In the face of Tang Long's greed, Youye didn't get angry. He said casually, "those herbs, if you want them, are all yours. Anyway, when I need miraculous elixir, I will certainly ask you for them. You will not give them to me."


Tang Long was stunned.

This girl can really plan to ask him for the elixir directly!

He didn't want to help the girl refine the elixir.

Of course, he will not be particularly stingy to this girl. After all, the girl has agreed to join the Tang mansion.

Tang long felt that if the storm struck them, if anyone could marry the girl, it would certainly be a big gain for the Tang family.

"Such a beautiful girl, I don't know who will be cheaper!"

Tang long thought secretly.

Next to the North Palace fairy, has been urging Tang Long: "bad guys, let's have a look, maybe there are more rare treasures in other stone chambers!"


Tang Long nodded.

Next, he began to search stone chambers one by one.

To Tang Long's disappointment, the following stone chambers had no medicinal materials.

However, Tang Long also discovered many kinds of gold and silver treasures, all kinds of valuable things, even some precious treasures and various kinds of energy crystal stones.

Even Tang Long found three kinds of artifacts in these stone chambers!

At present, the sword used by Beigong Xianer is already a medium level artifact.

The sword in the dark night is an inferior artifact.

At this time, Tang Long was also very generous. He picked up a sword with a medium-sized artifact and handed it to Youye: "girl, this is for you. It's a little bit of my heart!"


You night gently looked at Tang Longyan, Danfeng eyes, emerging a little bit of joy.

Tang Long gave her this sword. The whole body of the sword is golden. It exudes a strong momentum. It is indeed a very good sword.

Youye took the sword and directly stamped his soul on the sword.

At this time, all the things that could be taken away from the thirteen stone chambers had been collected by Tang long. He took the northern palace fairy and Youye and walked into one of the empty stone chambers.

Among the thirteen stone chambers, only this one has a stone gate.

Tang Long opened the stone gate easily.

Behind the stone gate, however, was a dark passage, in which there was not even a trace of light.

First of all, Tang Long condenses the magic puppet of energy. Then, he calls out the golden monkey and the Golden Phoenix. Then he turns his head and looks at Youye and Beigong Xianer: "you follow me. Be careful."


The two girls nodded and agreed.

Tang Long summoned the snow wolf king and the red flame lion. He was in charge of the post-mortem, but he summoned the pig Gang hyena, so that the pig who could be beaten most could open the way ahead.

Of course, pig ganghya is a little reluctant!

however, after Tang long promised to give the pig a holy pill to improve its strength when he left here, the pig also agreed to come down, carrying a nine toothed harrow, whistling in the front.

This passage, however, is not very long.

Tang Long and they walked about 300 meters along the passage and took three turns. In front of them, a stone gate appeared again.

"I hope this time, there will be more harvest!"

Tang Long is looking forward to thinking.

He told Beigong Xianer and Youye to be careful to prevent any danger. Then he went to the stone gate and opened the stone gate.


Just as the stone gate opened, there was a loud roar.

Closely followed, a terrible fist, with a dazzling blood red light, like a mountain, toward Tang long, mercilessly smashed over!

It's the fist of a bloody giant devil!

At this moment, Tang Long is not afraid of this giant devil!

"Hey, hey

With a strange smile, the force of Jiuyou and Tianhan gathered together, and his fists were tightly held, and he directly confronted the bloody fist of the giant demon king!

In the blink of an eye, his fist, with the fierce and cold spirit of silver light, smashed on his bloody fist

Tang Long's arm was a little numb, and then he withdrew three or four steps. Then, he was carefully supported by the dark night behind him.

In front of him, the bloody Troll king is also stumbling backward by the blow of Tang Long!

As soon as Tang long had stabilized his steps, he burst into a flash of lightning!

in the blink of an eye, he had already rushed out of the passage and rushed into the extremely spacious hall in front of him. Then he rushed to the front of the blood red giant demon king, but suddenly noticed that there were nine big demon kings around him!There are ten trolls in this hall!

At this time, in addition to the retreating Troll king in front of him, the remaining Troll king, waving his blood red fist at the same time, hit Tang Long fiercely!

"Don't move Jinzun!"

Tang Long was drinking violently, his face was heavy and solemn, and his momentum was calm, just like the King Kong God of war!

He displayed the defense skill of Jinzun!

His body, silver light strength with gold light and lightning, suddenly burst out, instantly wrapped his whole body in it!

Then, all the fists of the nine giant demons were smashed on him!


Blood red energy, in Tang long body, crazy explosion!

However, after the explosion of blood red momentum, in the tumbling, but is being Tang Long's cold strength, in the rapid phagocytosis!

In this process, the power that was swallowed up turned into Tang Long's attack!

Tang Long's momentum, become more and more fierce!

Tang Long's strength is getting stronger and stronger!

the mutated vitality of Tang long can swallow up the surrounding strength in the battle, so as to quickly strengthen itself, and let the attack power of Tang long be improved step by step in the process of battle!

This situation, Tang Long himself, is secretly shocked!

Facing the enemy in this way, his combat effectiveness will become stronger and stronger, which is simply appalling!

In the passage not far from Tang Long's back, the northern palace fairy and Youye saw that Tang long had been attacked by nine giant demons. Their faces suddenly changed!

They are worried that Tang long will get hurt.

Just when they were nervous and worried, they wanted to rush out, but suddenly, in this rolling momentum, Tang Long's body, the golden light and lightning suddenly exploded!

Like a mountain of heavy momentum, covering the entire hall at once!

"Earth shaking fist!"

The roar of fury rang out, and Tang Long's fists turned into dense fist shadows. With icy strength, they bombarded the surrounding giant demons one after another. All of a sudden, there was a thundering sound!

The whole hall is filled with cold energy!

Ten blood red giant demons, attacked by the storm of Tang long, retreated one after another!


At this time, Tang Long was roaring again!

his powerful momentum, more powerful and domineering, his whole body, the strength of the golden flame, more terrifying burst out!

In his hand, he has firmly grasped the golden flame of the sea sword! , the fastest update of the webnovel!