More than a dozen sacred beasts, roaring in the sky, surrounded the skeleton flame bird. Then, a stream of terrifying energy, like a storm, launched an extremely fierce attack on the skeleton flame bird!

All of a sudden, the thunderous roar sounded like thunder, that crazy explosion of strength, it seems that this side of the sky, are bombarded to pieces!

The boulders on the ground, in the rolling momentum, exploded disorderly. The place where the beast and the bird fought, the ground, with the fierce momentum, was bombed out a huge pit with a diameter of more than 100 meters!

The battle goes on, the pit on the ground is getting bigger and deeper!

Soon, the battle was transferred from the ground to the high altitude, and then from the high altitude to the ground!

Tang Long four people, to the classics together.

They don't dare to fight!

At this time, their gods and beasts have grown to the level of first-class holy beasts, and their combat power is super strong. Even the warriors with the highest strength in the holy martial realm can not defeat any of them!

However, more than a dozen animals united to attack the flame bird for more than ten minutes, but they failed to extinguish the flame bird!

It can be seen from this that the attack power of the flame strange bird is so terrible!

Tang long, four of them, are more than a kilometer away from the place where the beast and the bird fight!

He turned to look at Lin Ximeng and asked, "did you get hurt just now? Is there any discomfort? "

"I got a little hurt, but it wasn't serious." Tang Yangdao.

"I also suffered a little injury, but it didn't feel very uncomfortable." Lin Xi dreamt.

Tang long looked at Li Dahan: "what about you?"

Li Dahan said: "I feel that there is a strange energy in my body, which is constantly surging, which makes me feel like I want to explode. I try to gather my energy and drive away this energy, but I can't do it all the time. It seems that this energy can be integrated into my bones, which makes me feel uncomfortable."

After listening to Li Dahan's words, Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng also said together: "we have invaded that kind of energy, but it is not as serious as Dahan!"

Tang Long listened to the three people's words, and immediately frowned fiercely.

He knew that they were all infiltrated with that kind of radiant energy!

"That energy is likely to do us a lot of harm, even change our bones, change our life structure!" Tang Long cautiously said: "it seems that I must help you to eliminate this energy!"

"How to eliminate it?" Lin Xi Meng asked.

Tang Long solemnly said: "sit down cross your knees, I use chaos sky fire to refine those energies!"

Although at this time, the war in the distance was still going on, but Tang long did not care much about it. He was worried that the strange energy that existed in them for too long would cause unknown changes to them!

At this time, he was very curious.

When they came into the realm of spiritual absolute heaven, they met such a strange monster. Why did the Dragon wood cypress come in before? Why could they be safe and sound?!

However, he did not know that longmubai was the first to find here, found the transmission array, and built the palace in the King City of five regions. Because it was the first time he came in, he was extremely cautious.

He didn't go far!

Longmubai here, but also found chaos spirit liquid, only found a little bit!

In addition, he also met the monster of green light flame, but only one head, and the monster's combat power is not very strong, with the strength of his holy King's triple state, even more powerful than the present Tang Long's supernatural beasts, he can return safely.

Tang Long and they came in, but they only looked for Tiancai Dibao, and they flew directly on the divine beast. For more than ten days, how far did they run?!

They are facing more and more dangers!

Tang Long with chaos sky fire, trying to help Lin Ximeng them, refining that kind of extremely strange, with radiation characteristics of energy!

It took two hours. At last, he burned and swallowed up the strange energy left over from Lin Ximeng and his body, and completely relieved their danger!

At the same time, the skeleton flamingo, under the joint attack of more than a dozen gods and beasts, was blasted to pieces and turned into broken bones all over the ground!

Tang Long was very careful to wrap these broken bones with things and put them into the sky sealing flag.

He's going to wait and go back and study it!

After the first World War, their beasts were very tired, so Tang long did not rush on.

The crowd rested for two hours.

Two hours later, they continued to fly, searching for the spirit of chaos.

In a flash, two days passed.

In the past two days, Tang Long's harvest was not small, and they found some chaotic spirit liquid. All these chaotic spirit liquids add up to more than 30 bottles!"With these chaotic spirits, the comprehensive strength of the martial arts of Tangmen can be improved a lot!"

Tang Long was very happy.

He also plans to collect some of these chaotic spirits. In the future, when the younger disciples of the Tang clan grow up, he will also use them as a reward to encourage their growth.

At this time, in Fengtian City, Tangmen recruited two groups of disciples with excellent talent.

These two groups of disciples entered Fengtian city with scriptures, and divided areas for practice and study.

These disciples, of course, were recruited from the Tianying Empire and several surrounding empires. These empires are now regarded as the territory of Tang Long and have become the real rear area of Tang Long!

Of course, these places also have to send a large number of talents to the ancient clan every year!

Now, there are more than 300 disciples of Tangmen in Tiancheng!

In order to train these disciples, Tang Long specially dispatched several strong men from Wen Ren family, and also transferred several of his former subordinates to take charge of the teaching of Tang clan disciples.

As for all kinds of martial arts, of course, there is no lack of them.

Before that, Tang Long destroyed many clans, robbed a lot of martial arts skills, and practiced martial arts. All these things were collected by Qin Ziyi and put in the Wu Pavilion of Tiancheng of Tang clan.

The chief leader of Tang clan disciples is Tang Kui!

At present, with the rapid development of Tangmen economy, the territory is also expanding, and the number of strong people is increasing.

To this end, Tang Long is also ready to collect some good things as a reward for the younger disciples.

In the afternoon, the four people rode the beast to the top of a barren mountain.

Red flame lion has found something here, so Tang Long and they hope to find more chaotic spirit liquid at the top of the barren mountain.

Together, they came to a huge stone at the top of the mountain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!