"Don't worry!" Beigong Xianer was worried about Tang Long's recklessness, and said in a hurry: "I'm still safe now. I'm still with them about Zhou Xuan, me and Dugu Baitian for at least one month. You should try to figure out how to deal with them first. However, don't go back to the heaven's devil's palace. Dugu Baitian, who doesn't know where he is, knows about us!"

"What if you know it!" Tang Long clenched his fist tightly and made a click.

Although he was in a hurry, he also knew that this matter could not be dealt with rashly, and he had to find a good way to deal with it!

the most important thing was that his strength was still far from that of Dugu Baitian!

He said: "Xianer, be careful. If you have anything, please contact me immediately."

"I see. Don't worry. I'll be fine." Beigong Xianer said seriously: "my strength has just improved. I told them that I would have to shut up for at least one month. After a month, I could talk about marriage. Dugu Baitian reluctantly agreed."


Tang Long was a little relieved.

After a brief chat, Beigong Xianer urged Tang long to save Youye.

Youye was injured by the people of Dugu family.

At that time, the situation was urgent. Youye was to protect Beigong Xianer. More importantly, she was a member of the tianxie sect and was the enemy of the heavenly demon palace. Therefore, those guys were very heavy handed!

At this time, Youye's injury is very serious. Thanks to Beigong Xianer's dragging, she can escape. Otherwise, she will die!

At this time, she was hiding in the insect Gate Inn of the demon city!

after knowing the situation, Tang long did not dare to hesitate.

There is no gate of wisdom between him and the night.

However, it was not very difficult to get to the Tianmo city. Tang Long went directly to the transmission Hall of the holy heart sect. Through two transmission arrays, he directly returned to the northern palace of the heavenly demon palace, and then for a moment, he directly arrived at the Tianmo city from the North Palace.

Of course, Tang Long knows where the insect Gate Inn is.

All the way, before long, we have arrived at the insect Gate Inn and the door of the guest room where the night is.

He was about to knock on the door when he suddenly thought of Xue linyue in the deep of his heart. His voice was urging him: "laipi, why don't you come yet? Let's have a look. It's about to start!"

"Don't worry about it. I have something important to do now. I can't get through it for the time being." Tang Long was helpless.

"Well, then hurry up!" Snow leaf moon road.

"Don't worry, I'll be there soon." Tang Long said, he reached out and knocked on the door of the guest room in front of him.

In the room, a slightly weak voice sounded: "who?"

This sound is the sound of the night.

"It's me, Tang Long!" Tang Longlian said

The door soon opened, and the dark night appeared pale in front of Tang long. At this time, she looked extremely haggard. Tang long could not help but feel a little distressed when she looked like this.

On the pretty face of the secluded night, however, a touch of joy appeared: "you, finally come!"

The voice falls, you night unexpectedly directly to the ground, fell down!

Obviously, her internal injuries are serious!

Tang long held her in a hurry, then picked her up directly, went into the room, closed the door, and then began to help Youye check the internal injury.

You night's internal injury is extremely serious!

Most of her meridians in Dantian were destroyed, and even her internal organs were also shattered by bombardment!

Looking at it, she is dying!

Tang Long didn't dare to hesitate, so he quickly gathered huangquan Shenzhen to help Youye treat internal injury.

In a hurry, three hours passed.

You night's internal injury, has been much better.

Tang Long took out a piece of Tianyu Fusheng pill to cure internal injury and took it to Youye.

Tiantian yufusheng pill is an excellent healing elixir. Before Tang long, he got a lot of medicinal materials in the death evil hall, and then let pig ganghya refine it. This is a kind of golden elixir that can save lives!

What's more, this Tianyu Fusheng pill is still a seven pattern holy pill!

Youye was treated by Tang long, plus taking Shengdan, the internal injury has eased a lot, but it seems that she is still very haggard.

She looked at Tang Long and held out her delicate hands.

Tang Long immediately, gently held her hand: "you can rest assured, your internal injury, has no big obstacle."

"Good man, xian'er has been arrested!" Youye looked at Tang Long with a clear anxiety in his eyes: "you, you have to think of a way, otherwise, she may be robbed by that Dugu Baitian!"

"Don't worry. I already know about it. I'll take care of it." Tang Long's voice dropped and comforted him: "you're good at healing. I've given you a cure for the damage of the elixir field. Your strength will be restored soon."

"Well." You ye nodded and said nothing more.

Tang long thought, thinking about the quiet night, how to do.He knew that Youye didn't want to return to the ancestral home.

Now, she is seriously injured, and Beigong Xianer is not here. She has nowhere to go by herself!

Most of all, she needs to be looked after!

"Quiet night, I have a lot of things now. I'm too busy. I'm afraid I don't have time to stay here to take care of you." Tang long looked at the quiet night, a little helpless.

He is going to xuelinyue, so he can't take care of the night here.

However, the dark night internal injury is serious, a person here, it is too dangerous!

What's more, she's such a beautiful girl. It's really eye-catching. In addition, the city of demons is not a peaceful place, and there are too many people coveting the dark night. In case of being met by the people of the blood temple, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Tang Long was in a dilemma!

If Youye and he have the connection of huixinmen, then everything is easy to say.

However, he did not think that Youye had already liked him, and it was impossible for them to have a heart to heart relationship!

In this case, he has no way to build the wisdom heart gate with you ye!

Do you want to leave the night in the dark?!

You night looking at Tang long, gently smile: "you have something, go first, I'm ok, big deal with this period of internal injury, I don't go out." Said, she is gently, closed her eyes: "good man, you go!"

Although her voice is flat, Tang long can see a very obvious loss and loneliness on her haggard pretty face.


Tang Long sighed and thought about it, but he also thought of a way.

He said, "I'll take you to Tang Fu."

"Tang Fu?" The night was stupefied.

Tang Long nodded: "there is a space crystal, through the space wormhole and transmission array, we should, can go to Tangmen soon."


You ye nodded and reopened her eyes. In her eyes, there was an obvious surprise.

She looked at Tang long, eyes, flashing out a touch, very bright luster: "good man, you now, finally a little concerned about me!"

Tang Long immediately turned his lips!

What does it mean to care about her? He always cares about her. Well, he helped her improve so much strength before. How much effort did he spend? The girl said that he only cares about her now!

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