"You even know about xueyungu!" Tang Long's pupil, mercilessly shrinks!

He knew that yingtianhe at that time was definitely not in Xueyun Valley, but in Xueyun Valley, there must have been people from lieying Shenzong who had escaped. Therefore, yingtianhe at this time would have known what happened in Xueyun Valley!

Ying Tianhe looked a little proud: "Tang long, I admit, you really surprised me, even let me use the blood shadow skill!"

"You, too, surprise me Tang Long said coldly: "moreover, Taiyi Xianzong, as expected, did not let me down!"

"Originally, I didn't want to kill you like that!" In Ying Tianhe's eyes, there was a chill: "you shouldn't have killed my bloodthirsty tiger. Besides, you didn't say that you severely damaged the Heisha sect, but also destroyed the strong shadow God sect that I had so hard to win over. I've been working hard for more than a year, and it's a complete collapse. Tang long, you must die!"

"It's a pity that you think I'm dead, but you can't kill me!" Tang Long snorted coldly: "even if you practice the blood shadow skill, you still can't kill me!"

"Can't kill you?" Ying Tianhe said darkly, "Tang long, I know what you're up to. You should go to the ancient sect immediately. At that time, the whole Tang house will be protected. Moreover, I have found that there are several strong people in the Tang house. Therefore, I can't wait any longer. Today, I have to kill you and destroy the whole Tang house. For this purpose, I'd rather use it That power

Voice down, should Tianhe's pupil, unexpectedly gradually, become blood red!

What's more, on his forehead, there was a strange, blood red Rune!

The blood red Rune flashed out. Ying Tianhe suddenly burst out a strong blood red light, a kind of energy full of the breath of destruction and death. From him, crazy swept out!

"This, this is what vitality!"

Tang Long's eyes shrunk violently. At this time, Ying Tianhe's body burst out of the breath of vitality. He had never felt it. Unexpectedly, it was a kind of vitality that he had never seen!

Although Tang long had seen the blood red energy exerted by the warriors in the blood god temple when he was fighting for hegemony, the energy was different from that of Ying Tianhe at this time!

Yingtianhe, with its red blood, is more dead and powerful!

Tang Long was shocked by the destructive power of this vitality!

"The power of the blood devil!"

Ying Tianhe's gloomy voice, low ring, followed, his whole person suddenly, turned into a group of blood fog!

"Tang long, if you don't die again, I'd rather commit suicide than Tianhe!"

Cold voice, from the blood mist, misty spread out!

This voice, ferocious as fierce ghost!

The blood mist rolling, with a terror of death, towards the Tang dragon, extremely fierce swept over, the blood fog center, at this time, it is condensed out of a ferocious devil's blood red head!

This head, open a big mouth, in which, the blood red vigor billows, looks like this skull, contains a sea of energy blood!

"This is not the lieying skill at all, but why is it similar to the lieying skill?" Tang Long didn't understand the change of yingtianhe, and he couldn't figure out how to cultivate yingtianhe!

Although he already knew that Taiyi Xianzong was made by strong Qingtian, he also knew it very well!

Li Qingtian, I have never cultivated this kind of vitality!

At least not ten thousand years ago!

"Has Li Qingtian changed a lot in the past ten thousand years?"

Tang Long secretly thought that the vitality of the chaotic sky fire had swept out from his body, and was facing the front, towards the rolling blood mist, burning wildly and swallowing away!

In a twinkling of an eye, the purple and gold flame, is the blood mist, completely wrapped!

However, what Tang Long didn't expect was that although the purple and gold flame could completely burn the blood red blood mist, in the blood mist, the blood red head mouth actually vomited the blood red vigor!

This blood red power is extremely powerful and terrifying. It will smash the flame of Tang Long directly!

All of a sudden, within a radius of tens of meters, even Tang long, was completely wrapped in the blood mist!

At this time, Tang Long also felt that his whole body was suddenly controlled and could not move!


Realizing that the situation was not good, Tang Long quickly gathered his vitality, and at the same time gathered his spiritual strength. The strength of the purple gold flame converged with the spiritual force and rolled out in all directions!


The sound of earth shaking bombardment sounded around one after another. The strength and spirit of the purple and gold flame constantly collided with the surrounding, which swept the blood red strength!

However, the blood is so red and powerful that even if it explodes, it can agglutinate again soon!The most important thing is that the blood mist center, in the energy head, is still in a frenzy, surging blood red energy out!

The power of this blood red energy is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that Ying Tianhe's strength has begun to soar wildly at this time!

this situation is extremely strange!

"How could that be possible? How could yingtianhe suddenly become so powerful? " Tang Long is really a little incredible. If yingtianhe had such strength some time ago, Tang Long knew that he would have been killed!

However, in such a short period of time, why did yingtianhe have such a terrible change?!

Even Tang long felt that yingtianhe had become another person!

However, it seems that it is still Tianhe!

There is no reason for this situation!

Tang Long really can't figure out how this should be Tianhe!

"Tang long, I said, today, you must die!"

Yingtianhe's gloomy voice sounded again. Suddenly, it enveloped Tang Long's blood, and its power suddenly soared several times. Such a terrifying power seemed to crush Tang long to pieces!


Tang long felt his whole body as if he had been crushed by a mountain of ten thousand jin. Just this time, he suffered internal injury and spit out blood!

Viscera, it seems that they are going to be blasted and crushed, and the pain is incomparable!

But at this time, Tang long heard a scold: "where the devil, unexpectedly come here to make trouble!"

Hearing this, Tang Long's heart was filled with joy!

This voice, is Gaoyang Ziyan's!

Gaoyang Ziyan's strength is so terrible and her moving speed is unimaginable. He xuelinyue left Xuefu and arrived at Tang Fu in less than 10 minutes. Although at this time, Gaoyang Ziyan is still 500 meters away from Tang long, she is still flying in the air!

At this time, the strength of Ziyan in Gaoyang was not only restored, but also Baizhang had already reached the level of being able to resist Qi flight!

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