The trees are broken, the leaves are falling, and the air is roaring wildly!


Bitian lizard roared, because it was blocked by a big tree, at this time, it also stopped retreating!

But at this time, Bitian lizard has not had time to launch an attack, a figure, turned into a golden lightning, blink of an eye, in order to appear in front of it!

This figure, of course, is Tang Long!

Tang Long's whole body, full of domineering and powerful momentum!

His eyes were deep, his face was cold, and he stood erect like a mountain!

The frightful icy force burst out from him, whistling and surging, sweeping up all the snowflakes and leaves on the ground, dancing all over the sky!

"Broken mountain!"

The deep voice rings, Tang Long's hands, suddenly rapid change fingerprints!

In front of the Tang dragon, the space suddenly appears extremely strange distortion. In this twisted space, the cold and strong spirit condenses madly, and directly turns into a terrifying energy mountain with a height of more than 10 meters!

This energy mountain, sends out the cold light, permeates the icy cold breath!

What's more, the whole cold mountain is also entangled with dense golden light and lightning!

Energy mountain, directly and forcefully, hit the top of Bitian lizard!


The wind is roaring and the mountains are falling apart!

The place where Bitian lizard stands, the surrounding circle and the ground are all collapsed. The ice and snow on the ground are smashed by Tang long, which makes them bounce back into the sky!

Bitian lizard, smashed, knelt down on the ground!


Tang Long roared!

Fist, storm like, one after another toward the Bitian lizard, mercilessly bombard the past!

A lot of fist power, turned into a meteor like ice cold light group, toward kneeling Bitian lizard, bombarded the lizard in the past, directly bombarded the lizard up!

"Magic fist!"

At this time, Tang long used the magic fist again!

moreover, his spiritual power turned into a huge energy fist, which was integrated with the magic fist and attacked the Bitian lizard in the air!

The terrifying energy fist, with invisible spirit, smashed on the top of Bitian lizard!



The thunderous roar with a scream, Bitian lizard, was blasted out of more than 20 meters, one after another will be two thick trees, both of the fracture!

Then, Bitian lizard fell heavily on the ground, and did not move!


Tang Long snorted coldly, his body swayed, and he came to Ling Qingyao.

This time, Ling Qingyao also called out her own Baize. She let Tang Long embrace her, and they jumped onto Baize's back together. Then, they were heading for the vast jungle ahead and galloping away!

There are so many Warcraft in this snow forest!

Tang Long and they are running all the way, Warcraft are constantly rushing out!

Only, did not meet the monster again.

With the strength of Tang long at this time, facing these Warcraft, he can deal with them easily as long as they are not monsters!

Even, do not delay the slightest bit, the journey time!

Baize is still flying. Gradually, the sky is getting dark, and a crescent moon rises quietly into the sky!

although Tang Long has not rested for more than two days at this time, he still does not intend to rest. He just wants to get to the snow gorge as soon as possible to find seven Edelweiss and relieve Ye Qingling's poison.

Ling Qingyao is very worried. She is afraid that Tang long will not be able to endure!

"Dragon, I'm tired!"

She's in the arms of Tang long, softly.

"If you are tired, go to sleep. I will hold you carefully." Tang long light road, still riding the white Ze gallop!

Ling Qingyao is a little helpless.

She is not tired, she is distressed, Tang Long tired, hope he rest.

She has always been calm as water. At this time, for the first time, in front of Tang long, she tried to be coquettish. Her voice was so sweet that she said, "can't you love me? You really think I can fall asleep when I'm on my way

"But," Tang Long slightly frowned, he is still worried about ye Qingling, hoping to continue on his way.

Ling Qingyao's voice became extremely soft, delicate, with silk pleading: "dragon, you let me have a rest, I am too tired, tonight, we will not rush on the road?"


Tang Long sighed helplessly.

Listen to Ling Qingyao's pleading voice and her rare soft language, he can't help but be soft hearted!

"Let's have a good rest tonight." Tang Long let Bai Ze stop: "I go to the tree, build a wooden house.""No!" Ling Qingyao even busy road.

She knew that if Tang Long went to build a wooden house, he would also consume energy.

He has not had a rest for so long, how can she let him delay the rest time for this matter?!

Her heart, also can't help, small deer bump.

Looking at Tang long, she tried to make herself bold: "dragon, tonight, I just want you to hold me, I like you to hold me, OK?"

Tang Long was stunned.

For the first time, he heard Ling Qingyao say such direct and active words.

His heart, also a burst of chaos, but closely followed, this mess will be converted into heartache: "since you are tired, have a good rest, of course, I will hold you. But I'll make something to eat first. We can't always eat dry food. "

"This time I'm here, you can't move!" Ling Qingyao's voice is still a little delicate!

She took Baize into the bag.

Tang Long obviously couldn't resist it. The immortal like man and the soft language of coquettish immediately nodded and agreed: "since you must do it yourself, today, you can do it!"


Ling Qingyao's beautiful, dreamlike face, at this time, there is also a little joy.

She whispered, "you go to rest first."


Tang Long agreed.

So long no rest, plus his heart, has been nervous about ye Qingling, at this time, is really tired.

Go to a nearby tree, take out a blanket made of Warcraft skin, spread it on the snow, sit on it, and soon enter the realm of forgetting both things.

His practice, at the same time, is also a rest. He can recover his energy as quickly as possible.

Ling Qingyao takes a look at Tang Long and sighs.

She went not far away, picked up some firewood, and then began to make barbecue. As for the materials for barbecue, she certainly did not lack. They did not know how many Warcraft they had killed along the way!

Last time she came back from TIANYAO forest, she studied cooking quietly and hard.

She is now a very good craftsman!

In a hurry, more than an hour passed.

When the delicious barbecue is cooked, Ling Qingyao goes to Tang Long and wakes him up. Then they eat the delicious barbecue together.

Tang Long wolfed down and ate up in a moment.

Ling Qingyao's food is not so fast.

While eating, Ling Qingyao suddenly finds that Tang Long is staring at himself. Ling Qingyao's peaceful mood suddenly rises again.

I just feel that my face is burning!

But in the end, she didn't say anything.

She felt that Tang long had been tired for so long, and his mood was always nervous and worried. At this time, he was seldom in a relaxed mood. If he liked to see her like this, let him see it. As long as he was in a better mood, let him have a good look!

Ling Qingyao ate the roast slowly.

Although Tang long looked at her stupidly, she was a little embarrassed, but at the bottom of her heart, there was sweetness and joy.

Soon, she was full, too. , the fastest update of the webnovel!