Li hammer a roar, directly display his most proud magic skill: reverse pulse Tiangang!

His body, a very domineering momentum, suddenly crazy surging out of him, all of a sudden, a burst of silver light, in this silver light, a demon totem loomed!

Then, this guy suddenly and mercilessly slapped at Tang Long and attacked fiercely!

The power of this palm is indeed several times stronger than his attack before!

One hand burst out, only to see, a terrible energy roared out of the palm of Li hammer, like a mountain and sea, swept towards Tang long. This energy, when it was rolling forward, turned into a ferocious and ferocious energy dragon!

This energy dragon, in a twinkling of an eye is to attack Tang Long's eyes!

In the face of Li hammer's attack, Tang Long is totally indifferent. He has full confidence in his strength at this time!

Seeing this energy dragon attack, Tang Long's mouth is not slightly pulled up.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and his eyes showed a very obvious disdain. At this time, he didn't need to show his magic skills at all. He just showed the martial arts skills with general attack power:

Tiangang Shenquan!

Hold the fist, on the fist, the cold silver light, burst out again!

With his feet kicking hard, he suddenly rushed forward. The whole person, like an arrow from the string, rushed towards the energy dragon fiercely. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of the energy dragon!

Then, his fist, towards the energy dragon, smashed it hard!


The thundering sound of the sky rocked the whole competition platform fiercely. Tang Long's fist directly exploded the energy dragon to the bombardment. Suddenly, the cold hurricane filled the whole competition platform!

And Tang long, however, is in this fierce energy hurricane, the body shape still rushes forward rapidly, in a twinkling of an eye, is rushed to the front of Li hammer!

His fist, with the thunder, smashed down!



Heavy impact sound, accompanied by a sound of blood spurting, sounded together, this Li hammer, was hit and flew directly!

Tang long, however, seems to have been affected by a strong anti shock force, which directly flies back out. The two people fly up in the air at the same time and fall towards the test bench!

However, Tang longan saw that he was about to fall under the competition platform. The man was in the air. Unexpectedly, he fell down in a strange and rapid way. Then, he stood on the edge of the competition test platform!

He didn't fall off the test bench!

However, the Li hammer fell directly under the test bench!

The referee on the stage, has a black line: "this boy, as expected, is playing pig eating tiger again, ah!"

He sighed helplessly.

At this time, the people of the leopard gate, one by one, have already stood up in joy, shouting hard at the stage, one by one, they are extremely happy!

At this time, the sword door, they were bullied out of their hearts, no time to vent their anger!

"Tang long, good job!"

"Kill those grandsons and let them be arrogant and bully us every day!"

"We leopards are not easy to bully


The people of the leopard gate are all loudly praising and expressing their resentment to Jianmen.

At this moment, Xue linyue doesn't praise with others. She looks at Tang long standing on the edge of the competition platform. Her peach blossom eyes are full of magnificent and extremely colorful!

She thought that her own vision was really good!

at this time, all the guys in Jianmen were already livid, and Niu Xiaogen even had a gloomy face!

He didn't expect that Li hammer would lose the competition!

"What a useless thing!"

He bit his teeth hard, turned his head and glared at the Li hammer who got up from the ground not far away. He kicked his feet hard on this guy. A warrior in the second level of Wu Emperor was defeated in the hands of the warrior of wuzun eight levels. What a shame!

He was too lazy to pay attention to the Li hammer.

Li hammer also knew that he had lost his man. He came over, lowered his head and walked behind Niu Xiaogen. He didn't dare to say a word!

Tang long stood on the test bench, although he had won Li hammer, it seemed that he was a little embarrassed and tired.

He turned to the referee and said, "did I win?"

"Not bad!" The referee nodded, and he was speechless. This guy, is it necessary to pretend like this, very tired? Sincerely want to continue to trap people!

Tang Long took a few more breaths, and then said, "now that I've won, it's time for them to honor their bets."

"Well!"The referee nodded and looked at Niu Xiaogen of Jianmen: "what do you say, Jianmen people?"

"Willing to gamble and admit defeat!" Niu Xiaogen bit his teeth.

"Then bring the integral!" The referee is also straightforward, and does not favor any side: "your previous agreement, 10000 points!"


Niu Xiaogen turned his head and glared at the Li hammer behind him. Then, he stepped onto the competition platform, took out his identity card and handed it to the referee. This competition is between the leopard gate and the sword gate. Therefore, the points should be collected by the master of the sword gate and the leopard gate.

Therefore, it is not Tang Long who gets the integral, but the head of the leopard gate: Zhang Da Lian!

Big face, happy.

The leopard gate, a careless, became a small rich man, originally poor Ding Ding ring, this suddenly, has 10000 points, this in the small leopard gate, is absolutely a windfall!

However, 10000 points have just been drawn into the ID card with a big face. Niu Xiaogen stares at Tang Long and says angrily: "boy, you have the ability to fight us again? Dare or dare not! "

"What dare you?" Although Tang long looked very tired, he still readily agreed, but said: "I know, you sword gate, there is no master who can take the hand. In this case, I will not bully you, I will have a competition with you. Your strength will not disappoint me!"

"You're not qualified to compete with me!" Niu Xiaogen snorted coldly and called out: "cowshed!"


Under the stage, a young man with three points of similarity to Niu Xiaogen stood up and went directly to the test bench with a promise.

The cowshed, staring at Tang long, said haughtily: "this time, I compare with you, do you dare?"

"What dare you?" Tang long curled his lips and said, "you look like this. I'm afraid you don't have money? What do you compare with me? "

"Boy, dare you say I don't have money?" The cowshed immediately got angry: "I don't know the height of the earth. Do you really think that you are the only one who has money in this world?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!