"Let's go!"

Looking at the collapsed buildings, Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng are nervous.

Li Dahan's eyes are staring at them. The heavy stone wall and tense fists are all hard to hold!

the wall is going to hit them. If they don't go at this time, they will be crushed by the heavy wall!

"Damn it!"

Tang Long knew that he had to go at this time!

Seeing that there was still one third of the chaotic spirit liquid, Tang long had to leave at this time. Fortunately, he filled a lot of chaotic spirit liquid in the pit with his scriptures. In addition, there were 123 bottles.

Such a harvest is more than the sum of the previous ten days!


A big drink, body shape a shake, toward the side quickly away!

Tang Yang and they did not dare to have the slightest hesitation at this time, one by one in a hurry, toward the side of the rapid flash away!

"Boom -"

the heavy wall smashed down, all of which wiped the corner of Li Dahan's clothes. The tall and magnificent building collapsed and then hit the ground!

The ground is smashed to pieces!

the sound of roar is like thunder, and the whole ground shakes violently!

A fierce hurricane blowing dust all over the ground, whistling and flying up, flying all over the sky with gravel!

It's a hundred meters round, and it's full of dust!

At this time, the four people rushed out of more than 50 meters, turned their heads and looked at the collapsed building, and they all breathed a long breath!

Tang long thought that there was still a lot of chaotic spirit liquid in the pit just now. But at this moment, hundreds of meters away, suddenly there was a roar: "roar!"

And then, more roars!

Roar more and more, sound into a sound!

Tang Long four people, hear this thunderous roar, all immediately guess, it must be that kind of immortal monster appeared again!

Busy toward the voice of the place to look at the past, hundreds of meters ahead, a dilapidated building, a terrorist figure flashed out!

"This, this is -"

"God --"


when they saw the figure in the distance, they were all shocked and speechless!

At this time, from all directions, there was a roar. More and more horror figures appeared in front of Tang long!

"This, is this a person? Is this really a person?"

Lin Xi dream feeling, his heart, are in crazy jump, incredible, staring crazy roar, towards this side gradually, one by one terrifying people!

Tang Long didn't expect that there were so many strange people here!

These people, if according to common sense, must be dead, because their bodies, flesh and blood are rotten, even the vast majority of people, are only moribund white bones!

However, even if there are only white bones, these people can still act!

This is so weird!

It's full of decadent power!

Those monsters, with the scripture toward Tang long, rushed over quickly!

Moreover, at the same time, these monsters started to burst out strange blue flame, a group of flames, surrounded them completely, let them look like the devil of hell!

"Let's go, fly to the sky!" Tang Long's voice dropped and his body swayed, and he jumped onto the back of the red flame lion!

Lin Ximeng did not dare to have any hesitation at this time. He called out their respective divine animals and jumped up, and then they flew directly into the sky!

"Roar, roar, roar --"

they just flew up. Below, dozens of skeletons of flame surrounded the place where they had just stood!

A skeleton flame man, toward the top, spit out terrible blue flame!

The flame is like a flame arrow, toward the Tang dragon and their crazy roar, the flame arrow, even fly out of the height of hundreds of meters, straight after Tang Long and they come!

All of a sudden, Tang Long and they were surrounded by the arrows of a terrible blue flame!

In the decadent city below, more and more skeletons flame people appear!

More fire arrows, toward the Tang dragon, whistling attack came over, blue flame arrows, this side of the sky, are completely covered!

"Be careful, get out of here!"

Tang Long said in a hurry. He gathered his energy and mental strength to resist the attack of the green flame arrows. At the same time, he let the red flame lion fly towards the distance!

Lin Xi dreams of them, naturally they are closely following!

Fire arrows, chasing after them, blue flame flying all over the sky, illuminating the sky!After more than ten minutes, Tang Long and they fled far away!


One by one, they all took a long breath.

Just now those skeletons flame people, that terrible and strange appearance, let their hearts, are bursts of cold!

They don't understand, how can those skeletons and flame people survive?!

How did it come into being?!

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the rear. There was no trace of green flame in the rear.

He said in a deep voice: "it seems that there must have been an extremely terrible disaster in this holy land before. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for this place to become like this!"

Li Da said: "young master, do you want to eat for those skeleton flame people?"

Tang long curled his lips: "you go back to ask?"

"Forget it!" Li Da had a simple smile: "I'm back. If they eat, it's bad. Maybe they'll eat me!"

"Let's keep looking for the spirit of chaos." Tang Longdao.

Although he was very curious about those skeleton flame people, but at this time, he did not dare to go back to have a look!

Those skeletons flame people, attack power is too strong, and the number is too much!

The four people were riding on the beast and were about to speed up their journey. But at this moment, a thunderous roar came from the distant sky. From afar, a monster with green flame spread its wings and flew towards them rapidly!

Li Dahan was the first to see the flame monster!

His face suddenly became extremely frightened: "young master, that, that, that monster!"


With a roar of the monster, the distance between them is less than one kilometer. The rolling blue flame, seen from a distance, completely covers the sky on that side!

"Come on, let's land. We're passive in the air!"

Tang Long was in a hurry.

Although their gods and beasts are very powerful at this time, their strength is far from enough!

They can't fly. In case of any accident, they may fall from the air. If one is not good, it may fall into pieces!

In this case, they can only be safer if they fall on the ground.

Four people command their own beast, fast landing down!

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