood there, pretty face blood red, motionless!

Tang long just wiped sweat for her, the gentle movement, as well as the distressed eyes, in her mind, is actually lingering!

In her heart, there was a huge wave!

He turned his head and looked at Tang long. He saw that Tang Long was busy on a big tree.

Ling Qingyao's bright eyes, unexpectedly suddenly, gushed up the silk silk is crystal clear, the nose, is slightly sour.

"How can he be so nice to me?"

Tang Long inadvertently love, unexpectedly let her, a little unable to bear!

In the past few days, Tang Long built a wooden house on the tree every day, and his movements became more and more skillful. In less than 20 minutes, a green cabin was built on the tree, and then he jumped down from the tree.

Go to Ling Qingyao side: "good, you go to rest, I do something to eat."


Ling Qingyao gently answered. Suddenly, she wanted him to hold her for a while and give him some enjoyment. However, she did not have the courage to throw herself into his arms.After a pause, she finally walked towards the tree.

Tang Long is also very hard these days. He looks for herbs during the day, cooks and builds houses at night. He also studies the array, cultivates and refines the golden elixir. He is busy all the time!

However, so many days, but also used to!

What's more, he has to do all these alone, so he doesn't feel anything.

Because he was very tired today, Tang Long also took out a Tiancong snake that he had killed on the road before, and made a pot of extremely delicious Tiancong meat.

They ate together. Tang Long took out a big barrel and made a bucket of water to wash Ling Qingyao.

Ling Qingyao is naturally very happy!

Wash clean, is to climb up the tree, sit down in the cabin, heart bursts of sweet and happiness, but already heard, under the tree, there is the sound of water, immediately know, Tang Long is washing!

She had a strange feeling in her heart.

Turning around gently, lowering her head, through the sparse leaves, she saw Tang long in the barrel!

Thinking that she was in the barrel just now, Ling Qingyao's heart suddenly jumped up, and the heart of the sword was bright. At this moment, it had already disappeared. Looking at Tang Long's strong physique and Ling Qingyao's heart lake, waves rose again and again!

"In fact, he is very handsome!"

Thinking quietly, Ling Qingyao felt like she was thrown into a big stove. She didn't dare to look again. She turned around, closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down!

However, the shadow of Tang Long is still lingering in his mind!

Tang Long soon got rid of his troubles and climbed up the tree. When he saw Ling Qingyao practicing, he did not say much. He sat down not far away and was about to practice when Ling Qingyao opened his eyes.

"I can't sleep a little, and I don't want to practice." Ling Qingyao's light way is very beautiful.

Tang Long smile, went to her side to sit down, and then, very naturally will her in the arms: "can't sleep, I will accompany you to speak!"


Ling Qingyao gently answer a, heart sweet joy, pretty face expression, but very calm.

She let Tang long hold her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!