"Hum, I'd rather believe in yingtianhe!" Fang Tianzuo stares at Tang Long: "this is a villain, can't be trusted!"

"Me too!" Fang Tianyou is also staring at Tang Long: "younger martial sister Qingyao, don't be cheated by this villain. This guy is despicable and shameless."

Tang Long is a little angry with these two guys!

For no reason, he was wronged by these two people, and he was so scolded by them. When did Tang long have such a good temper and allow others to be so presumptuous in front of him?!

Do these two people want to die?!

Staring at Fang Tianzuo and Fang Tianyou, he said impatiently in a deep voice: "what you want, just say it. Don't talk nonsense here. If you want to do it, you can do it directly. I promise you'll be satisfied."

"You asked for it Fang Tianzuo's voice fell, and suddenly spread out a strong momentum!

Fang Tianyou at this time, also gathered the vitality!

Obviously, these two people, this will start with Tang Long!

Tang Long knew that in the holy heart sect, it was allowed for disciples to fight or compete with each other. As long as they didn't hurt their opponents seriously, they were allowed. Moreover, they didn't need to get a competition ground to have a competition.

Go to the competition field, that is the fight between life and death!

The competition ground of the holy heart sect is not like that of the imperial palace. It is closed all the year round for most of the time!

When Ling Qingyao saw that Fang Tianzuo and Fang Tianyou wanted to fight Tang long, she was already very angry!

She was about to say something, but Tang Long dodged and blocked her behind her!

She hesitated. At last, she said nothing more.

Her eyes, but flash a touch, shallow worry, in the heart, is also helpless, gently sighed.

She had already guessed that she would implicate Tang Long!

Tang long felt the powerful momentum of Fang Tianzuo and Fang Tianyou. He was a little surprised. Although they were both only twenty-five years old, they were both super powerful!

Both of them are the top strength of Wu Zong's jiuchongjing!

"The strength is very strong, no wonder it is so arrogant!" Tang Long slightly pulled up the corner of his mouth. On Yingrui's face, there appeared a defiant look: "it seems that you like to be beaten. In this case, I will help you!"

Said, the sword eyebrow tiny pick, disdain way: "come together, lest trouble!"

Voice down, he also burst out, a very strong momentum!

His strength, compared with Fang Tianzuo and Fang Tianyou, is a lot worse, only the four levels of Wu Jun!

Fang Tianzuo felt the momentum of Tang Long's body, and suddenly in his eyes, there was a wipe of it, which was obviously contemptuous!

He looked at Tang Long with a sneer on his face: "bang, so why is the character? It turns out that it's just a waste!"

Fang Tianyou is equally disdainful!

They are the Ninth level of Wuzong's strength, and Tang Long has only four levels of Wu Jun. the gap between them is too far!

With all their strength, they feel that they can kill Tang Long with one punch!

"Boy, if you don't know the sky and the earth outside, you can still get lucky. Or, when you get to the hall of good heart, you still don't know the sky and the earth, then you can only seek death. It seems that today, I must teach you a good lesson

Fang Tianzuo said, his body was shaking, and he rushed to Tang long!

God bless you!

It is enough for a warrior in the four realms of Wu Jun to have Fang Tianzuo alone. He doesn't have to do it at all!

Fang Tianzuo, in the blink of an eye, is to Tang Long's eyes!

His fist, with extremely fierce vigor, hit Tang long hard!

His fists burst out, and the air around him was pulled and turned into a raging wave. Facing Tang long, it was like a vast expanse of land and craziness swept over him. It was so powerful that the wind howled within tens of meters!

At this time, Ling Qingyao has retreated more than ten meters!

She knew Tang Long's strength, so she didn't worry about Tang long at all, but she was very worried about today's affairs!

She's worried about Fang Tianxiao!

And the founder of the holy heart sect: Fang Qianshan!

"Ah, I shouldn't have taken Tang Long around the ancestral gate, and was known by the Fang Tianxiao. Maybe that guy will go crazy again. What can I do?" Ling Qingyao beautiful micro Cu, looking at Tang long, clear eyes, there is a tangle!

At first, she didn't want to take Tang Long around here, but when Tang Long came out of the hall of good heart, she could not help but want to talk to him more!

I haven't seen you for many days. In fact, she missed him!

She just won't say it!

At this time, Tang long had been punched in the chest by Fang Tianzuo!

Tang Long explodes and disappears!

At this time, behind Fang Tianzuo, Tang Long's figure is extremely strange, quietly flashing!

"You are not my match yetThe voice with a little bit of madness has sounded behind Fang Tianzuo!

Fang Tianzuo smashed the shadow of Tang Long with his fist. He was in a daze. He heard the sound!

Suddenly, his heart, cluttering is all of a sudden, don't want to, quickly turned around, but it was too late, a fist, in his eyes rapidly enlarged, and then, directly hard, hit his chest!


The sound of heavy impact sounded, cold and strong, turned into a huge ice hammer, Fang Tianzuo, smashed and flew out!

"Looking for death!"

Fang Tianyou, who was watching the battle not far away, saw that Tang Long was fighting Fang Tianzuo, so he rushed at Tang Long and fiercely rushed to Tang long. Just before he rushed to Tang long, his fist was aimed at Tang Long and smashed it hard!

His fist, hard and hard, hit Tang Long!

Tang long, smashed and broken again!

And then, behind Fang Tianyou, a more arrogant voice came to his ears: "two idiots, depending on your strength, even if there are another 100, I will not pay attention to it at all!"

Ling Qingyao looks at Tang long. In her heart, she is full of shock!

Although she had known for a long time that Tang long could defeat Wuzong, Fang Tianzuo and Fang Tianyou, she did not expect that Tang long could win so easily!

"His speed, faster and faster!"

Ling Qingyao secretly thought, in the heart, is also bursts of joy, can be happy, but also through, thick worry.

She knew that the stronger Tang Long was, the more they would deal with Tang long!

"In any case, I can't let him get hurt because of me!" Ling Qingyao in the heart, secretly made a decision, looking at Tang long, eyes, but flashed a touch of gloom!

For Tang Long's safety, she knows that she should make some compromises!

But what will this compromise bring?!

The person she wants to compromise is not Fang Tian Xiao, who is far more terrible than Fang Tian Xiao!

That man, it's her husband!

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