Connected with the huixinmen between xuelingyue, Tang Long soon appeared in front of xuelingyue.

However, the beauty of the leopard's body is so beautiful that it's very touching to walk with the peach blossom in her eyes!

See Tang Long came, snow leaf month, immediately a face of joy!

I want to throw myself into Tang Long's arms and make a good job of it. However, seeing the obvious flame in Tang Long's eyes, she immediately stopped!

She is alert to stare at Tang long, as if to find a dangerous Leopard: "you, you don't want to do bad things!"

"Ha ha!"

Tang long looked at her cautious appearance, suddenly a little funny!

The girl's temper is really a little unpredictable. Tang Long knows that at this time, even if she goes to hold her, she will not refuse too much. However, she likes to be cautious!

"Are you still used to it here?" Tang Long asked.

"Here, it's not fun at all!" Xue linyue is a little unhappy. She is about to sit down beside her. Suddenly, she is in the arms of Tang long!

Suddenly, the little leopard broke out!

"Let me go!"

She yelled angrily and tried to escape in Tang Long's arms. However, she was held tightly by Tang long!

Just as she was trying harder to escape from Tang Long's arms, Tang Long's soft voice rang out in her ear: "darling, don't make any more noise. Let me hold it for a while. I miss you so much these days

Hearing Tang Long's words, xuelingyue suddenly stopped making trouble.

In a moment, it was as quiet as a kitten!

Let Tang Long embrace, slightly squint eyes, that look, is also extremely attractive!

Tang Long bowed his head and chewed on the pretty face of the snow leaf moon and asked, "honey, how much power does your master have in the imperial palace?"

Xue linyue said: "my master, I was the founder of the emperor's palace and one of the five great founders of the Shengying hall. However, because you cured her of her obsession before, she has the strength to compete for the position of the temple master this time."

"Lord of the temple?"

"It's the Lord of the house of the holy Britain. We are now in the hall of Saint England. This is one of the five great halls of the royal palace."

"I hope that senior Gaoyang can become the master of Shengying hall." Tang Long said: "in this way, we will be very free in this holy English hall!"

"Well." Xue linyue answered and said happily, "master, we can be her own disciples. We don't have to abide by many rules of the sect. This is a great privilege."

"Is it?" Tang Long smiles.

He didn't care much about privileges, because he felt that with his own ability, no matter which ancient sect he was in, he could definitely win any privileges.

Of course, it will take time.

In his opinion, as long as xuelinyue is here and has a good time, that's enough. As for himself, it doesn't matter.

Snow leaf month with Tang long, mood, is always very good.

When she is in a good mood, she often and will think about doing something.

"Laipi, shall I take you out for a walk?" She looked at Tang long, full of expectation: "has been staying in the room, all suffocated!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded. He also wanted to see the environment here.

They went out together.

The place where they live is separated from the general disciples of the imperial palace. This is also a special treatment for the disciples. In the whole Shengying hall, there are no more than five disciples. They all have special treatment!

In addition to their own disciples, the rest are ordinary disciples.

The examination of the disciples of the Imperial Palace seems to be a little different from that of the holy heart sect and the heavenly demon palace. At least now, Tang Long has not heard anyone say that the preparatory disciples of the Imperial Palace should be assessed.

Of course, Tang Long doesn't care.

Although Tang Long is a disciple of his own, he is also a preparatory disciple.

Snow leaf month with Tang long, through a large square, and then, to a very magnificent building.

Looking up, there are three big words on the door: "exchange building!"

"What is this place?" Tang Long asked curiously.

Xue linyue explained: "this is the place where the disciples of the Imperial Palace exchange their points for anything. If they want to get all kinds of things, in addition to getting rewards, they have to serve the sect, do some tasks, and then get points and exchange them."

"It seems that this system is exactly the same as the holy heart sect and the demon palace." Tang long thought about it, and suddenly an idea flashed through his heart!

"My God!"

This idea shocked him directly!

Even dull!

His heart, suddenly surged up, extremely rich joy!He felt that if his idea could really be as he thought, he would have a huge harvest this time!

we should know that the major ancient sects controlled different regions, and in fact, the distance between each sect was extremely remote, and there was little communication between them!

The growth environment of various medicinal materials is also different!

in this case, the value and positioning of each family for each kind of Tiancai Dibao are naturally different!

"If a certain kind of medicinal material is easy to exchange in the holy heart sect, but it is of high value when it is taken to the Imperial Palace, then I am not well-developed. For me, the points are simply too easy to get!"

Tang Long took a hard breath and made a decision immediately. This matter must be implemented as soon as possible!

"Leopard, let's go in and see the price!" Tang Long said, has already pulled the snow to listen to the month, that snow-white small hand!

Xue Lingyue's pretty face is slightly red, and she shrinks hard, but she can't pull her hand out. She immediately rushes at Tang long. She's dissatisfied with Du Du's mouth, but she doesn't refuse him any more. Tang long walks into the exchange building with her hands in hand.

"Yo, who is this? How dare you hold yue'er's hand? Are you impatient to live?"

Tang long just walked into the exchange hall. An untimely voice rang out beside him. Then, four or five young people stood in front of Tang long!

Tang Long frowned slightly!

Xuelinyue at this time, but suddenly his hand, from the hands of Tang long, retracted back, and then, unexpectedly, a pair of panic to the appearance, quickly back two steps, seems to have been a great grievance like!

She looked at Tang Long angrily and said angrily, "you, why do you pull my hand?"

Tang Long suddenly speechless!

At once, he thought of the girl's vexatious behavior in the Royal College, but he didn't expect that at this time, the girl would make trouble again!

"You girl, ah!"

Tang Long shook his head helplessly!

In front of him, five young people, together, blocked Tang Long: "boy, you look so fresh, are you new?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!