Tang Long didn't plan to do it himself.

He could feel that the magic spirit in front of him was very weak. Even if ye Qingling wanted to defeat the demon spirit, it was quite easy. He looked at the girl beside him and said, "ling'er, use your magic puppet!"


Ye Qingling answered.

These two days, she is also very obedient, in accordance with the requirements of Tang long, trying to cultivate the magic puppet sky array.

At this time, she also wanted to have a try and see her cultivation success!

her mind moved, and the magic puppet with green light beside her immediately flew out, and the speed was extremely fast. In a twinkling of an eye, she rushed to the devil's eyes and launched a fierce battle with the demon spirit!

Ye Qingling controlled his own magic puppet and condensed a sword of energy to display the God he had learned Technique!

The magic puppet's combat power is indeed very strong, and the speed is even faster than ye Qingling himself. In less than two minutes, the devil in front of him is the magic puppet of Ye Qingling, which is smashed by the bombardment!

A glittering black, walnut sized bead, fell from the place where the demon exploded!

Tang long stretched out his hand and gently grasped it in the air. He sucked the black pearl into his palm. This is the magic pill possessed by this demon spirit!

Magic elixir does not need to be refined into elixir. It can be taken directly by Warcraft. It is good for the growth of Warcraft.

"Boss, give it to me!"

After Tang long, pig Gang HYA looks forward to looking at Tang long.

He really wants this magic pill!

"Woo Hoo Hoo!"

Red flame lion, and Tang Long's other beasts, at this time, are also looking forward to looking at Tang long.

Tang long thought about it and gave it to pig ganghya.

At this time, among the several supernatural beasts of Tang long, the fighting power of pig Gang hyena is the weakest!

The rest of Tang Long's supernatural beasts have grown to the level 7 level of Warcraft. It has become more and more difficult to improve. To sum up, it seems that it is the most appropriate to give pig ganghya this magic pill.

After eating the magic pill, pig ganghye suddenly burst out with a strong force. His breath was also improved a lot. Seeing from this, he was able to grow to the level 7 level of Warcraft!

Tang Long was very happy.

If we can find enough demons and get enough magic pills here, the combat power of these supernatural beasts can be improved quickly.

The most important thing is that the magic pill is obviously easy to be absorbed by Warcraft. The pig Gang hyena has absorbed the energy of the magic pill. At the moment, it has not. Go to the heavenly spirit garden to absorb energy, and its strength has been improved directly.

"Hope, there's more to come!"

Tang Long was looking forward to thinking, turned his head to look at the red flame lion and said: "go on, look at you, what have you found in the end!"

"Woo Hoo Hoo!"

The red flame lion whined.

Tang long, holding a baby girl Ye Qingling, jumps directly to the back of the red flame lion. Ling Qingyao also jumps to the back of her own Baize. The three of them are moving fast towards the place where the red flame lion has found something!

All the way in a hurry, in the twinkling of an eye, twenty minutes later, Tang Long and they met a demon spirit again.

Kill this demon spirit, Tang long did not get magic pill.

However, they also arrived at the red flame lion, all the places found.

This is a gray mountain, a valley, in the center of the valley, on the ground, there is a very strange, silver light group!

This light mass, like a small flame, is burning gently and beating gently at the same time.

"My God, this, this!"

Seeing this little flame, Tang Long's eyes immediately let out a thick surprise!

Ye Qingling and Ling Qingyao are very curious. They don't know what this is.

Ling Qingyao asked, "Tang long, what is this?"

"I don't know what this is!" Tang Long's voice dropped, but he followed closely: "however, I can clearly feel that this thing contains extremely pure spiritual power. It should be a kind of strange creature in this world. It should be called the spirit of spirit!"

Ling Qingyao asked in a hurry: "listen to what you mean, this thing, can enhance mental strength?"

"Not bad!"

Tang Long nodded definitely.

He did not see that there was such a magical thing in the way of divine enlightenment, which Tai Shici had not told him before.

"Woo Hoo Hoo!"

Red flame lion at the foot of the Tang dragon, whine a cry, seems to be in the invitation for merit!

Tang Long has no time to praise the red flame lion.

He squatted down, very careful, with mental power to explore, found that this small flame, there is no danger, immediately, is a little relieved.

This little flame, only the size of the little finger!

Tang Long was careful. He stretched out his hand and gently picked up the little flame. He was afraid that the little flame would burst into pieces!The little flame didn't break. In the palm of Tang long, it jumped gently!

Tang Long breathed his breath and sat down with his knees crossed. Then, he used his mental strength to absorb the pure energy contained in the small flame. In a short time, the small flame began to shrink in the palm of Tang long, and soon disappeared.

Tang Long stopped practicing and slowly opened his eyes.

Ye Qingling, a little girl, has hugged Tang Long's arm. In her arms, she rubbed hard: "brother long, is your spiritual strength improved a lot?"

"Not bad!"

Tang Long ha ha smile, in the girl's pretty face, gently gnawed a bite.

Next to Ling Qingyao said: "let's keep on going."


Tang Long nodded, three people riding red flame lion, together quickly back to the original road, all the way, but met three demons!

However, the fighting power of these demons was very weak. Tang Long and they easily cleaned it up. At the same time, they got a magic pill again.

This magic pill is still given to pig hyena!

Pig Gang hyena ate two magic pills, and her combat power was improved a lot. However, she still failed to reach the level 7 level of Warcraft.

Obviously, the effect of this magic pill is also limited.

Tang Long is not in a hurry. As long as there are enough demons here, there will be no shortage of magic elixirs. The pig ganghya will definitely grow to the level 7 level of Warcraft with the help of magic pills.

Back on the road, the three took food cooked by the fire, ate together, and then rested for an hour.

Tang long looked at Ling Qingyao and ye Qingling and said, "next, it's time to go to the Star Moon Temple."

"Oh The little girl is a little reluctant.

Ling Qingyao is not willing to let Tang long leave. However, she also knows that at this time, xuelingyue needs Tang Long more. She says, "go ahead, this way. You can rest assured. For the time being, there won't be too much danger."

"Let me know as soon as you have something." Tang Longdao.

"Well." Ling Qingyao nodded.

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