After a while, Miyamoto appeared in front of Tang Long with Three Dharma protectors. Seeing Tang Long's embarrassed appearance, he immediately frowned fiercely: "what's going on?"

Tang Long appears to have a heavy internal injury and a pale face: "tianwo city has been captured. It is a man without God and Jue palace!"

"Damn it, I choose today to attack tianwo city!" Miyamoto's eyes, showing a touch of extreme anger: "absolutely no God to come?"

"I didn't see absolutely no God. I only saw a super master with a sword. In a short time, he killed hundreds of people!"

"Master of sword?"

"Yes, the strength of this man is very strong, and they are all beyond the realm of holy martial arts. Our people outside are not rivals at all, and their lives and injuries are extremely heavy. What's more, the man has brought a lot of masters

"How many masters are there in all?"

"Hundreds of people!"

"With what weapons?"

"All of them are swords, and one is better than the other."

"Asshole, these people, absolutely are the people of wushenjue palace, but the people of shengjianmen!"

In Miyamoto's eyes, there is a deep shock. The master of sword killed hundreds of people in a short time. In his understanding, he could only be the powerful guys from the holy sword gate!

Wushenjue palace, although the strong gathered, but some of the strongest strength, with fists!

A few, with a knife, with a stick!

Not many people use swords as weapons!

What's more, if people in wushenjue palace use swords to disguise the holy sword gate, they don't need to wear the clothes of wushenjue palace!

Miyamoto suddenly felt that these people, 90% of them are the people of the holy sword gate!

Tang Long doesn't care about Miyamoto's conjecture. At this time, he is secretly proud, because Miyamoto's conjecture completely shifts Miyamoto's thoughts. As a result, he ignores him as a messenger.

But he made a puzzled look and asked, "Lord, those people who are clearly without God and Jue palace!"

Miyamoto does not answer Tang Long's questions!

"Go back to tianwo city and have a look!" Miyamoto said in a deep voice. His body flashed, and he went to the place where the transmission array was located!

Tang Long is a success!

As long as Miyamoto is gone, he will be happy!

"now, it depends on who the dog bites the dog. I should do my business!"

Tang Long follows Miyamoto and runs in the direction of the transmission array. Miyamoto's strength is very strong and his speed is extremely fast. However, Tang long runs more and more slowly. In a short time, there is no shadow of Miyamoto in front of him!

His purpose, of course, is not to leave with Miyamoto!

It's time for him to save Xiao Yihan!

"I hope that now, the guards of Xiao Yihan will not be very strong, otherwise I will be in a bad situation!" Tang long thought secretly.

He knows that the strongest people in tianwo sect are waiting in the molten pool. When the molten pool is opened, they will go in and practice. At this time, it is the best time to rescue Xiao Yihan!

After confirming the position, Tang Long went in the direction of Yougu mountain!

Xiao Yihan is locked in the ghost cave of Yougu mountain!

Tang long, of course, knows the exact location of the ghost cave. The Miyamoto man said it in detail!


at this time, the city of extinction!

In a Luxury Inn on the street!

Ye Qingling, who disguised as an old woman, looked at the four people of Fengyun thunder and lightning: "brother long, let me tell you that the plan is going to be implemented!"

"Well, be careful here. We're going." Tang Feng looks at Ye Qingling.

"I'm all right. Go ahead and do it!" Ye Qingling nodded. What's more, she knows that this time, brother long takes a lot of attention, so she is also very careful, and she must complete brother Long's affairs.

She didn't even plan to go out!

"If we succeed, we will leave this street. You can see it from the window."

Tang Feng finished this sentence, Fengyun thunder and lightning left together, walked out of the guest room, onto the street, toward the God free palace, stride!

Soon, they arrived at the gate of wushenjue palace.

There were two warriors who blocked them: "stop, you can't come here

"We're here to find no God, something important!" Tang Feng said in a deep voice.

Two martial artists, still blocking the storm and thunder, one of them glanced at Tang Feng obliquely and disdained to say: "just a little boy, you dare to find the master of our wushenjue palace. I think you are looking for death!"

"We really have something important to do. If we delay, you can't afford to suffer!" Tang Feng frowned and said, "go in and report!"

"If you tell me what's important, I'd like to see what kind of fun you guys can play!" The warrior said contemptuously, "do you want to give your wife to our palace master for a future?"After hearing this, Tang Feng immediately frowned fiercely!

Tang Lei was furious. He suddenly burst out with a domineering momentum. He glared at the warrior and said, "do you want to die?"

Feel Tang Lei's body, burst out of terror momentum, the two warriors, suddenly face suddenly changed!

Nirvana peak!

Such strength, even if it is placed in the absolute palace, it is also resounding!

They didn't expect that Tang Lei had such terrible strength even though they were young!

At this time, Tang Yun looked at the warrior and said in a deep voice: "you go to tell your palace master that if the holy sword gate goes to attack tianwo City, it means that Miyamoto's strength has broken through the holy King's dual territory, and will come to attack the city of extinction!"

Hearing Tang Yun say so, the faces of the two warriors changed at the same time!

This is not a joke!

What's more, the strength of Fengyun thunder and lightning is so strong that they dare not neglect what they say!

They can't afford to delay big things!

One of them said, "wait here!"

The voice falls, he turns around, toward the absolute being palace in a hurry, soon disappeared in the gate!

Before long, the warrior came out!

He soon arrived in front of the storm and thunder: "our Lord let you in!"

The storm and thunder looked at each other, and they walked into the palace. Soon, they saw the absolute godless who was sitting in front of the hall in the dark steel armor!

No God stares at the clouds and thunder, the light in my eyes is like a sharp blade!

Cloud thunder and lightning are so looked at, but one by one, stand erect like a mountain, the eyes are full of arrogance!

"Who are you?" Absolutely no God finally spoke, looking at the cloud thunder and lightning, in the eye unexpectedly, showed a very obvious appreciation!

He was young and had no fear in front of him. The courage of these four young people surprised him.

Their calm, also let him appreciate!

His voice, like a mountain of heavy pressure: "I heard that you have very important things to look for me. Well, you'd better not cheat me, or you will die very ugly

The voice fell, suddenly thunder burst to drink: "say, you are not tianwo Zong people!"

Tang Feng ignored the absolutely godless explosion drink, a calm face, serious way: "we are just idle people and so on!"

No God's voice, suddenly changed very peaceful, seemingly casual, light asked: "you come, what's the matter?"

Tang Feng said: "it's a great benefit to Wushen Jue palace."

"Talk about it!"

"This matter is of great importance. I do not exaggerate to say that my news can save you and destroy the city. Therefore, if you want me to tell this news, you have to pay a certain price!"

Tang Feng knows that the news that is easy to say will not be believed by God!

So, he had an idea and planned to make a circle!

There is no God in his eyes. He looks very interested. Looking at Tang Feng, his eyes suddenly become sharp like a knife: "do you know the end of asking me for something?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!