Tang Long turns his head and looks at the one sitting in the crowd. He looks at her and smiles at her.

Beigong xian'er clenched her fist and gently waved at Tang long, as if cheering Tang Long!

Tang Long stepped onto the competition platform!

He looked at the iron war, politely arched his hand: "under the Tang dragon!"

"Iron war!" Iron war face arrogant, looking at Tang long, head high, powerful momentum!

He was full of confidence and said in a loud voice: "Tang long, you are the last person in the West Palace, and I am also the last one to fight against Xi Gong's preparatory disciple today. If you can bear my blow, I will admit defeat!"

"Good!" Tang Long smile, expression indifferent.

Even if he didn't take Da Huan Dan last night, he can absolutely guarantee that he can easily defeat the iron war!

Taking Da Huan Dan, his strength has been greatly improved. He has completely ignored the iron war, so at this time, he is 100% sure to win!

The advantage of iron war is speed and fist power. How can his speed be inferior to iron war?!

As for the power, how can his power of Jiuyou and Tianhan, or the power of chaotic sky fire, be compared with this iron war?!

Beigong Xingyuan at this time, is very nervous, looking at Tang Long!

Ning Xiang'er is also watching Tang Long nervously!

Tang Long is the last person, is the North Palace, the last hope!

On the test platform, the other three palace masters, at this time, looking at Tang Long's eyes, are full of disdain!

The twenty preparatory disciples of the North Palace, the front nineteen, are so vulnerable to attack. Can the last one turn over the sky?!

Iron war gathers vitality and stares at Tang Long!

Tang Long is also in the cohesion of vitality, but it is used, nine you cold force!

The referee said in a deep voice: competition begins!

"Be careful!"

As soon as the referee's voice dropped, Tang Long's ear heard the sound of iron war. Then, a domineering momentum suddenly broke out in the iron battle. His body was in a flash and turned into a phantom, and he went towards Tang Long quickly!

Just in a blink of an eye, the iron war has arrived in front of Tang Long!

His speed, really fast!

Moreover, his attack speed, is also very fast, the body shape has not stopped, the fist, already with the roaring strong wind, bombarded to Tang Long's eyes!

Fist, no accident, hard, hit Tang Long's chest!


A bang, Tang Long was smashed to pieces!


Iron war eye pupil, suddenly fierce contraction, a little incredible, this in front of the fact!

Tang Long is a shadow!

How could this be possible?!

In the grandstand, the palace owners of the four holy palaces, including the two Dharma protectors, were shocked!

Iron war did not see the situation, but with their strength, the situation on the field, they can see clearly!

Just now, the iron war hit, and Tang long burst out with a faint golden light and lightning. Then, he was still in the original place, leaving a shadow. Between the electric light and flint, he went directly behind the iron war!

They were shocked by the terrible speed of moving!

"Wu Jun realm, how can there be such a terrible speed, even if Wu Zun can't reach it!"

Several people looked at each other!

The preparatory disciples, as well as the big men in the magic palace, are staring at Tang long one by one. The contrast of this competition is too big!

Before that, all the 19 disciples of the northern palace were easily defeated by iron war, but they didn't expect that the last one was unexpectedly turned upside down!

"Nine thunder fist!"

Low voice, on the test bench sounded!

This voice comes from behind the iron war!

"Not good!"

Iron war felt behind, suddenly surge of strength, in the heart of a cry of bad, just want to dodge, but did not expect, behind the cold strong spirit, has roared, speed, unexpectedly fast unimaginable!

It's hard to escape from the bone marrow!


A blast, iron war, has been flying up!

In the daze of the crowd, the iron battle flew out of the dozen meters, and then fell heavily on the ground!


In the stands, in the eyes of Beigong Xingyuan, there is a surprise!

If tiezhan defeated all the 20 preparatory disciples of Beigong in one move, the face of Beigong Xingyuan would be lost, but it was OK. Finally, he appeared to Tang Long and saved his face.

Beside him, the original proud Ximen Bao's face changed slightly at this time!

Ximen Bao turned his head and looked at the North Palace Xingyuan: "if I didn't guess wrong, you should have spent a great price on this boy!"The North Palace star yuan did not refute, complacent way: "put all your eggs in one basket!"

"I hope he can defeat all my 20 preparatory disciples, so that you are worth showing off!" Ximen Bao snorted coldly. In his heart, he was a little shocked. He didn't expect that there was a disciple hidden in the North Palace!

This is beyond his expectation!

Beigong Xingyuan at this time, but also explained a sentence: "this boy, is you all suspect, that got chaos blood jade guy!"

"Oh The pupils of Ximen leopard's eyes contracted slightly: "did you find him back to the ancestral gate?"

"Of course Beigong Xingyuan said with a smile: "although this competition does not allow the use of spiritual power, but the strength of his martial arts is also very good. However, compared with his mental strength, his martial arts strength is much worse!"

"Chaos blood jade!" In the eyes of Ximen Bao, there is a touch of essence!

As one of the four masters of the Tianmo palace, Ximen Bao, of course, knows about chaos blood jade. However, it is the northern palace Xingyuan who is in charge of the matter. After all, the North Palace Xingyuan is in charge of the matter.

He looked at the North Palace star yuan, asked: "this boy, really does not have chaotic blood jade?"

"No!" Beigong Xingyuan is very sure of Tao.

"If so, how could his strength be improved so quickly?" Ximen Bao asked, "I heard that he was a waste before?"

"He's no waste!" Beigong Xingyuan said: "at the beginning, because of the chaos of blood jade, his family suffered a change, so he pretended to be a waste. Later, his spiritual strength was improved. With his powerful spiritual power, he helped others refine elixir. Only in this way did he get a lot of cultivation resources. Finally, he could come to the fore!"

His words were just his own conjecture. However, he felt that it was very reasonable. After all, Tang Long's level of refining elixir was too high!

With such a terrible level of refining elixir, it is not too difficult to collect natural materials and earth treasures to improve cultivation!

Ximen Bao, however, did not doubt the North Palace Xingyuan.

About chaos blood jade, a few years ago, it was very lively in ancient times, but later, it was all over.

Now, the major doors, in fact, have taken these news as groundless news!

Just, where did the news come from?!

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