In the training room, Tang long looked at Yang Yang and asked, "have you ever taken Da Huan Dan?"

"Yes." Yang Yang nodded.

Tang Long is a little disappointed. If this guy hasn't taken Da Huan Dan, he can help him improve some things.

Now, he can only use the Juyuan skill to see how much it can help him improve.

At present, Tang Long still has several nine grain elixirs that can improve his strength. However, Yang Yang can't use them because they can only be used by those who are just beginning to cultivate their vitality.

Yang Yang's current strength, in his peers, in fact, quite good with the classics!

"Close your eyes and don't think about anything. Just try to run your energy." Tang Long's face also became extremely serious: "how much benefit you can get depends on your own nature!"


Yang Yang nodded and closed his eyes according to Tang Long's request.

Tang Long said no more.

He agglomerates the huangquan God needle, helps Yang Yang, displays gathers the source skill!

Time is in a hurry, and in a twinkling of an eye, it is past. Two hours later, Tang Long helped Yang Yang with the classics and completed the art of gathering the source. Yang Yang's strength began with classics, which was extremely fierce.

Tang long did not. He stayed in the training room.

He went out, and then, left the room, through the Huixin door, directly appeared in xuelingyue's room.

Xuelinyue is waiting for Tang long.

Seeing Tang Long coming, she immediately asked, "laipi, do you really want to let Yang Yang join Tangmen?"

"Not bad." Tang Long nodded: "in fact, he is of great use to us, because he knows the opening law of Ziyou Shentan and the location of Ziyou Shentan."

"But, after all, he is from the city of sin!" Xue linyue reminds Tang Long: "the city of sin is full of people who are extremely guilty. You have only met him. Do you believe him so much?"

"I believe him because of his eyes and what he says Tang Long confidently said: "I will not mistake people, although the city of sin, most of them are extremely guilty people, but he is not!"

Tang Long is confident in seeing people.

Along the way, the only one he was wrong about was only one person. This person was lie Qingtian!

As a matter of fact, he can't say that he was wrong about the person. After all, before, they both grew up together. Although he always knew that strong Qingtian's mind was complicated, he always tried to persuade himself!

In addition to strong Qingtian, he never missed anyone.

For Yang Yang, he felt that he should, and will not be wrong!

When Yang Yangcai appeared, he noticed him by classics. Although this young man was cruel and cruel, Tang long could see that he was a man of great perseverance.

And obviously, he is a very emotional person!

Otherwise, his revenge heart, can not be so heavy!

A person's words and deeds, speech style, and even action, can be seen, what kind of person this is, unless this person, has a very good ability to cover up the heart!

Of course, Tang Long now, can not say, completely believe in Yang Yang.

He's still testing him.

Just now, he improved Yang Yang's strength, which is actually a test!

If Yang Yang finished his cultivation and got such great benefits, he would not think about cultivating such a person when he was away.

He will let Yang Yang wait alone in his room!

the time is in a hurry, and in a twinkling of an eye, it is already the next morning. At this time, Tang Long and Xue linyue wake up after a sleep.

Snow leaf moon nestles in Tang Long's arms: "laipi, you said Yang Yang, left?"

"I don't know." Tang Long smiles.

He believed that Yang Yang would not leave!

If he is smart enough, if he is committed, if he knows how to seize the opportunity, he will not go!

Xuelinyue held out a slender jade finger and gently poked it in Tang Long's chest: "laipi, you should get up first, go to see if he is gone. I'll go there later!"

"You girl

Tang Long shook his head a little speechless.

He knew that Xue linyue was still embarrassed. In front of him, she got up like this, because there was no shelter on her at this time, so I was sorry to show Tang long so much!

In the evening, she can show it to him, but now, she is super shy, just won't!

Tang Long also followed this girl's, this careful thinking.

With a smile, he got up and tidied up. Then he walked out of the room and soon walked into Yang Yang's room.

Yang Yang is sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Seeing Tang Long coming, Yang Yang immediately stood up and looked at Tang long, with a wipe in his eyes and obvious gratitude: "thank you for helping me improve my strength!""I don't like the word thank you." Tang long light way: "later, we are friends, you to the classics, is my Tangmen people."

"I hope you can tell me more about the constitution of space!" Yang Yang looks at Tang long, very direct way.

Tang Long walked up to him and sat down and said, "I don't know much about space constitution. However, it is true that I can help you a little, because I have a little research on the power of space."

"Now, where are we going?" Yang asked

"Eat first!" Tang Long reached out and patted Yang Yang on the shoulder: "you are a natural killer, but the real killer is not like you!"

"What's a real killer like?" Yang Yang asked, still a face of cold.

Tang Long smile: "the real killer, throw into the crowd, all people can't see, he is a killer, even everyone can't feel, he has any danger!"

Yang Yang did not speak, as if thinking.

Tang long continued: "the killer's greatest ability is not to kill, but before killing, no one knows that he is trying to kill. Only in this way can the killer complete the task with the fastest speed and evacuate safely."

Yang Yang thought about it and nodded slightly: "in fact, I like to be a killer."

"You are fit to be a killer!" Tang Long smile: "just, you this cold look, really too attract people's attention, and, you are too handsome, this point, also very inappropriate!"

After a pause, he said: "however, only by virtue of the talent to hide the body shape, we can cover up all these defects."

Yang Yang's face was still cold and handsome: "Tangmen, how many people are there?"

"Hundreds of people." Tang Long said with a faint smile, "how is your strength improved?"

"My strength has been promoted to seven evil spirits and three levels, and has been promoted to nine levels." Yang Yang's voice dropped, looking at Tang Long's eyes, there was also a touch more, very obvious curiosity: "I really did not expect that in the world, there are such magical means to enhance strength!"

"Now, let me tell you, what is the power of space!"

Tang Long began to give Yang Yang a detailed account of the power of space. At the same time, he also told Yang Yang what he knew about the physical condition of space.

In a hurry, twenty minutes passed.

Tang Long was talking seriously. Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside. Then he heard a soft exclamation: "ah!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!