"It seems that he really wants to do this!"

Ling Qingyao secretly thought, lowering his head, looking at his waist, by Tang long, to open the ribbon, Ling Qingyao know, some things, should happen!

"Forget it, leave it to him."

She finally decided to give herself to this guy, so that he would not listen to what she wanted to say!

"That's it, that's it!" Ling Qingyao said helplessly in her heart, reluctantly calmed down, and gently said, "there is a room over there. Please take me there."

Of course, Tang Long knows the meaning of Ling Qingyao's words!

Without any hesitation, he picked up Ling Qingyao and headed for him.

At this moment, Ling Qingyao gave all the power to Tang long.

She just said with expectation: "dragon, I'll always be your man if I follow you. After you, you must cherish me -"

of course, Tang long will cherish her!

How can Tang Long not cherish such an immortal?!

However, cherishing and greedy are two different things!

after half a day and a night, the blink of an eye passed. When Ling Qingyao woke up from her sweet dream, it was the next morning.

Slowly opened her eyes, she immediately saw, a pair of dark pupil, is blinking at her, this pupil, showing love, appreciation, and some greed!

this pair of eyes, of course, is Tang Long's.

"Awake?" Tang Long asked, with both hands exerting force, he held Ling Qingyao in his arms.

Ling Qingyao felt that her heart was jumping around again. She was a little shy, but more sweet and happy.

She knew that she belonged to Tang long.

Seeing Tang long, she still looks at herself, but Ling Qingyao doesn't say Tang long.

She felt that she was Tang Long's man and his wife. Then her own beauty was completely owned by Tang long. If Tang long wanted to see her, it was good enough to see her, as long as he liked it.

Ling Qingyao gently said: "dragon, I found a very important place yesterday."


"It's a palace. It's just behind this palace where we are. In that palace, a small square is built completely closed. On the square, three arrays are sealed."

"Building squares in palaces?" Tang Long was stunned.

Ling Qingyao continued: "dragon, do you know what kind of array is sealed in that palace?"

"What formation?"

"It's a transmission array, and a space wormhole array!" Ling Qingyao's voice dropped, paused, and continued: "what's more, the two transmission arrays, and one space wormhole, are all opened up. Just put another array in a suitable place, and then open the seal. The energy stored in the seal can open a space wormhole by itself, and also open the two transmission arrays by itself."

Hearing Ling Qingyao's words, Tang Long suddenly, he was surprised and widened his eyes!

Space wormhole and teleportation array are the two things that death flame Island lacks most. However, it is impossible for ordinary people to build and open these two arrays.

If you don't have the strength of God King realm, you can't do it!

But I didn't expect that it was sealed, space wormhole and transmission array!

this is definitely an unexpected surprise!

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Tang Long couldn't help holding Ling Qingyao.

"You Ling Qingyao was a little speechless. He glanced at Tang long. When he was happy, he would have a crooked mind. She did not allow him to move. She said angrily, "you were so greedy yesterday. Do I have time to say it?"

"Hey, hey Tang Long laughs, a little proud.

"Qing Yao, let's get up!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, her heart is also a burst of sweet. This man, although very greedy, can indeed be very good to her, even at this time, is not willing to force her.

Sitting up gently, Ling Qingyao still looks at herself when she sees Tang long, and her eyes are dull. Ling Qingyao's heart can't help but jump.

"I haven't seen enough of it yet."

She is a bit helpless light angry, blink of an eye, a set of snow-white clothes to cover her.

She grabbed Tang Long's hand and sat him up. She urged him, "get up quickly. I'll take you to see the transmission array."

"No hurry."

Tang Long is a little bit distressed by Ling Qingyao.

He got up and cleaned himself up. Then, looking at Ling Qingyao, who was also tidied up by classics, he felt a burst of jumping in his heart!

At this time, Ling Qingyao is really beautiful beyond description!

After last night's change, her quiet temperament like a banished immortal is blended into a kind of charming tenderness, elegance and reserve, but with moving amorous feelings. Her gentle movement and casual expression are both beautiful and dreamlike, which can make people indulge in them!Ling Qingyao is a little used to Tang Long's eyes.

And she also knows that Tang long, a greedy fellow, really likes her. For this reason, her heart is also very sweet.

After all, this is the only man in her life.

Tang Long likes her so much, how can she not be happy? How can I not be sweet in my heart?!

Tang Long finally withdrew his eyes.

He said seriously, "don't worry about going to the place you said. The elixir I refined yesterday to improve your strength. Take it first. In this way, you can not only improve your strength, but also recover your injury. "

"Injury?" Ling Qingyao Leng Leng Leng: "I am not injured!"

Tang Long laughs, squints his eyes and reminds him: "you try to take two steps, and you will know if you are hurt!"

Hearing Tang Long say so, Ling Qingyao suddenly felt that she was burned by fire!

She wants to kick him!

"You greedy ruffian, you know to bully me!" She couldn't help but glared at Tang long. A delicate jade hand was sent to Tang Long's eyes by Sutra: "then, give me the elixir, and I will practice."


In Tang Long's hand, there is an extra bottle.

Ling Qingyao didn't say any more. She took the bottle and wanted to go forward. She raised her foot, but she couldn't help but frowned.

What an impact!

"it's all caused by this greedy guy!"

Ling Qingyao was a little helpless. She was about to move on, but suddenly she was picked up by Tang Long and headed for the training room not far away.

Holding Ling Qingyao in his arms, Tang Long soon entered the training room.

Ling Qingyao began to practice with scriptures.

Tang long but seize the time, contact the baby girl Ye Qingling!

Of course, he also wants to give ye Qingling the elixir he refined before to improve his strength.

In this underground city, although Tang Long got few elixirs to enhance his strength, Tang Long still refined more than 20 pills to enhance his strength. These pills are enough for ye Qingling to improve his strength.

Even, Tang lacked their strength, and Li Dahan's strength. Tang Long helped them to improve again.

Of course, Tang Kuo's five people have benefited the most.

With the help of Tang long, the Tang Dynasty lacked their strength, and they all reached the Brahman realm with scriptures, and it was also the peak of the Brahman realm.

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