The battle ahead lasted for ten minutes before it was finally over!

The monster, under the joint attack of the eight monsters, broke into pieces after being bombarded, turned into scattered broken bones and fell in all directions.

Seeing that the monster was destroyed, Tang Long also breathed gently.

This time, he didn't immediately go to the cave in front of him.

When he came to a broken bone of the monster, Tang Long squatted down and picked up a broken bone to study the situation of the monster.

He wanted to know why the monster, which had no life at all, was still alive and had such a powerful attack power!

He picked up a bone and examined it for a long time. Tang Long's eyes flashed with doubts: "there seems to be a kind of poison in this bone. However, it seems that this is not a huge poison, but a very strange energy. What kind of energy is this?"

Tang long thought secretly.

Tang Yang and they all looked at Tang Long curiously.

When Tang long lost his bone and stood up again, Lin Ximeng asked curiously, "young master, what's the matter with this monster?"

"There is a strange energy in this monster, which seems to have a special radiation property. These monsters, because of the strange energy emitted, have undergone unknown changes."

Tang long will explore a bit of information, through their own analysis and research, the results out.

Tang Yang and Lin Xi dream, listen to a half understanding.

Li Dahan simply did not understand!

He didn't care. Looking at Tang long, he urged: "young master, the monster is dead. Let's go to the cave and have a look. I don't know if there are any such monsters in the cave."

"I'll explore the cave again to see if there is any danger!"

Tang Long's cautious way.

Once again, he gathered a magic puppet of energy.

He still let the energy magic puppet in front, and behind the energy magic puppet, there are two magical beasts of Tang Long: Golden Monkey and Longxuan!

Golden monkey and long Xuan, both on guard, followed the energy demon puppet and walked into the cave carefully. Tang Long was about five meters away from the golden monkey and long Xuan. At this time, they also slowly walked to the entrance of the mountain.

Behind him, Li Dahan, three people, are also very nervous at this time.

This time, no accident happened again. The cave was quiet and there was no abnormality at all.

Tang Long was a little relieved.

However, he did not dare to take it lightly and let golden monkey and long Xuan go first to inspect the cave. There were no monsters found again. Tang Long was completely relieved and went into the cave.

The cave is big and empty around!

Tang Long summoned the red flame lion and asked, "where is the thing you found?"

Red flame lion toward the front of a stone wall ran past, to the front of the stone wall, is to stop: "here, behind the stone wall."

Tang Long walked over immediately.

He took out the Canghai sword and made a big hole in the front of the stone wall.

All of a sudden, a little faint blue light appeared from the stone wall. In the blue light, there was also a kind of extremely pure energy. Tang Long was directly sure that this energy was contained in the chaotic spirit liquid!

"Indeed, there is the spirit liquid of chaos!"

Tang Long was full of joy.

He quickly took out a bottle, and then, very carefully, on the stone wall, smashed out a small canal!

The bottles are placed under the small canal.

It is to see that, in the stone wall, a little bit of green light flashing spirit liquid, slowly flow out. Soon, the bottle in Tang Long's hand was filled with most of the bottle with Sutra, but there was no more blue light spirit liquid flowing out of the stone wall.

Tang Long made the hole in the stone wall bigger, and filled the rest of the chaotic spirit liquid.

After finishing these, he was very satisfied and turned to look at Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng: "this chaotic spirit liquid is an extremely rare three grade elixir, which can not only enhance the strength, but also enhance the physique!"

"If only we could find more of them." Lin Xi's dream is full of expectation.

Tang Long ha ha smile: "can find so much, with classics good!"

After a pause, he said: "this chaotic spirit liquid, if given to a warrior, must be refined into a miraculous elixir, and can not take a lot of it. A warrior can only take three pills at most

Finish saying, he looks at Tang Yang three people: "summon your dragon out!"

Li Dahan Leng Leng Leng: "call dragon to do what?"

Tang Long explained: "this chaotic spirit liquid can be directly given to Warcraft. Your dragon, taking chaos spirit liquid, should be able to break through and become a first-class holy beast. However, if you want to grow into a second level Saint beast, the difficulty will be a little big!

Hearing Tang Long's words, the three people were extremely happy.

They know that Tang Long wants to help their dragon improve its strength and speed up its growth.In a hurry, the three summoned their dragon.

There are four dragons in total, of which Lin Ximeng has two. One is jiuxiao Tianlong and the other is Canghai Qinglong.

Li and tianyitou are the two.

Tang long will get, all chaos spirit liquid, divided into four parts, give the four Dragon to take.

These four dragons have grown up to the peak of level 9 monsters. Taking these chaotic spirits, they can grow up and reach the level of level 1 sacred animals.

The four beasts go to the bag to absorb the medicine.

Tang Long four people, together out of the cave, began to move forward.

Obviously, it is not so easy to find the chaotic spirit liquid. The four people went all the way until it was dark. Finally, Tang Long found the chaotic spirit liquid again by virtue of the red flame Tianshi.

This time, it was in the center of a big tree.

They did not meet the immortal monster again.

Tang Long took out the bottle and put the chaotic spirit liquid from the big tree into the bottle. However, it was only half the weight of the bottle, half less than the previous ones.

It was late at night, because they were afraid of encountering the monster again, the four of Tang Long stopped walking and found a mountain depression to escape from the wind.

The environment of the depression is excellent. There are high cliffs on all sides, and there is only a path on the side.

Several people walked into the depression and sat down in an open space.

In the twinkling of an eye, the moon rises into the sky to pass the stars!

The four ate and rested.

Lin Ximeng and Li Dahan, do not know when, both by sleep.

Tang Long sat not far away to practice.

Tang Yang couldn't sleep, and he didn't want to practice.

Looking at the moon in the sky and looking at it again, Lin Xi's dream, which is not far away from me, has an indescribable feeling in Tang Yang's mood.

Although he used to be the young master of the blood soul mountain villa, and he had never talked to any girl about his feelings!

At that time, he did not need to talk about feelings!

Besides, he never met a girl he really liked!

However, during this period of time, when he was with Lin Ximeng, he always had a feeling that it was hard to give up. As long as he was with Lin Ximeng, his mood would become good, good and good.

He loved being with her and didn't want to be apart for a moment.

Originally, he didn't think that much.

But before, Tang Long's words, it is to wake him up, this let him in the heart, have a kind of feeling of bewilderment.

He realized that he liked Lin Xi dream and liked it very much!

If put in the past, he likes which girl, do not have to worry about, just grab back. After all, sin city was a place like that. At that time, he had power and strength. What kind of women couldn't get it?!

Of course, before he was not particularly interested in women, he focused on training, especially on speed training!

There was a great change in his family, which changed everything he contacted!

for girls, he had no idea, even closed the door in his heart!

However, the emergence of Lin Xi's dream changed everything.

The emergence of Lin Xi's dream, let his heart, have a kind of care, have a hard to give up, there is also a kind of, can not say out of the mood.

This kind of emotion gradually becomes intense, even, with classics can control his thought!

"Will she like me?"

Tang Yang some dementia looking at not far away, is sleeping in the dream of Lin Xi, thinking in his heart, whether he really want to listen to the young master, with Lin Xi dream confession!

But at this time, suddenly, a low voice, not far away sounded: "get up, there is a situation!"

Hearing this sound, Tang Yang immediately woke up!

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