The referee frowned again, looked at Tang Long and said, "are you sure you want to skip the level and duel with Celtic?"

"Sure!" Tang Long nodded for sure!

"I think, you have points, no use?" The referee glared at Tang Long: "do you know what strength Celtic has?"

"I don't know." Tang Long is magnificent, tell the truth!

He really did not know Celtic's strength, even, he today, this is the first time to see Celtic, the first time to know, there is such a person in the world!

The referee is completely speechless!

It's too stupid to recruit people into the clan. They are stupid and have a lot of money. They are easy to bully!

The referee, to be a little envious of Celtic, this guy today, went lucky, picked up a thousand points for nothing!

The referee is still very responsible!

He looked at Tang Long seriously and said: "Celtic is a foreign disciple, higher than you a full level, strength must be much stronger than you, are you sure, really want to compete with him?"


Tang Long nodded definitely.

The referee was helpless: "well, you two can start. However, I have said the rules in advance. If any party loses, it must abide by its promise and give the other party 1000 points. Moreover, no matter what the reason, it is absolutely forbidden to seriously injure the opponent!"


Don long and Celtic nodded at the same time.

Under the stage, Xue linyue has found a seat to sit down. She is serious and starts to watch the competition!

Tang Long looks at the girl and is speechless!

This little leopard is so noisy!

At this time, several young people who came with Celtic were all sitting under the stage, one by one, watching the competition with one eye, while the other was busy watching xuelingyue!

when Tang Long was on the stage, he was a bit upset when he saw the eyes of these guys!

However, he can only resist, who called this little leopard, so good-looking, where to go, do not have to be seen like this!


"Competition begins!"

Tang Long sighed helplessly. The referee has announced the start of the competition!

"Hey, hey

Celtic heard the referee's voice, a sudden strange smile, body, a very domineering momentum, suddenly burst out, strength, even reached the five levels of martial king!

This guy is not weak!

At this time, Tang Long is also running, the nine you cold force!

The breath of freezing cold suddenly swept out from him. Suddenly, there was a gust of extremely cold wind on the whole test bench!

In the cold wind, it seems that there are some cold bone piercing needles hidden in it. This kind of cold only goes straight to the drill of human bone marrow. The wind howls, and Celtic immediately feels chilly all over!

He felt a chill in his heart!

"This guy's vitality seems to be a little special, but I'm a Wujun wuchongjing, I'm not afraid of it!"

Celtic's heart, although a little nervous, but feel Tang long, but only the strength of Wu Jun's four realms, he is a little uneasy, but also slightly stable.

The referee stares at Tang long, but there is a flash of shock in his eyes!

With Celtic's strength, we can't find out how powerful Tang Long is. However, the referee can find out some clues!

He knows that Tang Long's cold vitality is so powerful and terrifying!

"This boy, play a pig and eat a tiger!"

The pupil of the referee's eyes has narrowed slightly!

Celtic, has been a body flash, toward the Tang long, lightning rushed over!

He is like a fierce tiger. His momentum is galloping, but he is also a bit powerful. In a twinkling of an eye, he has come to Tang long, and his fist is full of silver light. He is facing Tang Long and smashed hard!

Fists, the air, all sounded the sound of the wind, a strong wind, toward Tang long, crazy swept over!

Tang long does not dodge or dodge. Tiangang's fist is powerful and powerful!

He punched out!

The speed of the fist was as fast as lightning, and the cold energy suddenly broke out. The fist, in the blink of an eye, had been hard to hit Celtic's fist!



There was a heavy crash, accompanied by a scream!

the icy force spread from the place where the two fists collided, like an explosion. On the whole competition platform, the cold wind was howling. In the cold wind, Celtic was directly knocked out!

He flew as far as five meters, and then he fell to the ground heavily!

from the stage, there was a beautiful applause: "good, great!"

This cheering person, of course, is xuelinyue!

At this time, the little leopard, has stood up, peach eyes, squint into a dazzling and incomparable crescent moon, looking at Tang long, his pretty face is full of joy!

Tang Long shook his head helplessly!Those young people sitting next to xuelinyue were envious of Celtic before. They thought that this guy would make a lot of money today. Now, no one envies him. They all shake their heads in dismay!

1000 points, every day to do the task, hard to accumulate a month, also can not accumulate!

The meat hurts!

Tang Long's body shook and turned into a mirage. In the blink of an eye, he was beside Celtic. Looking at Celtic, who was pale and had not yet got up, he said, "I won. Now, you should give me a thousand points!"


Celtic's face, very ugly!

He knew that Tang Long was on purpose. This guy was just pitching him!

This fall, he fell, it is a bit cruel!

However, there are referees here, as well as the agreement made before. At this moment, he has to abide by this Agreement and take out his own identity card!

ID card, give it to the referee!

Tang Long also gave his own identity card to the referee, which, of course, was given to him by Gaoyang Ziyan.

ID cards can store points.

The referee took Tang Long's ID card and checked it to make sure that there was no point in Tang Long's ID card. Suddenly he looked at Celtic and cast a pitiful look at him. This guy, it was really unjust to lose!

Obviously, Tang Long didn't expect to lose at all!

He has nothing to lose!

did not say what to say to the referee. In this hall, everything has the final say.

Such a contest, such a bet, every day!

If you lose, you have to give up!

He will Celtic identity card, a total of 1500 points, delimited a thousand points to Tang long, and then, two people's identity card, returned to each other: "now, the competition is over, you can leave!"


Tang Long laughs and feels very happy.

All of a sudden, I made a thousand points. This is a great harvest!

Jump off the competition platform and walk towards the snow leaf moon!


Snow leaf moon gas, to the stage of Celtic hummed, seems to be very dissatisfied with Celtic's strength. She even pretended to be very similar, and ignored Tang long. She stood up and headed for the competition field, and left quickly!

Tang Long smiles bitterly and shakes his head helplessly!

This girl is so noisy!

He also quickly chased out, just out of the test site, to see the snow leaf month, is standing not far away, rushing toward him sweet smile!

A flash of body shape, Tang Long came to the snow to listen to the moon beside, helpless shake his head: "you this wench!"


Xue linyue was very happy. At this moment, there was no one around. She let Tang long hold hands and expected: "laipi, I'll take you to a quiet place. You can accompany me!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

The Shengying hall is in a picturesque mountain. Although xuelinyue has been here for only a few days, it is obvious that the girl has turned this area all over the place and is very familiar with the environment here! , the fastest update of the webnovel!