The three blood robed warriors in the Brahman realm can no longer think about it any more. At the same time, they gather the blood red energy in their chest, forming a blood red energy shield!

See, ice fire energy dragon, is roaring, mercilessly bombarded in, they agglomerate on the shield!

"Boom -"

the blood red energy shield blocked the bombardment of the energy dragon!

The energy dragon, it explodes.

The power of the exploding ice fire energy is tens of times more powerful than the attack power of the energy giant dragon!

The terrible explosion, will this blood red energy shield, the direct bombardment of the explosion!

Then, the rolling ice and fire power, with a heavy mountain like strong air waves, toward the front of the three Brahman realm of martial arts, mercilessly swept away!

The three people in blood robes were frightened and quickly stepped back!

However, what made them more incredible happened!

The rolling momentum, even in front of them continue to explode, and the explosion at the same time, ice fire energy, even devour the energy between heaven and earth, let the ice fire momentum, become more and more fierce!

In a short time, the power of this sweeping strength doubled!

The power of Tang long can be improved continuously!

This is unheard of!

The ice fire energy is spreading wildly. Within a radius of hundreds of meters, it is completely wrapped and swallowed up by the ice fire energy. The trees around, the snow and leaves on all sides are constantly exploding and turning into dust!

This kind of power, too shocking!

Seeing that, the ice and fire power of the explosion all over the sky is hard and hard, and it bombards the three soldiers in blood robes!



The three people were bombarded by the explosion of ice and fire energy, and spewed out a mouthful of blood. They flew out directly to the distance, flew out more than 50 meters, and hit a big tree heavily, and then fell to the ground!

At this time, in all directions, the snow on the ground, including the surrounding trees, are flying all over the sky by this terrible explosion!

Broken wood and snow, mixed with leaves and ice chips, whistling between heaven and earth!

The power of Tang Long's attack was earth shaking!

Ling Qingyao, who was protected in the middle, was so overbearing when he saw Tang Long's attack. He was extremely surprised!

The three warriors of the Brahman realm fell far on the ground, and after a long pause, they recovered their breath. At this time, in front of the Tang dragon, there were five warriors in blood robed by the Sutra, and attacked the Tang dragon jointly!

"I don't know how to live or die!"

Tang long, arrogant momentum, become more and more crazy hegemony!

The battle spirit swept up, and the sea sword in his hand was completely wrapped by the golden light and lightning!

The sword is facing the five soldiers in front of them, attacking them fiercely!

The sword light of gold and silver, once again cut out, will these five blood robe martial arts, also bombard everywhere!

"If you want to kill me, you deserve it!"

Cold murderous spirit, burst out from Tang Long's body!

Ice and fire energy was used by him at the same time, and he used the ice and fire energy with great skill. He would never do any harm to himself again!

This ice fire homologous attack, he finally, completely grasped!

The long Dao turned into a sword, which was more than 100 meters long. It was cutting in all directions!

A knife awn, like gold and silver interlaced lightning, tore the space, left a trail of terrible deep gullies on the surrounding ground, and then, ice and fire energy, from these gullies, exploded!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

The whole jungle seems to be exploding. The ice and snow and trees are all broken by the blast. The boulders buried by the ice and snow in the depth of the ground are all broken by the bombardment, swept by the fierce air waves and flying all over the sky!

One by one blood robed warrior, by this terrible air wave, bombarded around flying!

Although their strength is very good, but the power of the ice fire energy explosion is too strong, even if they are, they can not resist it at all!

Suddenly, hundreds of warriors of the blood temple were bombarded out!


At this time, the wind blood wolf king, is also in this thunderous explosion sound, raises the sky to howl one after another!

The sound of this howling, actually is straight to the sky, let the white clouds in the sky, are torn apart by the wind and snow wolf king's roar!

Cold and strong spirit, from the wind and snow wolf king, more crazy swept out!

On the top of the wind blood wolf king's head, there are crazy snowflakes. The snowflakes are flying in the air waves and flying all over the sky. Within 100 meters, there are snowflakes flying and the wind is howling!

At this time, the Tang dragon meteor burst attack, again!Those warriors of the blood god temple, being bombarded by the terrible air wave, flew all over the place, but one by one flew out, and immediately climbed up from the ground, facing the Tang dragon, and rushed fiercely again!

Just now, they all saw that Tang long used his means to improve his strength!

They know that Tang long will not be able to persist for a long time if he uses such means!

In their opinion, as long as this period of time is over, Tang Long's strength will rapidly decrease, and then, they can kill Tang Long!


The warriors of the blood god hall roared one by one, with blood red strength on their bodies, and even more ferocious and fearless, they rushed towards Tang Long and his divine beast!

After taking the healing elixir, the three warriors of Brahma realm hid in the back!

They want to find a chance to give Tang long a fatal blow!

Tang Long's sword in the hand of Tang Long is still bombarding one after another. The fierce and powerful momentum of Tang Long is simply earth shaking!

However, he does not have the ability to stay in this state for a long time.

At this time, he not only displayed the seal of the real dragon, but also used the yellow spring needle to stimulate his potential. In this case, he used the ice and fire energy to attack at the same time, and the energy consumed was very fast.

In this state, he can hold on for five minutes at most!

"The three most powerful ones must be destroyed first!"

Tang Long's eyes fell on the three most powerful blood robed men not far away!

Just as he was about to rush over and launch another attack on these three guys, suddenly, there was a roar in all directions:



Obviously, this is the roar of a giant wolf. The sound of this howling is dense in all directions!

And at this time, the wolf king of the wind and snow, is a succession of howling!

The sound of distant howling, towards this side of the rapid approach!

Just two minutes later, Tang long felt that he was extremely powerful in all directions, and approached here quickly!

What's more, the roaring sound of the sky is one after another!

It's wolves!

"The wolf pack is called by the snow wolf king!"

Tang Long's heart is full of surprise! , the fastest update of the webnovel!