Now, perhaps most people have arrived at the Senluo hall in Senluo ghost area. If they don't speed up, they will not get any good things in Senluo hall.

You night turned to look at Tang Long and said, "good people, or we, go directly to the eighth floor?"

Tang long thought about it and nodded: "well, let's find a place to have a good rest, and to be well prepared, we can go to the eighth floor."

"Yes." Youye nodded, but reminded: "for such a long time, you have no longer refined that strange soul power. During this period of time, those soul power should have accumulated a lot. You'd better refine it. Don't be in danger at that time!"

"You're right."

Tang Long also nodded.

The last time he refined that strange soul power, as a result, those refined soul power, but all condensed into a very small strange soul.

During this period, he was busy looking for Tiancai Dibao, but he didn't pay much attention to that strange soul.

Now reminded by Youye, Tang Long feels that he should really look at the situation of his puppet soul again. After all, he absorbed a lot of cold soul power unconsciously because he was looking for natural materials and treasures.

He had to see what happened to that little soul.

They found a cave.

Tang Long got into the cave, and then he began to practice seriously.

The spirit entered the spirit sea, and Tang Long soon saw the situation of the puppet's soul. He could not help but feel a strong fear in his heart!

The soul, which was only the size of a fist, turned into a terrifying blood red soul with more than 10 meters!

This soul, in the sea of his spirit, is quiet!

"How could that happen? There must be no danger! "

Tang Long took a deep breath.

He was very careful and concentrated to explore the condition of the soul.

The spirit has just arrived at this soul, and a cold breath in the soul is suddenly swept by, and it even bounces away his spiritual power!


In the heart of Tang long, he was extremely frightened!

You know, before he was refined, that strange little soul, that little soul, has become his puppet soul.

How can the puppet soul, completely controlled by him, stop the exploration of his spiritual power?!

Obviously, this soul has changed!

"How can this happen? I have refined this soul

Tang Long was very careful and began to mobilize his spirit. Slowly, he approached the past towards this strange soul. At the same time, he tried his best to gather his vitality and entered the sea of spirits!

He must refine the blood red strange soul again!

Even if he can't merge the soul for the time being, and even if he can't destroy it, at least he must completely control the soul, otherwise his own soul will be taken away by it sooner or later!

After all, the growth speed of this strange soul is too fast!

we should know that ordinary people's souls, strong or weak, are born. Even after they are severely damaged and recovered, they are still born with the size and strength. However, this strange soul can grow strangely!

And the speed of growth is so fast!

This really let Tang long, extremely afraid!

The power of chaotic fire and the force of Jiuyou and Tianhan are quietly pouring into the sea of spirits. With the spiritual power, they are wrapped up in the blood red soul in a crazy way!

suddenly, a terrible soul force, like the cold dark stream in the forest ghost land, unexpectedly swept out of the puppet's soul, toward Tang Long's Spirit, resist it!


Tang Long's heart, suddenly extremely dignified!

Obviously, the energy possessed by this soul is super powerful, and the soul is totally out of his control!

"It must be refined, or I will have a rest one day."

Tang Long's face was heavy and congealed.

The power of his chaotic fire and the power of Jiuyou and Tianhan have a strong ability to swallow. At this time, these two kinds of vitality are all together, towards this strange soul, crazy swept up the package!

He began to do his best, refining and swallowing the extremely cold energy!

Just as Tang long tried his best, he suddenly felt a fierce lethargy in his head!

And he felt that his whole body was completely bound by a cold energy. The whole person, not only could not move, but also seemed to explode!

His soul was attacked!

"No, this strange soul, I really want to do something to my soul!"

In Tang Long's heart, he was shocked to the extreme. He tried his best to condense his spiritual strength. Wrapped in death and death, he endured the increasingly serious dizziness and tried to refine the soul power of this strange soul!But all of a sudden, his heart, filled with a very strong intention to kill!

Then, I felt that the blood red energy full of the breath of death and destruction between heaven and earth was all towards him, and crazily gathered here!

in his elixir field, there was an extra, horrible blood red energy group!

The blood red energy group was controlled by the blood red soul. In the Dantian of Tang long, there was a change!

This blood red energy, even towards the Tang Long Dan yuan, launched an attack, to destroy the Tang Long Dan field, that chaotic sky fire and the nine you Tian Han power, condensed Dan yuan!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Tang Long's Dantian, thunder like roaring sound, one after another ring!

I just feel that the fierce energy in the Dantian seems to be about to blow up the explosion of the Dantian bombardment, and a terrible pain sweeps through. That kind of pain makes Tang Long feel that his whole person will explode at any time!

"Damn it!"

In his heart, Tang Long cursed fiercely.

At this time, he knew that, unconsciously, he had been quietly poured into a strange soul!

What's more, the strange soul integrated into his body is still relying on his body to absorb the blood red energy in a quiet and silent way!

What he didn't understand was that before, he didn't notice it!

His chaotic power of fire, the power of Jiuyou and the power of cold, condensed the original energy, into the shape of Taiji diagram. In his elixir field, crazy rotation, a stream of terrible ice fire energy, gathered golden light and lightning, towards the blood red energy sweeping around, constantly burning and swallowing!

Although, the power of blood red energy is extremely powerful, but at this time, it can not destroy Tang Long's Dan yuan!

It's just that the feeling of dizziness, as well as the muscles and bones, which are so fierce and fierce that it makes Tang Long feel unbearable!

his whole body becomes red with blood!

his head is covered with sweat!

Because of the sharp pain of the face, at this time, Yijing becomes a little twisted. Sitting cross legged, the whole person is shaking and seems to fall to the ground at any time!

Next to the quiet night, see Tang long at this time of change, suddenly in the heart, extremely panic.

However, she can only watch!

Although she knew that something terrible had happened to Tang long, she could do nothing. She could only sit beside Tang Long and look at him without blinking, hoping that he could relieve the pain as soon as possible!

The pain continues!

Tang Long fell to the ground and curled up into a ball!

Between the heaven and the earth, the blood red energy is extremely fierce, gathering towards the Tang dragon crazily!

Tang Long's skin exudes blood!

all over his body , the fastest update of the webnovel!