Yuzhu was stunned for a long time and then stared at Tang long in disbelief: "you, you, you just said..."

"I said, I want you to become the emperor of Dan immediately. You should be able to accept such a gift?" Tang Long laughs. He is very proud. Such a big gift is an irresistible gift to any one of the 20-year-old Dan masters!

you know, Yuzhu is just a three grade Dan king!

Suddenly become the Dan emperor, in his early twenties, such a thing, heard people rain bamboo even dare not think, but now, can actually become a reality?!

Tang Long knows that such a gift can't be rejected by Yuzhu!

The most important thing is that the girl has a good impression on Li Dahan. At this time, the girl's head is hot and anything can happen.

Tang Long wants to strike while the iron is hot!

Yuzhu is still staring at Tang long.

Her eyes were full of disbelief. After a long time, she asked, "childe Tang, are you not kidding?"

Tang Long said with a smile, "why should I be joking? Dahan is my good brother and one of the most important people in Tang Dynasty. How can I be stingy when he marries a wife? This gift must be given. Moreover, my gift can be thicker. At the same time, I want to make you emperor

"Man, emperor?" Smell the rain bamboo again sluggish!

Her strength at this time is only Zhenwu seven levels. In her opinion, if she wants to reach the rank of the emperor, she must at least strive to cultivate for 100 years!

Tang long a word, she can become the emperor?!

This is too terrible!

People around, one by one, are staring at Tang long.

Dan Huang, emperor of the people!

My God, such strong people are all peerless in their eyes. How can Tang Long change a person into a Dan emperor or a man emperor with any words?!

Tang long at this time, but no longer said: "go, go back first!"

He turned his head and looked at Li Dahan: "Han boy, what are you doing in a daze? Don't you hold your wife back? Don't you know she's dizzy? "

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Li Dahan nodded in a hurry. Then, he directly stopped his waist and picked up Yuzhu. He followed Tang Long and went back to the Tang mansion.

The rain bamboo is still sluggish.

"Emperor, Emperor Dan, can I really reach these two realms so quickly?"

"Oh, the world is crazy!"

Hear a person rain bamboo's heart, can't help the Hu jump disorderly!

Looking at the man in front of her, she suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with her marrying him.

"He is not bad, and he is very good to me. I hear that Yuzhu will be happy if he marries him."

I heard rain bamboo's mind, some loose.

She suddenly felt that Li Dahan was really good, very good, honest and sincere, safe and reliable, and certainly not willing to bully her, it seems that this is the man she should cherish in her life.

If so, why should she refuse him?!

"Dahan..." She said softly.


Li Dahan answered and looked down at the rain bamboo. His eyes were full of love.

Smell of rain bamboo pretty blood red, the United States lawless!

Her dark eyes, blinking at Li Dahan, whispered: "you can't be so arrogant, others look at me, it's nothing, just can't let people bully me, can you remember that?"

"Remember, remember!" Li Dahan was busy.

Next to Tang long, hearing the gentle voice of rain bamboo, he immediately wanted to burst out laughing, but he finally resisted.

He knows that Wenren Yuzhu has decided to marry Li Dahan!

Tang Long deliberately doesn't go to see Wenren Yuzhu. He is afraid that the girl is shy. He seems to be very insipid and asks, "Yuzhu girl, I don't know what rules there are for Wenren's family to get married. Do I have to back up a generous gift to propose a marriage?"

He's going to do it as quickly as possible!

I heard that Yuzhu's heart was beating wildly again. How could it be so fast?!

She still, gently should a: "I heard the family rules, propose a marriage, is to need some betrothal gifts."

"I have to think carefully about what gifts I can give to show the sincerity of the Tang family." Tang long thought for a while and said, "well, ten tianwu pills, plus ten spirit spirits, it should be ok?"

Tianwu pill is an elixir refined by the spirit of nature.

At this time, Tang Long still had a lot of tianwu pills and spiritual spirits. However, he did not use them easily.

But for Li Dahan, he had to spend a lot of money.

But I don't know the value of these two things.

"What is tianwu Dan?" she asked? What is the spirit of spirit? "Tang Long explained: "tianwu pill is a kind of holy pill which can enhance the strength of a warrior. A tianwu pill can at least enhance the strength of a warrior, and the spirit of spirit is more precious. Ten spirit spirits can make a king of three grade Dan become a king of nine grade Dan!"


Hearing Tang Long's words, Yuzhu couldn't help exclaiming!

At this time, she finally knew that Tang long had the ability to quickly become a powerful emperor, and quickly become a Dan emperor.

Tang Long asked, "Yuzhu girl, these gifts, as betrothal gifts for your wedding, must be enough? If it's not enough, I'll give you some pills with the quality of Shengdan. It's twenty! "

"Twenty big return pills, return holy elixir quality!"

I heard rain bamboo's forehead, all exuded a layer of sweat, Tang Long's handwriting is too exaggerated!

If Tang Long took these things and went to Wen Ren's family to propose marriage, I'm afraid he didn't even want to hear Rizhao, so he would promise immediately!

Smell person rain bamboo light way: "enough."

"That's settled!" Tang Long firmly said: "choosing a day is better than bumping into the sun. Today, I will help you improve your strength. Tomorrow, let Ziyi go to hear people's family and propose marriage to you. The day after tomorrow, you will marry in the hall!"

The rain bamboo was silent.

At this time, her heart was completely willing.

She thinks that, anyway, she likes Li Dahan, and Li Dahan likes himself so much. Moreover, Tang Long's gift can make Wen Ren's family enhance their great strength. In this case, why not get married?!

Although this matter, is really too fast, but who also stipulates that love and marriage, must be slow?!

At this time, Tang long thought of Beigong Xianer.

He knew that it was time for him to meet the parents of Beigong Xianer. He had to get their support for some things so that he could have no scruples. Otherwise, there would still be some twists and turns in this matter.

"Just for today."

He thought secretly, and contacted Beigong Xianer directly with huixinmen.

Beigong xian'er's voice sounded in Tang Long's heart: "villain, are you back?"

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