Tang long looked at Dongfang Jiao. In his voice, he said coldly: "although I, Tang long, never want to bully a girl, but you are really cruel. Just for jealousy, you are going to die. I can't let you go. So, although I can't let you die, I will definitely let you pay the price! "

"Hum!" Dongfang Jiao looks at Tang Long and snorts with pride.

She didn't pay attention to Tang long at all!

Tang long, at this time, has burst out, a very strong momentum!

His strength is directly promoted to wuzun eight levels!

Aware of Tang Long's strength, Dongfang Jiao still looks very proud. She glances at Tang Long obliquely and disdains to say: "I think, how strong you are, just like wuzun's eight levels, you dare to be bold in front of me!"

Tang Long is too lazy to say one more word!

His body, has burst the golden light lightning, the whole person, directly is, is full of a kind of, powerful and vast domineering momentum!

He also released the magic skills in the field of the sea!

All of a sudden, on the whole competition platform, any trace of energy surging, or even any person's, any trace of movement, are in his mind, very clearly reflected!

In this war, Tang Long knew that he must be extremely cautious!

He knew that his enemy in this war was not Dongfang Jiao, but Dongfang Jiao's father: Dongfang Mo!

On the grandstand, the master of the four palaces of the heavenly demon palace. Looking at Tang long at this time, his eyes are full of shock!

They all know Tang Long!

Two months ago, Tang Long was still a preparatory disciple, and he was still participating in the promotion competition of preparatory disciples. How much strength did Tang long have at that time? However, after two months' absence, Tang Long reached the eight levels of wuzun!

The speed of such strength promotion is simply terrible and unbelievable!

Beigong Xingyuan's fists are hard to hold. He did not expect that Tang long had reached the eight levels of wuzun!

Such strength, too strong!

"Maybe he can do miracles!"

Beigong Xingyuan thought secretly. In his heart, he had a deeper expectation for Tang long. He knew that Tang Long was not only a martial artist, but also a five grade Dan king. Moreover, he also had strong medical skills!

Unfortunately, he did not know that at this time, Tang Long was already the sixth grade Dan king, and even was about to become the seventh grade Dan king!

On the competition platform, the referee in charge of the competition announced in a loud voice: "the competition begins!"

The referee's voice just fell, Tang long, a cold spirit, then crazy burst out, at the same time, the golden lightning, also from his body, suddenly burst out!

This golden light and lightning, like a dense thunderbolt, on the test bench, keep popping!

Seeing such a situation, seeing Tang long, wrapped up by golden light and lightning, ten people in front of the grandstand, including Beigong Xingyuan, were shocked!

The disciples under the stage, one by one, are also shocked!

Dongfang Jiao is still scornful!

She is looking at Tang long. Although Tang Long's golden and lightning strength, as well as the icy and piercing strength, are very strong, Dongfang Jiao is still confident that she can easily defeat Tang long.

After all, she has the strength of the Seven Realms of Emperor Wu!

With a flash of body shape, she suddenly rushed towards Tang long. Her slender hands caught her in the air one after another. All of a sudden, dense energy claw shadow, with rolling strength, roared towards Tang Long and went away!


Tang longan's pupil shrinks violently. He shows his magic skill very well!

The cold energy swept out of him, directly in front of him, and condensed into a Tanglong with icy cold energy!

this energy Tang Long showed a magic skill!

I saw that the energy Tang Long's hand, unexpectedly condensed out, a very cold energy sabre, the sword with extremely terrible cold strength, toward the front of the Oriental Jiao, mercilessly cut down!

The power of this knife is extremely powerful!

The cold energy long knife, with the momentum of overwhelming momentum, abruptly chopped, the layers of energy claw shadow, broke Dongfang Jiao's attack, towards Dongfang Jiao, mercilessly chopped down!


Seeing this situation, people on and off the stage couldn't help but take a breath!

Tang long, with only one strange energy man, is a move to completely break Dongfang Jiao's attack. Even, he directly makes Dongfang Jiao a little passive!

such an attack makes all the people on the stage move a little bit!

seeing that, the icy blade will be hard on Dongfang Jiao's body, but at this time, the knife is on Dongfang Jiao's body Awn, slightly stagnant!


Oriental Jiao Leng hum!Although, she was also shocked by the power of Tang Long's move, she was still confident in herself!

She has already realized that the sword of energy Tang Long is at the end of its strength!

Dongfang Jiao gathers vitality quickly!

Her fist, like lightning, smashed on the cold energy knife, directly smashed the energy knife, and at the same time, the fist wind roared out, even smashed the energy Tang Long!

Energy Tang long burst of the moment, not far away Tang long, it seems that, was heavily attacked!

Tang Long stepped back in succession!

Dongfang Jiao saw Tang Long staggering back, and immediately knew that she had the opportunity to take advantage of it!

Her eyes flashed with joy and her body swayed. She went straight through the roaring wind and attacked Tang Long fiercely. She had just arrived in front of Tang long, and she was using a deadly move: "piercing the heart!"

"Stop it!"


A roar sounded, the North Palace star yuan, suddenly stood up!

At the same time, Dongfang Jiao's slender jade finger has been pointed at Tang Long's heart, and it has been stabbed hard at Tang Long's heart!

a silver light, with the sound of whistling, stabbed at Tang Long's heart!

This silver light, even shining to the extreme, is like a silver shining meteor, with an irresistible sharp breath, to see, is to penetrate the heart of Tang long, to directly kill Tang Long!

But at this time, Tang Long's body, the golden light explodes, and then Tang long, disappears directly!

Through the heart, you didn't hit the target!

that dazzling silver light tore the air and flew directly for tens of meters. Then, it fell again on a wall in the distance, making a small hole in the front of the wall!

But at this time, a figure, directly appeared in the back of Dongfang Jiao!

It is Tang Long!

"the storm refers to!"

Tang Long directly displays it behind Dongfang Jiao. It's extremely powerful. It's seven grade martial arts!

Qipin martial arts, just the surface!

Tang Long's attack contains profound meaning!

All of a sudden, a continuous barrage of energy fell on Dongfang Jiao's back. All of a sudden, a series of bombardments rang out on Dongfang Jiao's back. Dongfang Jiao, unable to even gather her strength to resist, flew out.

She flew more than ten meters, and then, toward the competition platform, fell down!

"Boy, I want to die!"

A burst of drinking, like a thunderbolt, suddenly exploded on the test bench, followed by a figure, instantly appeared in front of Tang Long!

It's Dongfang Mo who is furious!

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