"Of course I do!" Lin Xiaotian immediately nodded: "the black star gate is one of the most powerful forces in the area of sin city. Moreover, I have some contact with Qingyun gate. Of course, I know black star gate very well."

Tang Long asked, "I heard that there is a vein of energy crystal in the black star gate. Do you know this one?"

"I didn't hear that." Lin Xiaotian shook his head, but followed closely: "however, the black star gate is really very rich. In the city of sin, the wealth of the black star gate is absolutely second to none, and as far as I know, the black star gate has a very deep foundation."

After a pause, he continued: "however, such things as energy spar veins must be their top secret. Generally, they will not be known."

Tang Long said: "this matter, you help me understand."

"Good!" Lin Xiaotian agreed.

Tang Long's eyes fell on Lin Ximeng's body and said directly: "if you can, I hope that Ximeng girl will stay with me all the time."

"Yes, of course!" Lin Xiaotian quickly nodded, in his eyes, with a touch of classics, it was obvious that he was happy.

Lin Xi dream sitting next to that beautiful face, but there is no trace of any mood fluctuations.

Obviously, Lin Ximeng can control his emotions very well!

this is the quality that an excellent killer should have!

Next to Tang long, Tang Long is very fond of the little leopard snow listening to the moon. He is a little unhappy!

Lin Ximeng was so beautiful that Tang Long asked him to leave Lin Ximeng. Xue linyue felt that he was so shameful that he probably fell in love with other people and was playing with other people's bad ideas!

She aimed at Tang long, heavily hummed, pretty face, expressing her dissatisfaction in the heart.

However, at this time, the guests are there, and she doesn't say much. She has to save face for Tang long.

Tang Long knew that his little leopard was jealous, but he did not explain.

He left Lin Mengxi to train her!

Lin Mengxi's strange body method just now made him feel that Lin Mengxi, like Yang Yang, had extremely rare spatial body. This discovery made him feel incredible, but he was very happy!

Such a rare and extreme constitution, he actually found two people at once!

How can he let it go?!

This kind of talent is rare for thousands of years. Once encountered, he must take it as his own and cultivate it well. In the future, he will become his most effective assistant!

After a few words, Tang Ren came back.

Seeing Tang Kuo, Tang Long immediately said to Lin Xiaotian, "old Lin, if you have nothing else to do, please go back first. Your granddaughter may stay here, and I promise that I will never hurt her at all!"

"This --"

Lin Xiaotian turns his head and looks at Lin Ximeng.

At the moment, he also completely misunderstood Tang long. He thought that Tang long must like his precious granddaughter and wanted to accept her!

Before he came here, he actually had such an idea and even made some decisions. However, he didn't expect that Tang Long was so direct and so quick that he would leave his precious granddaughter behind!

Although it's for the safety of Qingyun gate, we can't ignore the safety of our granddaughter!

What's more, how can he feel comfortable when he gives his granddaughter away like this?!

Lin Xiaotian is entangled!

Lin Xi dream is still calm.

She knew her grandfather, in the tangle of what, turned to look at Lin Xiaotian: "grandfather, you go back first, I'm here, will be OK."

"In that case, all right." Lin Xiaotian is a little helpless. The matter has come to this point. His granddaughter has spoken. What else can he say?

He can only accept the facts in front of him, bid farewell to Tang Long and leave alone.

At this time, Tang long looked at Tang que sitting next to him and asked, "what about the Gongyang family?"

Tang Kuo immediately said: "young master, as you expected, as soon as you left, many martial artists of Gongyang family rushed to find an excuse to leave the city, and then went directly to lenghungu!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded with satisfaction: "what about Yang Yang?"

"They're still staring around cold soul valley." Tang Kuo said: "as long as you get the news, you will report back immediately!"


Tang Long again, very satisfied with the nod.

He knew that when the Gongyang family was occupied, the people in lenghungu would not give up and would certainly come forward.

If you suffer from such a big loss, cold soul valley will not come out, and cold soul valley will not be able to mix in this evil city again!

This time, the cold soul Valley hands, must be very dynamic!

Tang Long is well prepared with classics!

He looked at Tang Que and said, "you go to have a rest first, and let our brothers of Tangmen have a good rest. I guess that at the latest in the morning after tomorrow, people from Lenghun valley will enter the city!"

"I see." Don nodded and turned away.Tang Long turned to look at Lin Xi dream and said directly, "if I guess well, the girl should have a very special constitution!"

"Not bad!" Lin Xi dream nodded: "I have the body of wind spirit!"

"Can you let me examine it?" Tang Long asked.

"Yes." Lin Xi dream nodded.

She didn't know how Tang long wanted to check, but she agreed.

On one side, xuelingyue is not very happy!

Tang Long doesn't hide from xuelingyue. He doesn't have any bad thoughts, he just loves talents.

His thought, clean!

Go to Lin Xi dream in front of, stretch out a hand: "give me your hand."

Lin Ximeng hesitated a little, or sent his little white hand to Tang Long's palm, which was always calm and pretty. At this time, he could not help but appear a touch of shallow blush.

After all, she was a girl, and she never gave her hand to a boy to hold.

What's more, before he came, Lin Xiaotian told her about some possibilities!

So at this time, even if she can control her mood, mood, it is inevitable that there will be some strange, there will be some tension, will be heart beating.

Tang Long gently grasped Lin Ximeng's delicate hand, and then, with his spiritual strength, he began to explore the special physique possessed by Lin Ximeng, and soon got the answer!

"It's a miracle, it's a miracle!"

Tang Long released his hand and sighed.

Lin Ximeng is a little curious.

Snow leaf month beside, also some curiosity, looking at Tang Long asked: "laipi, what miracle?"

Tang Long walked back to xuelinyue, sat down, looked at Lin Ximeng and said, "I really did see it. Miss Lin has a very rare constitution. I didn't expect that in this evil city, there are two people with such rare Constitution!"

Lin Xi's dream was a little stunned.

Xue linyue, however, guessed something by Scripture. After all, she knew that Yang Yang had the body of space.

Tang long looked at Lin Xi Meng and said, "Miss Lin, what you have is not a light and flexible body, but a very rare, space body. The reason why your body method is very strange is not because of the special vitality of your cultivation, but because of your space constitution."

In fact, for her own constitution, Lin Xi dream has long had doubts, but she has never heard of the body of space before.

Tang Long told Lin Ximeng about the situation of the body of space, and then asked, "you are also from the city of sin. Should you know Yang Yang?"

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