"Beigong Xingyuan, don't worry. I will protect Tang Long!"

Nangong Aotian said solemnly.

At this time, he also felt that if Tang long could grow up, then in the future, he might have a big supporter!

Although Tang Long's strength is still very weak now, his potential is almost limitless!

Most importantly, because of the alliance, many people in the heavenly palace have different plans in mind!

Now Nangong Aotian has his own plan.

He hoped that he could establish a good relationship with Beigong Xingyuan, so that he could take care of each other in the future.

Tang Long knocked Ma Debao off the competition platform, and his eyes fell again on Dugu Baitian, who was on the edge of the competition platform: "now, you must fight with me. If you, even my inner disciple, can't defeat me, what kind of face do you have to marry Beigong Xianer?"

In the eyes of Dugu Baitian, the evil spirit was clearly revealed: "boy, you are looking for death yourself!"

Tang long looked at Dugu Baitian and said arrogantly, "Dugu Baitian, we are here to make a life and death gamble. If you are a man, you can accept my bet. Do you dare?"

"I dare not

Dugu Baitian's face was cold, and he was staring at Tang long.

In front of so many people, Tang Long is clamoring to make a life and death bet with him. Tang Long's strength is so much weaker than him. At this time, whether for his own reputation or for the sake of the Dugu family, he must accept this bet!

Most importantly, he firmly believes that he and Ben can not fail!

All the disciples, masters and ancestors all felt that Tang Long really wanted to fight with Dugu Baitian!

Although Tang Long's strength was really shocking, how could Ma Debao compare with Dugu Baitian?!

Isn't Tang Long looking for death?!

At this moment, Nangong Aotian turns his head and winks at the three Taishang elders he has found.

Although these three supreme elders have no deep friendship with Nangong Aotian, they also have a good sacrifice to them, and they will give them a lot of benefits in secret every year.

At this time, they are willing to help Nangong Aotian once.

The most important thing is that in front of them, as the supreme elders, they rescue the younger generation at the most dangerous time. It is a matter of course and no one can blame them.

Elder Taishang is the absolute strongman of the heaven magic palace!

Above the elder of the Supreme Master, there is the great master of the heavenly demon palace, and that is the peak of the heavenly demon palace!

The three Taishang elders all nodded to Nangong Aotian and decided to save Tang Long's life at the most dangerous time. At this time, in fact, they all attached great importance to Tang long. They thought that this rising star was a rare material to be made!

At this time, the twenty elders sitting on the throne, each with his own mind.

Nangong Aotian gets the hint of the three Taishang elders. Knowing that they will help save people later, he feels at ease.

He turned his head and looked at Beigong Xingyuan and said in a low voice: "wait a minute, you don't want to move. After all, this is your territory. If you do, it will bring more trouble to the boy and make yourself extremely passive. Therefore, you'd better stay out of it!"

"Thank you very much, brother Nangong." Beigong Xingyuan quickly thanks.

"You are welcome." Nangong Aotian smiles faintly.

He knew that if he intervened in this matter today, he would definitely break up with the Dugu family!

But he has no regrets about his decision.

The most important thing was that he had already made a decision in his mind to draw a clear line between him and the Dugu family, because in the realm of Jialan, he was standing on the side of those people who were in alliance with Taiyi Xianzong!

The Dugu family firmly supports the Tianmo palace and joins the alliance with Taiyi Xianzong!

Because of the deviation of this matter, Nangong Aotian and the Dugu family will become hostile sooner or later. Therefore, Nangong Aotian doesn't care about the hostile relationship. It will come a few days earlier!

On the high platform, Dugu Baitian coldly stared at Tang Long: "what kind of gamble do you want to make with me?"

Tang Long said haughtily: "in our Beigong, Beigong Xianer is a celestial being. Ordinary people can't be qualified to match with Xianer. So I'll make a bet on Xianer with you. If you fail, you can never make a plan for Beigong Xianer!"

"Good!" In the eyes of Dugu Baitian, a touch of evil passed away, staring at Tang Long and saying, "what if you lose?"

"I die!"

Tang Long proudly vomited out these two words!

His voice was as heavy as Mount Tai, but the faces of Nangong Aotian and Beigong Xingyuan suddenly changed!

Even, the eyebrows of the three supreme elders were severely frowned!In the eyes of Beigong xian'er, at this time, she can't help but feel nervous and worried. She knew that Tang Long said the word "die" to make Dugu Baitian have no chance to repent. He had to force him to make a bet with him!

Tang long wanted to completely break the relationship between Dugu Baitian and Beigong Xianer.

In front of so many people, if Dugu Baitian loses, what kind of face will he have in the future? He will marry Bei Gong xian'er again!

But Tang long, can you win?!

"Villain, if you have an accident, I will never live alone!"

Beigong Xianer looks at Tang long. At this moment, she makes a decision to live and die with Tang long!

With this decision, she did not have the previous tension.

Hearing Tang Long's death, Dugu Baitian also felt a chill in his eyes.

He shook his fist and stared at Tang Long coldly: "Tang long, since you have to die, I will make you a success. Today, I will kill you!"

"If you lose, I won't kill you!" Tang long at this time, but arrogantly said: "because, I will not kill a weak one!"


Dugu Baitian snorted.

He knew that Tang Long's words were just picking up a bargain, because even if he lost, Tang long had no chance to kill him!

How can these strong men of Dugu family watch him be killed?!

What's more, how could he lose to Tang Long?!

In his eyes, although Tang Long has some talent, his strength at this time is far from that of him. After all, he is a strong man in Xinghai realm, and he is also the strength of six levels of Xinghai!

How can Tang long be more powerful than him?!

Ten meters away from Tang long, Dugu Baitian's face was icy cold, and his fist was tightly held. On top of his fist, a fierce cold spirit swept out!

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