
Once again, the ice and snow in the sky was smashed by thunder. This time, it was connected to the rear, and the whole avalanche was like a giant dragon!

the ice demon Python was completely buried in the ice and snow!

At this time, Tang Long appeared 30 meters away in front of him with the fast moving body method. Then, two dodged to Bai Ze's side and jumped on Baize's back!


Two meters behind him, the ice and snow hit hard, the entire valley, are completely buried in!

The icy wind, like a raging sea, roars towards Tang Long and Ling Qingyao. In the fierce cold wind, Bai Ze's speed of rushing forward is doubled!

The white Ze does not stop for a moment, toward the front crazy gallop!

Behind, ice and snow like a giant dragon, filled the canyon, crazy down, all the way earth shaking!

Such a run, more than two hours, finally, Tang Long behind them, that terrible roar, gradually reduced, the avalanche was far behind!

* but at this time, the dense insects around it came out of the ground again.

Tang Long dare not have any rest!

spirit swept out, attacking the surrounding insects, crazy, and * Bai Ze, also rushed forward.

* this time it turned out that Tang long had run out of the coverage of insects.

* no worms appear in front of us!

The whole Canyon is quiet.

Baize ran for more than five hours, Tang Long and they finally managed to be safe. Behind the

, you can * t see the insects, and the front is completely frozen!

"Dragon, have a rest?"

Ling Qingyao was in the arms of Tang long. Thinking about the scene that two people were about to be buried by ice and snow just now, she couldn't help but take a chill in her heart!

Just now, it was so dangerous!

Tang long did not dare to stop!

"Let's change our mounts and keep going for a while."

Tang Long said, the red flame lion and snow wolf king, are called out.

Bai Ze was put into Ling Qingyao's bag.

Two people ride the snow wolf king, continue to fly forward, and the red flame lion, is also flying with them, at this time the red flame lion, is in the effort, looking for the natural material and treasure!

This kind of gallop lasted a full day!

At noon the next day, red flame lion finally had a discovery!

Ling Qingyao and Tang Long's hearts are filled with infinite surprise, riding the snow wolf king, flying forward with the red flame lion!

Twenty minutes later, they finally met a fierce third-order monster on the edge of the stone wall. Although the monster's fighting power is very strong, Tang long can easily kill it!

this monster is a pig!

Cold snow pig!

Because he was worried that the cold snow pig, like the cold ice demon python, kept shouting all over the sky, and then attracted an avalanche. Tang Long was also direct. He started to be strong first!

his mental strength swept out and turned into an energy mountain. Facing the cold snow pig, just bang it crazy!

What's more, the Canghai sword in Tang Long's hand is also a fierce attack on the cold snow pig!

The cold snow pig resisted for a while and was in a passive situation.

Five minutes later, Tang Long killed the cold snow pig!

The meat of this cold and ice pig is absolutely unique in the world. If you take it out, the meat is absolutely sky high!

Tang Long collected the cold snow pig into the Fengtian flag, and then, together with Ling Qingyao, walked towards the place where the red flame Tianshi found Tiancai Dibao.

It's not colorful Edelweiss.

This is a big snow pile. It looks like a piece of ice and snow. If you don't pay attention to it, you won't even know what it is!

Tang Long is very easy to recognize this baby!

"It's snow fungus cold spirit!"

Tang long looked at this thing. In his eyes, he couldn't help but see a surprise.

Ling Qingyao has never heard of it.

She looked at Tang Long and asked curiously, "what is xuejunhanling?"

"This is a kind of extremely rare elixir, and it is also a kind of five grade holy medicine. Its value is very high. Although it is not very useful to me, it is of great use to you!"

"What's the use?"

"This thing, can enhance strength!"

Tang Long said, without hesitation, he took out a large box, dug out the whole piece of snow fungus cold spirit, and put it into the box

he explained to Ling Qingyao, "this thing has a great effect on the warriors who are below the level of Xuanwu. Such a large piece can refine more than a dozen holy elixirs, which can enhance your strength!"

"That would be great!"

Ling Qingyao is very happy to hear Tang Long say so.She now finds that she has become a burden to follow Tang long. Tang Long's strength is getting stronger and stronger. She is also a little anxious. She wants to improve her strength and can give Tang Long some help.

Tang Long put away the snow fungus cold spirit, looked at Ling Qingyao and said, "when we find the colorful Edelweiss, we can make this snow fungus cold spirit."


Ling Qingyao nodded.

Naturally, she was not so anxious, and at this time, she was also nervous about ye Qingling.

Next, they continued to ride the snow wolf king forward.

In this way, while searching for colorful Edelweiss, they hunted Warcraft or monsters. Ten days passed. At this time, Tang Long and Ling Qingyao, relying on the talent of red flame Tianshi, found several kinds of natural materials and earth treasures.

However, we never found the colorful Edelweiss.

Both of them were a little worried.

This look, a month's time, will arrive, but the colorful Edelweiss, but has not found, this can do!

Late at night!

Tang Long rode the snow wolf king and hugged Ling Qingyao: "Qingyao, we don't have a rest!"


Ling Qingyao answered.

She knew that now time is less and less, and time is more and more precious. Even if she is tired, she can never rest until she finds the colorful Edelweiss.

Before that, Tang Long got several kinds of natural resources, but none of them was very rare.

However, these Tiancai Dibao are of some use to the growth of Warcraft. Therefore, Tang Long also gave all these Tiancai Dibao to his own divine beast and Ling Qingyao's Baize.

At this time, the fighting power of these mythical beasts was also improved, but they still failed to grow to the level of the third level monsters.

Time is in a hurry, two people by the bright moonlight, riding Baize all the way.

All of a sudden, red flame lion once again, with a discovery, toward the canyon in front of the left, and quickly ran away!

"I hope this time, don't let us down!"

Tang Long secretly thought, holding Ling Qingyao's slender waist. Although such a beautiful girl was held in his arms by him, at this time, he did not have a trace of any other idea!

In his heart, he only has anxiety!

Ling Qingyao is also very anxious. After all, time is becoming more and more urgent.

After running for seventeen or eight minutes, the red flame lion's speed gradually slowed down. Tang Long and Ling Qingyao looked ahead!

Moonlight, stars bright, not far away, there is a little, not very obvious colorful light!

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