Tang Long turned his head and looked at director Zhao, who had already stepped on the competition platform: "what is the elixir required to be refined in this arena competition?"

"Guiyuan pill!" Zhao general pipeline.

"Where are the herbs?" Tang Long asked, and then added: "I tell you, I don't have any medicinal materials. The medicinal materials for refining Guiyuan pill must be produced by you, and the Dan prescription is also yours!"

"Of course

Director Zhao's voice dropped, and there was a box in his hand.

He gave the box to Tang Long: "in this box, there are herbs for refining Guiyuan pill. Of course, there are also prescriptions. There are five copies in total!"

In general, the alchemists try to make five elixirs. After all, there is a success rate in refining elixirs. This is to minimize the element of luck in the competition.

Guiyuan pill is a kind of elixir for internal injury.

Tang Long also knows this kind of miraculous elixir. It is a very basic healing elixir. It needs to use ten kinds of precious medicinal materials, and one of them must be a three grade elixir.

Tang Long opened the box and looked at the herbs inside.

There is no problem with the medicinal materials. They are all carefully selected and of high quality.

He turned to look at the pig hyena: "are you ready? If we are ready, we can start the competition! "

"I'm ready!" Zhu ganghya said carelessly, and his eyes were greedy again. He took a look at beigongxian'er under the stage, but he got a white eye of Beigong Xianer!

this medicinal material for refining Guiyuan pill, this guy has it!

He also took out a box and was ready.

Manager Zhao took a look at Tang long, then looked at the people under the stage, and then he said in a loud voice: "this competition lasts for an hour. Five Guiyuan pills are refined in total. Who refined the elixir with high quality level will win the competition!"

When the voice dropped, he waved his hand fiercely: "competition begins!"

Director Zhao's voice dropped, and Tang Long and pig Gang hye were busy.

Both of them are very skillful in their movements. The pig ganghya is also full of confidence. Soon, he put a part of the medicinal materials for Guiyuan pill into the Dan Ding, and then he carefully refined it!

In a hurry, ten minutes passed.

Pig ganghya's first elixir is about to be refined successfully. It is actually a golden elixir, and there are seven golden circles on it!

"Hey, hey

He couldn't help but smile. By the way, he took a look at Beigong Xianer under the test platform!

Beigong Xianer is looking at Tang long. His eyes are full of joy and intoxication!

"You dare to compare alchemy with me

Pig ganghya is a little disdainful. By the way, he also turns his head and takes a look. Tang Long's Dan Ding beside him is suddenly shocked!

"This, this, how could this be possible!"

Pig Gang hyena was so stunned that she couldn't believe her eyes!

But at this time, he heard a "bang" explosion, because he was distracted, the gold elixir he refined exploded in the Dan Ding, and the gold elixir failed to refine!

"Damn it, this boy, where is the freak!"

Pig ganghya gnashing his teeth, he really can't think of it. A king of five grades of Dan has actually refined a nine grain golden elixir, and unexpectedly, he only uses the Dan Ding of Shangpin treasure!

This is too much!

"This boy, it's definitely luck. I still have a chance!"

Pig Gang hye took a deep breath, sank into the elixir field, and began to refine the second Guiyuan pill.

If he fails, he may not be hopeless. He is very confident in his level of refining elixir. After all, his level of refining elixir has been inherited, and the inheritance is incomparable!

By virtue of this inheritance, he refined the golden elixir, which is a common practice. He can also refine the nine grain golden elixir. Therefore, the final victory or defeat is still unknown!

He took out the second medicine and put it in the cauldron!

This time, he was so attentive that he did not dare to be distracted. Ten minutes later, he even refined a nine pattern gold elixir. He was a little proud and turned his head to look at the Tang Long's Dan Ding!

Among the Tang Long's tripod, there is actually a nine grain golden elixir. Moreover, it is about to be refined successfully!

"Evil gate!"

Pig Gang hyena staring eyes, forehead, are exuding sweat!

This is too evil. The king of Wupin pill has refined two nine grain gold elixirs in succession. He has never stopped talking about it. Even if he is opportunistic here, he can't be so overbearing. The success rate of refining nine grain gold elixir is ah!

"I don't believe in evil!"

He began to refine the third Guiyuan pill!

At this time, under the stage, Beigong xian'er's eyes were filled with deep joy. Looking at Tang Long's serious refining of miraculous elixir, she was extremely proud!"I am the best villain indeed. No one can compare with me, hum!"

She was proud of the thought, can not help but cry out: "bad guys, good, come on!"

Director Zhao on the stage, already petrified, stood there, motionless, staring at Tang long, as if to see a monster!

At this time, among the people who came to lianjiapu, there was a man and a woman who began to talk in a low voice:

"this boy has such a strong water product for refining the elixir. He should be no more than 20 years old!"

"Maybe over twenty years old."

"I don't think so. Didn't you see that girl? Obviously, that girl is also a little girl. She is a little younger than our daughter. The boy is only a master of Wupin Dan. She is not too old!"

"So small, Wupin Dan master?"

"This boy, we must keep it for our daughter. You should go back and arrange it. If we come to Wen first, if we can't, we will come to Wu. According to our daughter's appearance, as long as the raw rice is cooked and cooked, the boy will not fly away!"

"OK, I'll go back and get ready!"


The woman, looking at Tang Long on the stage, then a little reluctant, turned around and left. She looked only thirty-five years old, but she was extremely beautiful!

The man under the stage is also majestic and majestic, but he is the castle owner of Lianjia Castle: Liancheng is bad!

Liancheng bad looking at Tang Long on the stage, looking at the gold elixir he refined, is the more you see, the more you like it!

He felt that this was heaven and would not destroy his lianjiabao!

At this time, Tang Long was still refining the golden elixir seriously. In a twinkling of an eye, the third Golden elixir was also successfully refined, which was another nine pattern gold elixir. However, the pig ganghye, the third gold elixir, failed to meet the standard and refined a three pattern gold elixir!

Of course, such a degree, in fact, is very good!

"This boy, damn it, came to destroy the good things of my old pig!" Pig Gang hyena kicked Tang Long fiercely and began to refine the fourth golden elixir!

Tang long, also began to refine the fourth golden elixir!

At this time, Tang Long was also surprised by the level of alchemy of pig ganghya. This guy can refine the golden elixir one after another. The level of alchemy is really powerful!

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