The wild wolf felt the power of pig Gang hyena's attack. In his eyes, there was also a touch of shock: "level one monster!"

The first level monster's combat power, already very strong!

The most important thing is that the black light of this hyena is very powerful, and the rake in his hand is not an ordinary treasure!

The boar wolf can't resist the attack of hyena hyena!

However, at this time, the wild wolf wanted to dodge, it was too late!

He quickly gathered his energy, and the dark energy swept out to resist the attack of pig hyena!

At the same time, all the warriors behind him gathered their strength to resist the attack of pig Gang hye, hoping to block the attack of pig Gang hye with the advantage of large number of people!


Tang long looked at these guys and gave a cold hum.

Many people, great?!

Besides, he's not the only beast with a head!

Most importantly, his own strength is not a joke!

He didn't plan to use other animals!

The mental power swept out. He directly used his overwhelming magic skills to attack the guys in front of him. The attack of mental power was directly combined with the attack of pig ganghya!

At the same time, Beigong Xianer also moved!

Her strength, last night, was promoted by Tang Long with tianwu Dan and Yao Lingxian fruit. At this time, she was trying to find a chance to try her strength. How could she miss this opportunity?!

The sword is waved out, and the meteor butterfly sword is displayed!

suddenly, the power of the dark demons swept out of the sword and turned into a fierce dark energy. They launched a fierce attack towards the warriors of luochazong in front of them!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

Successive bombardment sounds, the strength of both sides, blink of an eye impact together, suddenly burst out a series of roars!

Powerful hurricane, swept 100 meters in an instant!

The ground, is the explosion of bombardment, gravel dust flying all over the sky!

The wild wolf and they were all bombarded and retreated one after another in the strong hurricane. At this time, in the strong hurricane, the sound of breaking the sky was ringing one after another!

It's Tang Long's ghost needle!

The yellow spring ghost needle is used by Yipin Dan emperor, but it is too powerful and cruel!

What's more, these warriors step back and are unable to resist it!

A ghost needle from the netherworld fell directly on the warriors of Luo Xianzong and those of Heifeng castle at the same time!

Only a short short video, Bo wild wolf their side, half of the number, has fallen to the ground!

How can Liu Kuo miss this opportunity?!

Xiongfeng castle and Heifeng castle were originally hostile forces. This time, Heifeng Castle deliberately came to pick up trouble. At this time, he had the absolute upper hand. On that day, he completely occupied the opportunity of destroying Heifeng castle. How could Liu Kuo miss the opportunity to destroy Heifeng castle?!

"Kill me!"

Liu Kuo Dun roars!


He brought the warriors, at this time one by one, also like a tiger down the mountain, toward the wild wolf, fierce attack in the past!

Wild wolf at this time, has been the spirit of Tang long, the attack by internal injury!

He glanced at the chaos of the battlefield, his eyes flashed a touch of malice, and then, greedily staring at Beigong xian'er, he suddenly blocked a warrior of luochazong beside him in front of him, and then he shook his body to turn around and escape!

How can Tang Long let him escape!

He's been watching this guy all the time!

"Pig ganghya, kill him for me!" Tang Long gives orders to pig Gang hye!

At this moment, pig Gang hye is in high spirits. These people are not his opponents. He suddenly feels that he is invincible in the world!

Get Tang Long's order, he directly burst a drink: "little bastard, stop for me!"

A flash of body, pig ganghya that male body, has turned into a black light strong wind, forward quickly!

The wild wolf ran forward, less than 20 meters, and pig Gang hyena had already caught up with him. The nine toothed harrow, with the roaring strong wind, directly raked the wolf down and flew out with a rake!

The wild wolf fell 30 meters away. There were nine blood holes on his back. He was dead!

Here, the attack of Beigong Xianer is very fierce!

And at this time, she also called out her own ghost tiger. The attack of the nether tiger was extremely domineering, and she would fly around these warriors of Heifeng Castle everywhere!

Although this time, the master of Heifeng Castle brought a lot of people, and their strength was not weak, but they could not resist the attack of pig ganghya and Youming tiger!

Not to mention, Tang Long is nearby. The ghost needle of huangquan will attack you at any time!

Liu Kuo was very happy at this time!He was still worried about Beigong Xianer's lack of strength. Now, he is not worried at all. Let alone the strength of Beigong Xianer, it has skyrocketed for no reason. But the ghost tiger of Beigong Xianer has already made Liu Kuo feel at ease!

Let alone Tang Long!

After less than 20 minutes, the battle is over!

Although three or four of the warriors of luochazong escaped, most of them were killed here!

Most of the warriors of Heifeng castle, of course, were killed!

After solving the problem, Liu Kuo did not delay. He led the people to the north gate of the city of demons. At this time, the thundering sound of the north gate had been heard one after another!

The warrior outside has launched a fierce battle with the underground Troll!

If these underground trolls smash the walls of demon city, then once these underground trolls rush into the city, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Maybe before long, the whole city will turn into ruins!

The crowd soon arrived at the gate of the city.

The gate is open!

At the gate of the city, hundreds of warriors are fighting with the underground trolls!

Tang Long through the front of the city gate, looking at the situation outside the city, in his eyes, also showed a touch of dignified!

Outside the gate, hundreds of warriors resisted the underground Troll's attack. However, it was obvious that at this time, it was absolutely inferior!

The line of defense is about to collapse!

These underground trolls, each of which is more than five meters in size, are majestic and full of terror. Although the underground trolls look like human beings, they have long fangs!

What's more, the underground Troll's arms are so long that they stretch out like two big trees!

This arm sweeps out, and suddenly the wind howls around, and you can immediately retreat the warriors around you. Casually, you will have a great strength. You can fly some warriors who are attacking with hematemesis!

Even, these underground trolls are always shrouded in dark smoke, which seems extremely strange!

Liu Kuo looked at the situation in front of him. In his eyes, he once again showed a touch of solemnity. He turned his head and looked at Beigong Xianer: "it seems that these warriors can't resist the attack of underground trolls!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!