At this time, a dazzling golden light knife awn, but once again, mercilessly chopped down!

the power of this knife is even more powerful than the previous one. The knife awn, with the terrible golden light and lightning, chopped on the head of the devil!


The head of man and devil is split directly!

Then, people and Demons directly burst into pieces, and turned into a blood red energy all over the sky. It spread and spread, but it followed closely, and was devoured by the golden flame to the crazy burning!

In a short time, the blood red energy was consumed by the golden flame!


Tang Long breathed a long breath.

Tang Long also took a lot of effort to solve the demon.

Snow leaf to the moon riding red flame lion, running toward the Tang long, soon to Tang long side.

After jumping off the red flame lion, Xue Lingyue sent his little white hand to Tang long. In his broad palm, he said, "laipi, where did this strange thing come from? How can it be so powerful! "

Tang Long didn't answer. He held the small hand of the snow leaf moon, and looked at several warriors not far away.

These warriors also came.

One of them, looking at Tang long, asked, "excuse me, who is your name?"

Tang Long said: "we are from the palace of the emperor. We come to the city of forgetfulness to seek for the sect of forgetfulness and solve the dispute between the sect and another sect."

"It's great that you're here at last." The warrior's eyes immediately showed a touch of joy: "I really did not expect that this time, the emperor's palace can send you two here. With the help of such a powerful warrior, we can finally rest assured."

Tang Long asked, "where is the troublemaker?"

"The family of forgetting worries is in front of us, and to tell you the truth, we are the people of the sect. We will take you to the sect of forgetting worries!"

"What happened to the demon just now?"

"Is this a demon? No wonder it's so powerful! " The warrior sighed and said, "go to the sect with us first. Our Lord will tell you what happened recently."


Tang Long said no more. He took the red flame lion and took snow leaf moon's hand. He followed these warriors and went toward the family of forgetting worries.

A group of people, walk less than 20 minutes, arrived at forget worry Zong.

The headquarters of the sect covers a large area. It is built like a small ancient castle with a simple and grand atmosphere.

Tang Long and Xue Lingyue followed the warrior to the front of a simple and simple gate.

The warrior went up and knocked on the door.

The door soon opened. A warrior in his thirties came out, took a look at Tang Long and Xue Lingyue and asked, "who are they?"

One of the warriors who brought Tang Long said at once, "they are from the imperial palace!"

"Why do you look so young? Don't we say that the strength of those who come to support them should at least reach the level of true disciples? " The 30-year-old warrior, looking at Tang Long and listening to the moon, frowned slightly, but still said, "go ahead, the Lord is waiting inside."


The warrior, who did not say much, walked into the gate with Tang Long and Xue Lingyue.

Through a square about the size of a football field, Tang Long and Xue linyue followed a warrior into a solemn fortress in front of them. The rest of the warriors who came back together left at this time.

Tang Long and Xue linyue, in the hall of this fortress, soon saw the leader of the forgetful worry sect.

The leader of the worry forgetting sect is an old man who looks more than 50 years old. With obvious anxiety and uneasiness on his face, he sees that Tang Long and they are coming, and a few simple greetings are the main points.

He looked at Tang Long and said, "I don't know what kind of strength do you have?"

Tang Long said: "yue'er's strength has reached the peak of the nine levels of Xuanwu, and even immediately, I can reach the level of Dongxu. As for me, I should be a little bit stronger and reach the double level of Qisha."


Hearing Tang Long's words, the master of the worry forgetting sect suddenly had a surprise in his eyes.

Just now, he saw that Tang Long and Xue Lingyue were young. In fact, he was already worried, but now, he was surprised.

He didn't expect that Tang Long and Xue linyue were so powerful!

especially Tang long had the strength of starting a mountain!

Looking at the patriarch, Xue linyue asked, "what do you call me?"

The patriarch said in a hurry: "I have no worry son!"

Tang Long said: "just on the way to here, we saw that there was no one on the street of the city of forgetfulness, and we also met a demon. What's the matter?"

"The devil? You're talking about the bloody monster? Isn't that the human devil? " Wuchenzi was surprised: "what about the devil?"Tang Long said: "I have killed him."

"Can you kill that demon? That's great. It seems to me that the city of forgetting worry is finally saved! " No worry son's face, that worried look, immediately reduced a lot.

Tang Long asked, "it seems that you are asking for help because of the devil?"

"No, it's not." Worry free son sighed: "this matter, want to start from worry free city, a newly established clan door."

"What clan?"

"This gate is called tianwuzong. Some of the people who founded tianwuzong are not only all martial arts masters, but also very powerful witches with very strong summoning ability."


Tang Long and Xue Lin Yue have a look at each other.

They have never heard that there is a wizard profession in the world, but they did not expect to hear about a brand-new profession here!

Tang Long asked curiously, "what is a wizard?"

Wu You Zi said: "specifically, I'm not very clear. I only know that witches are born with strong spiritual power. But their spiritual power is different from that of ordinary people. They can use this mental power to summon demons!"

"Can you summon demons? Is it the bloody devil? " Tang Long frowned: "they summon people and demons. These people and demons can stay in this world for a long time?"

"Yes." Wu You Zi said: "they summon people and demons. These people and demons can not only stay in this world, but also obey their orders."

"What a strange situation

Tang Long's heart, can't help but be extremely curious, he has never heard of such a thing!

Wu You Zi continued: "the number of the clan outside the city is not large. There are only 30 or 40 core members in total. However, a lot of them have been closed down. All the evil forces in the surrounding areas have been gathered together. It turns into a very powerful sect very soon."

Tang Long asked, "there are only thirty or forty witches in that clan?"

"Yes." No worry son nodded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!