"Don't you find a magic treasure on me? That thing, for the growth of Warcraft, has an inestimable, great use, and even, can avoid the scourge

"You, are you serious?" Pig Gang hyena's face suddenly changed.

"Really? You can't feel it yourself?" Tang long curled his lips and said, "don't you know that I have something on me that is of great use to your growth?"

"Give me your baby?" Pig ganghya said, "whatever you want, just say it!"

"You are stupid!" Tang long looked at pig ganghya with disdain: "don't you know that I am the creation artifact? The creation artifact can be integrated into the human soul

"What about that?" Pig ganghya stares at Tang long.

"Very simple, as long as you become my contract Warcraft, you can get the benefits of that baby!" Tang long light way: "calculate me to do a good deed, accept you, let you continue to live!"

"Be your contract Warcraft?" Pig ganghya glared at Tang Long: "boy, you are actually making this idea. I knew that you human beings, no one is good, it is true!"

"Don't mind, I don't want you yet!" Tang long curled his lips and said, "you're going to die!"

With that, he took Beigong Xianer, bypassed pig ganghya, and said casually: "this fool is really stupid. If he becomes my contract Warcraft, I can not only cure him, but also let his big ears and big nose be taken back, and let him become a handsome boy again. He is not willing to do so!"

Beigong xian'er now knows that Tang Long is a jade escapement!

She naturally wants to cooperate with Tang long.

It's no joke. If Tang Long gets it, it's good for Tang Long's future!

"He doesn't know good or bad, so we don't want him. Anyway, you have so many supernatural animals!" North Palace fairy son gently Road.

"Yes, who needs a pig?" Tang Long also despised Tao.

Pig Gang hyena looks at Tang Long and Bei Gong xian'er, and goes farther and farther. Listening to their random voice and facial expression, it seems like a kaleidoscope of changes. The contradiction and entanglement are so wonderful!

No wonder!

Although he didn't want to be the contract Warcraft of Tang long, he didn't want to explode!

The most important thing is that he heard that Tang long can make him become a handsome man again, which has great attraction to him!

You know, before the disaster, he was not like this!

"Hello, stop!"

Finally, pig ganghya ran towards Tang long, who was far away, and soon caught up with Tang Long and stood in front of Tang long.

"Get out of the way!" Tang long curled his lips: "go away quickly!"

"Boy, can you keep me from exploding?" Pig ganghya looked at Tang Long and said seriously, "what's more, can you make me look so handsome? At least not as it is now? "

"What I say, just say it once!" Tang long looked scornful: "since you don't want to, I won't force you. We'll go our own way!"

Said, pulling the North Palace fairy son, but also forward!

"Wait!" Pig Gang hye quickly blocked Tang long.

Tang Long's Tianling garden was very attractive to him. At this time, he knew that he would not become the contract Warcraft of Tang long, and would explode soon, which made him scared!

If Tang Long let him avoid these dangers and make him a handsome man, then think about it. It is totally acceptable to be a contract Warcraft!

"I promise you!" Pig Gang hyena bit its teeth!

Tang Long's heart was filled with joy. It was an ancient beast. Although he had experienced a disaster, he could still grow up again. This is definitely a great help to Tang long in the future!

What's more, this guy can refine the golden elixir!

Although Tang Long was happy in his heart, he didn't show any joy on the surface.

He looked at the pig and said, "I have a question to ask you."

"What doubts?" Asked pig Gang hye.

Tang Long said: "as an Archean beast, how could you have failed in the disaster? Unless you encounter bad things when you are experiencing the natural calamity, otherwise, the success rate should be very high! "

"Bad luck!" Pig Gang hyena bit his teeth: "I met the soul devour!"

"Soul devour?" Tang Long was stunned.

Pig ganghya explained: "a damned human, after he died, his soul was so powerful that he ran to devour my soul. It happened that I was experiencing the disaster, but the Tianjie failed!"

The voice dropped, but he was a little proud of the way: "unfortunately, that damned soul, also did not get the benefit, my disaster failed, his soul, also by the scourge of the thunder, to split the loss of self, but I do not know why, even sealed his soul into my soul!"

"Oh In Tang Long's eyes, there was a sudden surprise: "do you mean that the soul of the deceased is integrated into your soul?""I think so." Pig ganghya said: "otherwise, I will not become a Dan Shi!"

"Hey, hey Tang Long immediately felt that this matter was very funny: "I can't believe that you pig has a puppet soul. I think the soul now can completely obey your orders and help you refine elixir!"

"Not bad!" Pig ganghya nodded, but said: "unfortunately, I don't know why, this soul can only refine elixir under my control, but can't use mental power to attack!"

"It's really strange!" Tang Long didn't understand.

However, he finally knew, this pig, why can become Dan Shi, the original pig, is cheating!

In fact, it was the puppet soul who refined the golden elixir. The pig ganghye only needed to control the puppet soul.

"That soul, sealed in your soul by the force of the scourge, has lost its self. It seems that in the future, with the strength of this soul, your level of refining elixir will become better, because you should inherit some of his skills in your soul!" Tang Longdao.

"Indeed, the alchemist has a high level of refining miraculous elixir. Now, I can do all his means!" "What's more, it seems that the soul has been split by the sky thunder. The success rate of refining the elixir is extremely high!"

"OK, I have no doubt. Now, you can be my contract Warcraft!" Tang Long said that this, vitality movement, immediately fingertip, is a drop of blood.

Blood fell on hyena hyena's palm: "you can start!"

Although pig Gang hye is reluctant, in order not to explode, he has to promise Tang long.

He now, in fact, the attack is very weak, even if it is a first-class Warcraft, he can not beat, he is just an empty shelf!

Soon, he displayed the contract array of the archaic beast. Then, he became the contract Warcraft of Tang long, and immediately disappeared. He went to the heaven and spirit garden of Tang long.

"Haha, good, you've got a beast!" Tang Long was very proud.

Although this pig Gang hyena, at this time, is very weak, but now the pig Gang hyena, just because of the injury and the natural disaster failure, to cure this guy, is not very difficult for Tang long.

This guy can grow up again soon.

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