Tai Shici asked, "how sure are you about the battle with Fang Tianxiao?"

"100% sure!" Tang Long's confident way.


Hearing Tang Long's confident words, Tai Shici's pupils suddenly shrunk slightly and asked, "has your strength improved in these two months?"

"Very lucky!" Tang Long said: "I have reached the eight levels of wuzun!"

"Well, it's really good. I heard from Qingyao before that she's improved a lot because of you. It seems that she's really right!" Tai Shici nodded with satisfaction and asked, "what degree has your spiritual power reached?"

"Six grade Dan king!" Tang Long said: "it's about to break through the seven grade Dan king!"

"That's just right. Here, I have a kind of elixir. You can take it and refine it into a elixir. It should help you to improve some mental power. " Tai Shici's voice dropped, hands, has more than one, jade box.

Tang Long looks at the box in Tai Shici's hand. In his eyes, there is a surprise.

Tiancai Dibao, which can enhance spiritual strength, is extremely difficult to find. Tiancai Dibao with the quality of holy medicine is even more rare!

"Thank you, Lord!" Tang Long quickly thanks.

"You should take good care of the two of them when you are on the way to Shenqi. On the way, don't go too fast, because the faster you go, the stronger the enemy you will encounter. You will try your best to stay in the last place."

Tai Shici's voice dropped, and the box in his hand was already flying towards Tang long.

Tang Long took the box, his heart, surging with deep joy.

He didn't expect that taishici was so kind to him, such a good natural material and earth treasure, so easily, that he was given a chance to go to the road of divine enlightenment!

he was immediately grateful to taishici.

Tai Shici waved his hand: "you go out first, go to the square and wait. We'll start right away and go to the competition field of shengxinzong!"


The three agreed, and then they turned around and went out.

Tai Shici slowly stood up and breathed softly, as if he were talking to the air, but as if he was talking to himself: "master, do we really want to do this?"

His voice fell, and suddenly, over his head, there was a slight distortion in a small space.

Then, in this small twisted space, an old man with white hair appeared in front of him, and the old man said slowly: "some things can't be retrieved. It's the best choice to be wise and keep a retreat."


Too Shici helpless, gently should a.

"Have you found the right place?" the old man asked

"I'm still looking for it, but I've got something." Tai Shici said: if they can come out of the way of divine enlightenment, I believe that I can find the most suitable position. Moreover, at that time, their strength was almost enough! "

"It seems to be the most appropriate thing for them to come forward." The old man said, "you just need to let it go."

"Yes Tai Shici agreed, but worried: "it's just that the road of enlightenment is too dangerous. If they go, can they come back safely?"

The old man didn't speak any more.

At this time, the space where the old man stood suddenly twisted, and then the old man disappeared in the strange twisted space.

Tang long, Ling Qingyao and ye Qingling, the three soon arrived at the square of Shanxin hall.

At this time, all the disciples of the holy heart sect have gathered here.

After a while, Tai Shici arrived.

They passed the teleporter and went to the special square where the disciples of shengxinzong were promoted and tested. Here, tens of thousands of people have gathered!

This promotion competition is divided into two parts.

First of all, it is to test the strength of the disciples. The outer disciples who have reached the level of wuzun are able to be promoted to become inner disciples. Then, through the competition, determine the strength of each disciple in the four sacred halls of the holy heart sect.

The top ten inner disciples can go to the test space and test.

At this time, of course, Tang long wanted to be one of the top ten disciples. However, this time, he could not go to the test space again.

Ye Qingling and Ling Qingyao, of course, will not go there to try.

They are going to the path of revelation!

The next competition, carried out, has been very smooth.

In a hurry, five days later, Tang long, Ling Qingyao and ye Qingling were all very relaxed. They passed a series of elimination tests, and even they didn't make a good effort!

Tang Long even sealed his own strength to keep his strength at the level of wuzun!

Even so, he was invincible in the contest!Competition, soon came to the last day!

Today's competition, to determine the top ten, but this competition, for Tang long, is still no pressure.

Generally speaking, the most powerful people who take part in the promotion competition of foreign disciples, that is, the strength of wuzun's five or six levels. Occasionally, only one or two of them are very strong.

Some time ago, Ling Qingyao was given to her by Tang long. The inheritance and strength of the relic have been promoted to the five realms of Emperor Wu.

Ye Qingling, who has already reached the Ninth level of wuzun!

in the competition of these outer disciples, they simply passed the border and cut the generals directly and broke into the top ten. Then, they fought out of the encirclement and won the first and second place!

Ling Qingyao was the first and ye Qingling was the second!

of course, Tang long would not, to compete with these two girls!

He won the third place!

Tai Shici was very happy to see Tang Long and get the top three places so easily. His benevolence hall was once again famous.

Some people are happy, of course, others are not happy!

This very unhappy person is Fang Qianli, the founder of the benevolence hall, and his son, Fang Tianxiao, of course!

Tuo bulie, the leader of benevolence hall, is also very unhappy!

after the promotion competition, it is the time for Tang Long and Fang Tianxiao to fight for life and death!

because of Fang Qianli's publicity in advance and the promotion of Tuo bulie, the hall leader of benevolence hall, it has already caused a lot of trouble. Everyone in the four holy halls of shengxinzong is well known!

Of course, there is a reason for Fang Qianli's vigorous propaganda.

He always firmly believed that Fang Tianxiao would win the battle against Tang long!

In recent years, taishici's Hall of benevolence has always performed extremely well, which makes Tuoba lie, the head of the hall of benevolence, very uncomfortable.

Tuobalie and taishici have never been able to deal with each other. They are always fighting in the dark. Even, tuobalie is always in the dark, racking his brains to find a way to step on taishici!

Because of this, so this war, Tuoba lie will vigorously promote!

He takes this war seriously!

He hopes that the hall of good heart will lose its ugliness!

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