Ye Tianlong's face became a little gloomy: "young master Tang, if you are a guest, I Ye Tianlong will treat you well. But if you want to fight against my black star gate, I'm afraid it won't be so easy. My black star gate can't be compared with Lenghun Valley!"

"If you can compare it, just try it!" Tang Long said lightly.

Next to Tang Kuo, Yijing took out a martial note: "this is my Tangmen, give you the black star gate, two days later, our Tangmen, and you black star gate, in the central square of sin city, have an open competition. If we lose, we will cancel all the things that you broke into our Tangmen before. If we win, we will capture the black star gate and fight against sin The whole industry of the city

Ye Tianlong heard Tang Kuo's words, in his eyes, with a touch of gloom through his eyes!

Staring at the martial art script in Tang Que's hand, ye Tianlong said in a deep voice: "it seems that Tangmen want to occupy the city of sin!"

"It's none of your business to do what I'm going to do. Just take this post!" Tang Kuo haughtily said: "if you don't accept it, it's very simple. We'll destroy the Tianlong martial arts school now!"

Hearing Tang Kuo say, this extremely arrogant words, ye Tianlong's eyes, suddenly showed a sharp!

After ye Tianlong's death, a warrior suddenly rushed out and went straight to Tang Kuo's eyes. He said angrily, "boy, you dare to be wild in front of our master. I think you are looking for death!"

"It's you who are looking for death!" Tang Kuo did not give in.

Tang long looked at Ye Tianlong and said, "it's up to you whether you receive the post or not. However, I'm very busy. I can only give you ten seconds. If you don't take this post after ten seconds, I will immediately destroy the Tianlong martial arts school!"

"It seems that young master Tang has a firm heart and will not go to the black star gate with me!" Ye Tianlong gnaws his teeth!

Tang Long said faintly: "there is no existence. You can't go there. As I said, I came to collect money. If you black star gate people didn't attack our Tangmen, I would never be here now!"

"Good!" Ye Tianlong bit his teeth and said, "in this case, I'll take the martial art script. Two days later, at noon, I'll see you on the test bench at the big square in the center of the city of sin."

"Good!" Tang Long nodded with satisfaction.

Ye Tianlong was so angry that he took over the martial arts post and then held his fist with a gloomy face: "no send!" The voice dropped, turned directly and went back to the Tianlong martial arts school.

Tang Long returned to the Tang clan with five Tang Kuo people.

For the next two days, Tang long talked to Yang Yang and Lin Ximeng about the power of space, and helped them to master their special talent constitution!

Tang Shao and Fengyun thunder and lightning, but always around the Tianlong martial arts school, quietly explore the movement!

Even this time, Lin Xiaotian sent his own, all the gold medal killers, to help and pay close attention to every move of Tianlong martial arts school!

However, Lin Xiaotian didn't know what idea Tang Long was playing!

Tang Long hit, is the idea of energy crystal vein!

Where is the vein of energy crystal? It is extremely secret. Even in the black star gate, there are only a few people who know it!

If Tang Long wants to get the vein of this energy crystal, he has to work hard naturally, and he must be sure to be safe!

Two days passed!

At this time, in the central square of the city of sin, there was already a sea of people. The battle between Tangmen and heixingmen made the city of sin very popular.

This is the biggest thing in the city of sin for hundreds of years!

Tang long hasn't gone to the Central Plaza yet!

He's still in Tangmen!

Tang Kuo came in: "young master, the people of the black star gate have arrived in the square, and the master of the black star gate, as well as the most powerful person of the black star gate, have also arrived!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded with satisfaction.

He turned his head and looked at Yang Yang and Lin Ximeng: "next, it's up to you. Remember, don't let things go wrong."

"Don't worry, young master. I promise you won't miss it!" Yang Yang is full of confidence.

Tang Long nodded.

For Lin Ximeng and Yang Yang, Tang Long is more at ease.

Through these days of practice, their strength has been improved, and their moving speed, especially the means of hiding breath and body shape, has become more powerful!

At this time, situ just came in: "young master, you are all ready!"

"Go Tang Long said in a deep voice.


All together, stand up!

Situ just went out. Of course he would not. He went to the central square of sin city with Tang long!

He took the 108 teenagers of Tang Dynasty to the location of black star gate!

His task is to take advantage of the internal emptiness of the black star gate, go and directly destroy the headquarters of the black star gate!

To the Central Plaza, only Tang Long and Tang lack of them five!

Yang Yang and Lin Ximeng, of course, are hiding in the dark. They have their mission, and their task is the most important: keep an eye on the master of the black star gate!Tang Long rode the red flame lion, with Tang Kuo five people, not long, is to the Central Plaza.

A glance at the black star gate.

The number of people there is more than 3000, and the strength of the people, even enough to hundreds!

Obviously, this time, the black star gate is well prepared!

moreover, at this time, in the central square, people from other major forces in sin city have also arrived. One by one, they thought it was a bit incredible to see Tang Long come with only five people!

However, no one dares to say anything.

Tang long can easily kill lenghungu. No matter how unexpected he is at this time, no one will dare to say anything more.

It can only be said that the master craftsman is bold!

Tang Long and Tang Kuo have already come to the gate leader of the black star gate.

The head of the black star gate is called mourning Biao. He looks like a middle-aged man in his forties. He is as tall as Tang long, but twice as wide as Tang long!

This guy is a very strong man!

The name of bereaved Biao is famous in the city of sin!

he has a nickname: murderer maniac!

People in the city of sin all know that it's easy not to offend bereaved Biao, because once you offend him, he will directly kill your whole family. No one is left. Often, even your ancestral grave is dug for you!

This man is so vicious that he is unreasonable!

However, mourning Biao is very powerful, skillful, insidious, and has many people under his command. Therefore, even though he is extremely vicious, few people dare to provoke him in this evil city!

Ye Tianlong sits beside the bereaved Biao.

He is one of the three great masters of mourning Biao!

Ye Tianlong's strength is Nirvana's nine realms, while bereavement is the peak of Nirvana's nine realms!

It's a pity that he has been practicing hard for 15 years, but he still can't break through the magical realm!

The realm of supernatural power is also a bottleneck that the martial arts practitioners must pass through. Many people have been stuck in the peak of Nirvana all their lives, and their strength can not be improved any more!

Mourning Biao stares at Tang long, and his eyes show a fierce light: "Tang long, since you have to provoke me to mourn Biao, then today is your death date!"

"Is it?" Tang Long faint smile: "I hope you can do it!"

"Tang long, I heard that you have a woman named xuelinyue, who is very beautiful!" Bereaved Biao's eyes, showing a touch of extreme greed, heavy hum a, unscrupulous way: "when you die, your woman is mine, I will let her live worse than death!"

Hearing this sentence, Tang Long's face suddenly became chilly!

This bereaved Biao, should not, should not, should not listen to the snow, with covetous heart! , the fastest update of the webnovel!