Youye knows that Tang Long's strength has been greatly improved under the previous conditions. However, Tang Long's dangerous appearance before her is also frightening to death!

Tang long looked at the quiet night, but in his heart, he thought of a problem.

Youye doesn't know what Tang Long is thinking. He looks at him and asks, "good man, are we going to the upper level? We are here for two days."

"Two days have passed? In this way, we have only three days left in this senro ghost land? " Tang Long frowned and asked.

"Yes." The night nodded.

It was obvious that Tang Yilong's eyes were heavy.

He looked at the dark night and said, "goblin, we are not in a hurry to go to the upper level. Now, I must check and see your situation."

Youye doesn't understand the meaning of Tang Long's words.

She looked at Tang Long and wondered, "check my situation? I'm fine! "

"I think, in your elixir field, by quietly pouring into, very strange blood red energy, but I believe, there should be no soul force influx." Tang Long said seriously, "I have to make sure my guess."

You night Leng Leng Leng: "what do you mean?"

"You'll see in a moment. Do as I say!" Tang Long cautiously said: "sit cross legged and start practicing."


You night will not doubt Tang long.

Tang Long condenses the power of chaotic fire and carefully inspects the dark night's elixir field.

Sure enough, he found it!

In the dark night's elixir field, there is a strange blood red Dan yuan. This Dan yuan is hidden quietly. If it is not for the experience of Tang long before Tang long, the Tang long at this time must be hard to detect!

Tang Long again towards the quiet night of the spirit of the sea to check the past!

What shocked him was that there was a strange soul in the sea of spirits at night!

But the soul, obviously still relatively weak, but the size of the football!

Tang Long stopped exploring.

He looked at the dark night, his eyes dignified: "night Son, next, you must endure the pain, I will help you, relieve your body's condition, otherwise it will be dangerous!"

"Good man, what's going on here?" You ye did not understand.

Tang Long briefly described her previous experience, and then told Youye that she had two souls!

You night heard Tang Long's words, suddenly in his eyes, there was a thick panic!

Tang long held Youye in his arms and comforted him: "Dear night, don't worry. I won't let you suffer so much. I can use the golden spring needle to help you solve the problem. My own strength is much stronger than you. With the effect of huangquan needle, I should be able to solve your problems quickly! "

"Yes." You ye bit his teeth: "good man, I can bear it!"

Tang long in the quiet night's pretty face, gently gnawed: "night Son, eat this bitter, you can also get great benefits!"

Quiet night nestled in Tang Long's arms, gently said: "I don't care what benefits I get. I only care about it. I can be with you and always be together."

"We are always together!"

Tang Long is very serious.


You night should a, heart, is very sweet and happy.

After waiting for a moment, Tang long studied the solutions to the problem of Youye. Then, he told Youye about these solutions, and then he began to help her solve the problem.

Of course, in advance of the dark night, also eat Tang Long refining, a few of the sacred pills to protect the muscles and veins.

Then Tang Long also helped you to stimulate your potential, expand your muscles and veins, and took two healing pills for healing!

Do a good job of preparation, Tang long just started, help Youye solve the problem!

Help Youye refine that soul and blood red energy. The speed is very fast. After all, Tang Long's soul is in a completely autonomous state at this time, and his strength is much stronger than Youye!

Ten hours later, Tang Long solved the problem. The strange situation on Youye!

Moreover, you Ye's strength has been greatly improved!

Her spiritual power, unexpectedly, has been greatly improved, directly promoted to the level of Sanpin Danhuang!

Moreover, the strength of her warriors has also soared, reaching the triple realm of emptiness and emptiness.

The range of such strength promotion is much bigger than Tang Long!

Of course, Tang Long's efforts are indispensable.

Of course, Youye also suffered a lot in the last ten hours. Even though Tang Long was well prepared, he was still in pain and almost fainted.

But, at last, I survived!

At this time, the dark night had a great fear of this Senluo hall!

"good man, I don't want to go to the upper level, just now, it was too painful!" She looked at Tang long, her eyes full of entreaty: "we are here, stop it, OK?""This

Tang Long hesitated.

Looking at this, the Sutra is the seventh floor. After the eighth floor, you can reach the Senluo hall in the forest ghost area!

Is it difficult to give up halfway?!

The most important thing is that Tang Long thinks that he should be relieved of the greatest danger by Scripture. In this case, why not go to Senluo hall?!

However, he was a little worried!

He was afraid of the dark night!

The strange soul of Senluo ghost land is so mysterious. Tang long, just a little short of it, was devoured by the strange soul!

What if something more dangerous happens in Senluo hall?!

But what if there's a good chance?!

At this time, seeing that he was about to arrive at the Da Senluo hall, Tang Long certainly did not want to give up!

In order to minimize the danger, he turned his head and looked at the dark night and made a decision: "Yeer, well, I'll be on the seventh floor for a day, then I'll go to the eighth floor, and then I'll go to the Senluo hall. If you stay here, if you have any danger, please contact me at any time. I can come to you right away through Huixin gate."

You night thought about it and nodded.

Although she was a little afraid, she did not want to drag down Tang long.

"Good man, I'll listen to you." In the dark night.

Next, Tang Long and Youye, riding a red flame lion, began to search for Tiancai and Dibao on the seventh floor of Senluo ghost land.

On this day, their harvest was great!

In the previous six layers, Tang Long and Youye, there is no Tiancai Dibao that can enhance the strength of the warrior.

However, in this seventh layer, they even found the Tiancai Dibao to enhance their strength!

In the seventh floor, there are a lot of such natural materials and treasures!

But at this time, they can't use these heavenly materials and earth treasures to enhance their strength, because before, refining and chemical absorbed those blood red energy. Although their strength has soared a lot, it has also greatly affected their cultivation foundation!

In a short period of time, they don't want to use these Tiancai Dibao to enhance their strength!

Tang Long is not in a hurry. After all, medicinal materials can be stored.

And the foundation of cultivation can be gradually stabilized.

Most importantly, there are many people in Tang Dynasty!

Tang Long himself, although he can't use these natural materials and earth treasures immediately to improve his strength, other people in the Tang family can use them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!