The girl was disappointed and said, "my strength is not qualified to go to Senluo hall." The voice dropped and looked up at the dark night. In his eyes, there was a faint look in his eyes: "you should be able to accept the inheritance when you come out of Rosen hall. At that time, you may become the founder of the sect."

"What's good about being a disciple of the mountain." Dark night in the eyes of a flash and gone: "if it was before, I or, will be very looking forward to."

The girl said, "if you become a disciple, you can at least go out and form your own influence."

Do you think it's easy for me to get out of the night

The girl paused and said, "as long as you find a suitable place to form your own influence, you will be able to get rid of it. It's better than me to be able to hide for a while. I'm afraid that I can't escape. At that time, I'm sure I'll be killed

After listening to the girl's words, the quiet night was also gentle. She sighed, but she said, "don't worry. When I become a disciple, I'll take you with me."

"Really?" In the eyes of the girl, a surprise suddenly appeared.

"Of course, I mean what I say." You Ye is very sure: "we grew up together since childhood, how can I cheat you?"

"Yes." The girl nodded heavily.

After a pause, she looked at the dark night and said, "I'm very upset tonight. Otherwise, I won't leave?"

"What's the matter? Is that guy bothering you again The night frowned slightly.

"Ah." The girl sighed and said in dismay, "before our tianxie sect, where is it now? I really don't know where the blood temple came from. Those people are so shameless!"

"Who makes us tianxie sect not as powerful as others?" You ye also sighed.

She felt that the tianxie sect was becoming a vassal of the blood temple!

The girl said, "as soon as you leave tomorrow, that guy will go, and I will be clean for two days. I wish that guy would die in Rosen hall!"

"Hush, keep it down!"

You night hastily cautious way, in case someone is outside the door at this moment, be heard by the person of blood temple, that is not good.

The girl was depressed and indifferent: "that guy, even if he knew that I wanted him to die, he would not kill me. That man is shameless and wants to get me!"

"Let's go inside and talk."

You ye said, and the girl, toward the quiet night rest of the bedroom, walked in the past.

Soon, they entered the sleeping room of the quiet night.

"I'll clean it up, and then you'll have a rest. I'll come over soon." You ye said, went to his show collapse next to, plan to clean up, let the girl first rest, and then go out to find Tang long.

However, when she saw the situation of the show collapse, the whole person, directly froze!

"This man, how to hide here!"

At this time of the quiet night, it's really speechless!

There are so many rooms here. Why doesn't Tang Long go there? He hides here. At the moment, he even

"What an enemy

Quiet night efforts to suppress the heart, the heart that a little confused mood.

She turned to look at the girl and forced a smile.

The girl, however, asked curiously, "you are sleeping just now, how do you look like you are in the dark night?"

"Yes The night is hard to nod.

At the moment, on her show floor, the blanket is spread out, and under the blanket, it is full of puffs!

the girl knows the quiet night very well and likes to be clean and tidy. Unless she sleeps, the blanket can never be the way it is now.

It's just, she's a little curious.

Why is it that the blanket is bulging? It's like a blanket. There's a man in it?!

The girl didn't doubt it.

She knows Youye very well. She knows that Youye is definitely not that kind of person. She thinks Youye likes to sleep with a doll in her arms and says, "look at your hair, the water vapor is not dry. I thought you didn't sleep. It seems that I disturbed you."

"It's just boring, just lying down."

You night said, the heart is still beating.

Looking at the girl standing in front of her, she scolded Tang Long seventeen or eight times!

This man, where is not easy to drill, how to drill into this room, and unexpectedly, still hide here!

She has to hide it!

Looking at the girl, you night suddenly made a pair of, very tired look.

She lazy ha breath, apologized: "love snow, I today, suddenly a little tired, or you or, don't go with me, go to my guest room rest, I will go to Senluo Hall tomorrow, I have to have a good rest today!"

Love snow a little suspicious looking at the night: "just now, you are not good?"

"I've been dizzy today." Quiet night is still a pair, very tired look: "originally had a rest, feel better, but now, dizzy again!"She sat down and put her legs into the blanket.

Love snow is a little disappointed, she still wants to talk to her.

You night see love snow refused to go, bite teeth, simply the whole person, is also into the blanket, looking at the quiet night way: "you know my home anyway, take this as your own home, also go to the room you used to rest?"

Love snow disappointed way: "originally, still want to talk to you!"

The pretty face of the night suddenly turned red.

She hung her head severely, and her whole body was slightly trembling. She seemed to be very tired.

Her voice, also become weak and powerful, slightly trembling urged way: "love snow, I'm really sorry, I can't accompany you today, you go to have a rest."

"Since you are so tired, I'll go to your guest room. Anyway, I can't go back today."

Love snow finish saying, turn to walk out.


You night long vomited a breath, suddenly got up, pulled Tang Long's hand out of the blanket, and rebuked with a red face: "you bastard, I trust you so much, but you are so dishonest!"

"It's no wonder that I'm the one who makes you suffer so much for the country and the people, but you just want to provoke me!"

Tang Long's head came out of the blanket. He was right!

The night glared at him.

After a pause, she blushed and said, "how can you hide here?"

Tang long curled his lips and said, "I didn't know. I found a room at random. The result is like this. Besides, except for the wardrobe, I can only hide in the blanket. Otherwise, you will let me stay in the cupboard overnight."

You night glared at Tang Long and bit his teeth. Suddenly, the anger on her pretty face disappeared inexplicably.

Her voice, also eased down, gently: "it's late, let's have a rest."

Say, unexpectedly so, lie down again.

Tang Long was stunned.

In his mind, a little confused: "what does this girl mean? Listening to her words and looking at her like this, she doesn't seem to blame me, even if she doesn't refuse, how do I treat her , the fastest update of the webnovel!