The girl's big black eyes looked at Tang Long seriously. She hesitated a little, and then she opened her mouth and ate the nine grain elixir in Tang Long's hand.

Tang Long's supernatural animals all returned to the heavenly spirit garden.

Pig just hyena, but didn't go back!

He went to Tang long, squatted down and looked at the girl who was seriously injured on the ground. He said directly, "boss, I want this girl!"

"Well, you can give it to you if you want it!" Tang Long's light way.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!"

Pig Gang HYA heard Tang Long's words, and immediately giggled, looking at the girl on the ground, eyes full of admiration and joy.

The girl looks at Tang long, but she frowns fiercely.

Ling Qingyao is a little dazed.

She didn't expect that Tang Long agreed to give the seriously injured girl on the ground to pig ganghya!

How could Tang Long make such a decision?!

Besides, does he have the right to make such a decision?!

Ling Qingyao looked at Tang Long and frowned slightly: "dragon, you, what do you mean?"

Tang Long smiles mysteriously. Instead of answering Ling Qingyao, he looks at the girl on the ground and says, "your internal injury is very serious. You need a good rest. Don't worry. I don't mean anything to you. Moreover, I will guarantee your safety. I will give you the pill to recover the internal injury."

The girl looked at Tang long, hesitated a little, and finally gently said, "thank you."

"You are welcome." Tang Long said, his eyes fell on pig Gang HYA's body: "pig head, she will give you, take good care of her, knock and bump, careful I take you to ask!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Pig Gang hyena busy, repeatedly nodded, eyes that joy, but more obvious.

Tang Long turned to look at Ling Qingyao: "I have to practice."


Although Ling Qingyao still wanted to ask Tang long a few words, at this time, she also held back temporarily.

When the Tang and Yuanlong are not in the distance, they will start to protect the emperor and the emperor.

In a hurry, more than an hour passed.

After training, the energy consumed by Tang Long was basically recovered and stopped practicing.

Looking at the pig ganghya and the girl not far away, Tang Long's eyes showed a touch of expectation, and he obviously expected: "this girl is a good helper, but it's a pity that she will not be easily subdued when she grows up to this level!"

Ling Qingyao, beside him, also looked at the pig Gang hye in the distance, turned to look at Tang Long and asked, "how do you take care of that girl for pig Gang hye?"

Tang Long smiles triumphantly.

At this time, not far away, the pig Gang hye, with the help of the young girl on the ground, carefully lifted up, asking for warmth and warmth, and seemed very attentive.

Tang long looked at Ling Qingyao and explained, "I just explored the girl's pulse and felt that her muscles and bones are obviously different from those of ordinary people."

"What does this represent?" Ling asked

Tang Long said with a smile: "it means that this girl is not a human being. According to my experience, she should be a divine beast!"

"God beast?" Ling Qingyao's eyes immediately widened: "you said that girl, unexpectedly is a god beast?"

"Not bad!" Tang Long nodded affirmatively: "although, this girl has the shape of a human, but obviously has not grown up to that strong degree. She should be, in some cases, taking the magic shape grass, will turn into human shape in advance."

"It's unbelievable that it's a divine beast!" Ling Qingyao's face was full of surprise.

At this time, pig Gang hyena, however, came towards this side.

He walked up to Tang Long and said brazenly, "boss, can you give me two healing elixirs?"

Tang Long smiles and asks, "what's the girl's name?"


"If I'm not wrong, she's just like you, and she's not a low-level animal, right?"


"Can you see what the beast is?"

"I asked her, and she told me."

"Oh Tang Long's heart is a little happy, quickly asked: "that girl actually told you, tell me quickly, what kind of animal is she?"

"She won't let me say it!" Pig Gang hye face embarrassed: "I can only say that she is also a high-level beast!"

"Well, I won't force you either." Tang long thought about it and took out two elixirs. One was healing elixir, and the other was one that could speed up the growth of Warcraft: "take it. Tell her that if she can be with me, I will not be stingy."

"She -" pig Gang hye hesitated.

Tang Long said curiously, "what's the matter?"

"She may, won't be with us." Pig Gang hye hesitated: "she has a lot of things to do."

"What is she going to do?"

"She won't let me say it!" Pig Gang hyena stammered!Tang Long is more and more curious. The pig head is always fearless. How come, it seems that she is afraid of the girl!

"It's a drop from one thing!"

Tang Long was a little funny. He decided to stay here for a while and try to see if he could take the beast away.

Pig ganghya took two miracles and went to the girl.

Tang Long is also very patient.

He didn't go there, and let pig ganghye get closer to the girl.

He could see that the pig Gang hye seemed very interested in the girl. He wanted to see the situation and make plans.

After all, the girl is not a born beast. Although Tianling garden has a strong attraction for the beast, the higher the level of growth of the beast, the stronger the ability to resist this attraction!

After all, it's easy to be abducted when you are young!

Tang long waited for a day. He made some delicious food in the evening. He ate it with Ling Qingyao. He also left a lot for the girl.

After eating, Tang Long and Ling Qingyao have a rest.

Tang Long plans to go out in person tomorrow and find a way to take the girl away and stay in the Tianling garden.

To his total surprise, the next morning, the girl left, and pig ganghya, the pig, went with him!

"this is a big loss!"

Tang Long is depressed!

Ling Qingyao looks at Tang Long's depressed appearance, and is a little funny.

The man was greedy enough. He wanted to recover the girl, but he didn't expect that the girl didn't get it. On the contrary, he abducted the pig ganghya away!

This is not worth the loss!

Of course, pig Gang hye left, also left a sentence: "boss, I want to help long Ying, save her family, in addition, to help her revenge, so for the time being, I can't go back, and when I finish my work, I will find you!"

"This pig's head!"

Tang Long helplessly turned his lips.

At the moment, if he can find the hyena, it's easy to find the hyena, if he can find it.

However, he did not intend to do so. , the fastest update of the webnovel!