Glare shield burst out, extremely dazzling purple light, the entire test bench, even a hundred meters, are shining purple light, dazzling!

The whole world, is purple light shining!

This sudden change, Wang Fengyi completely did not expect, suddenly, purple light is his vision, shine a blur!

In front of him, the purple light dazzles!

But at this time, he is not worried about himself!

He firmly believes that this attack, even if Tang long does not die, will never be able to get up again!

Tang long used the glare shield, at the same time, cast the glare skill!

Moreover, the mental strength and vitality erupted at the same time and condensed on the glare shield to resist Wang Fengyi's attack!

Wang Fengyi's terrible dark energy light stab hit Tang Long's glare shield. Suddenly, a terrifying thundering roar broke out. The explosion of ice fire energy also broke out suddenly outside the glare shield!

Dark energy light stab, by this terrible explosion, as well as Tang Long's spiritual power, to the bombardment of the explosion!

However, it turned into black and hard, and bombarded the glare shield!





But in this moment, in front of Tang long, four divine beasts came out of the heavenly spirit garden at the same time!

the red flame lion and the snow wolf king directly condensed their energy and resisted the glare shield. All of a sudden, they completely resisted the dark energy on the glare shield!

The golden monkey leaps up with the classics!

A terrible golden light column, towards Wang Fengyi, mercilessly smashed away!

This accident, electric light flint!

What's important is that Wang Fengyi is totally unprepared. What's more, he still has a purple light in front of him. He never expected that there would be an accident!

The accident happened!

Golden monkey's golden cudgel, smashed in the air, with the power to destroy the heaven and earth, forcefully, hit Wang Fengyi's head!

How powerful is the power of this stick!


The whole test bench collapsed!

Wang Feng is easy to be smashed, spurts a mouthful of blood, directly and forcefully, fell into the hard ground, legs, are deeply immersed in!

At this time, the attack of the Golden Phoenix is coming again!

Wang Fengyi was bombarded with gold light and lightning!

Wang Fengyi did not even have a chance to resist. He was hit by the golden lightning and hit the ground with a mouthful of blood, which was a move!

This accident, really come too fast!

All of a sudden, all of a sudden, this competition on the test bench, unexpectedly appeared such a startling reversal!

However, it is impossible for anyone who wants to retrieve it!

Tang Long took it with three pills to recover vitality!

At the same time, also took a few healing pills!

He used the huangquan divine needle to stimulate the potential effect, and the classics gradually disappeared, and his strength began to decline!

However, he is not too worried!

After killing Wang Fengyi, the rest of the people are not enough to fear!

the golden monkey and the Golden Phoenix fall back to the ground and stand beside the Tang dragon. The red flame lion and the snow wolf king are also majestic. They stand beside Tang Long and look at the people around them with covetous eyes!

Everyone around, at this time, is quiet!

This change, come too fast!

For a long time, someone responded and suddenly burst into a thunderous voice: "Tang long, the leader of Tang clan, in such a contest, you even used the divine beast. It is extremely shameful!"

This roar is just the sound of mourning Biao!

At this time, his whole body trembled with anger, and his face was livid!

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the bereaved Biao, and his eyes flashed with disdain: "who has stipulated that we can't use divine animals!"

Bereaved Biao is furious!

Wang Fengyi's death, to his black star gate, has brought irreparable heavy blow, at this time, his heart, is already raging.

He knew that Tang Long was weak at this time!

He felt that it was the best chance to kill Tang Long and win the final victory!

"Tang Long doesn't obey the rules, and kills innocent people indiscriminately. Then, don't blame us. Don't talk about the rules of competition. All the people of black star gate, listen to orders and kill them for me!" roared bereaved Biao!

The so-called Tang Long killing innocent people, of course, is an excuse!

His black star gate hands, is even more bloody!

Bereaved Biao wants to take advantage of Tang Long's isolated power and the opportunity of being hurt, and kill Tang Long!

The warrior of black star gate, got the order of bereavement Biao, all of a sudden, all toward Tang long, ferocious and rushed away!

Those black star gate's most powerful guys, directly together, surrounded Tang long, one by one, all burst out, extremely fierce momentum!At the same time, some other black star gate Warriors also surround the Tang Dynasty with five people!

Bereaved Biao rushed to Tang Long with scriptures: "Tang long, since you came to my sin city, you have been arrogant and arrogant. Today, my black star gate must kill you and eradicate your evil for the sake of the city of sin."

When the voice dropped, he suddenly waved his hand: "do it!"


The warriors surrounding Tang Long immediately agreed to attack Tang Long with all of them!

At this time, although there were still many people from various forces around the Central Plaza, they did not start.

But they did not go away!

They want to see who will win the battle between the two sides!

The situation is not clear. They dare not help!

However, once the situation has changed, they will also want to seek opportunities to make profits!

Tang lacked them. At this time, hundreds of powerful warriors from the black star gate surrounded them, and even many of them reached nirvana!

However, Tang Kuo is not afraid of them at all!

One by one, will own ice wolf, to call out!

The fighting power of level 6 monsters is so strong. Even if they are warriors in Nirvana realm, it is not easy to defeat them. What's more, if Tang lacks their strength, it can't be underestimated!

At this time, Tang wanted six of them, finally for the first time, at the same time, exerted the power of Shura to attack the enemy!

Five strange blood red energy, with a very strange purple light, from the five people, suddenly burst out, in this purple light, there are even dense golden lightning!

Tang Lei stands in the middle!

He suddenly roared, on the body, unexpectedly rang out, the voice of terror of thunder!

An invisible force of oppression erupted from him, just like Mount Tai. It was facing the warriors around him. All of a sudden, all the martial artists around him were affected and strangely suppressed!


Tang Lei yells, fists, towards the ground, and smashes it down! , the fastest update of the webnovel!