Long Xuan looked at Tang Long with tears in her eyes: "don't you say you want to leave here and go back? You go back, I will never go. I will save the monkey. I will not go. Even if I die, I will die with the monkey! "

"I'm not going either!" At this time, the Golden Phoenix also cried.

Tang Long was helpless.

He looked at Longxuan and jinfenghuang: "don't worry. Let's try again. Monkey is my contract beast. I will never leave it alone. If you don't rescue the golden monkey, don't say you, even if it's me, you will never leave! "

"Did you say you were going Long Xuan cried.

Tang Long was helpless and did not explain any more. He turned his head and looked at Li Dahan: "the time limit for leaving lingjue Tianjing is about to arrive. The three of you, sitting on the original road of the beast, must return safely to the King City of five regions!"

Listen to Tang Long say so, three people are facial expression a change!

Li Dahan resolutely said: "boss, if you don't go, I won't go either!"

Tang Yang and Lin Xi dream are also determined: "is, to stay, we stay together."

Lin Ximeng added: "it's a big deal. We'll close the iron gate of this fortress. I believe that no matter how dangerous it is outside, it's absolutely safe in this fortress."

Listen to Lin Ximeng say so, Tang Long also believe.

This fortress is very strong, and it will be very safe inside.

But he can't take risks!

"You go back first. I have my own way back." Tang long looked at the three men and said seriously: "or, I will return to the five domain King City earlier than you

"Earlier? How do you get back? " Lin Xi Meng asked.

"Don't ask so much, you will know." Tang Long firmly said: "OK, don't say much, you will go back now!"

The three men were stubborn for a long time, unable to bear Tang Long's request. In addition, Tang Long repeatedly affirmed that he would be able to go back safely. However, they had no choice but to ride their respective sacred beasts and return to the road they came!

Tang Longzhi is confident that he can quickly return alone. After all, he has a heart of wisdom.

Both Longxuan and jinfenghuang look at Tang Long gratefully.

Tang Long said with a faint smile: "go, close the door, so that those skeleton flame people outside will not suddenly rush in, and that will be bad."


The answer is hyena hybrida.

The pig, however, was very smart. He was worried that the door would be closed and could not be opened any more. So he found something and wedged it in the corner of the door, leaving a little gap.

Tang Long began to study how to turn on the stove!

Then, for the next three days, he studied here for three days, but he didn't find out the way to open the furnace cover. He didn't even have a clue!

Seeing the time passing by, Tang long felt more and more anxious.

Fortunately, although the golden monkey and his spiritual connection, become increasingly weak, but this connection has always existed.

Obviously, the monkey is not dead yet!

"It seems that something else must be done!" Tang long thought.

A possibility suddenly occurred to him.

Before Lin Ximeng said, in a room, saw a lot of books!

"Maybe we can find some ways in the book!" As soon as Tang Long's eyes lit up and his body shook, he turned into a flash of gold and lightning. He began to search carefully for various books and drawings in a room.

Lin Ximeng said that the room, his books and drawings are obviously doing more.

He concentrated all the books and drawings he had found in that room, and then searched them carefully.

Unfortunately, although there are a lot of books and drawings, and those drawings are indeed the structural drawings of this fortress, after reading for a long time, Tang Long still can't find out how to open the furnace.

However, he also had a little understanding of the fort.

The furnace in this fortress seems to be the most important thing in the fortress. It can make the fortress move. Even the furnace burning in the furnace is not ordinary materials, but a special kind of crystal. That kind of crystal contains powerful energy, and also contains the energy with radiating characteristics!

that kind of crystal only needs a fist size piece, It can make this furnace burn for a long time!

At this time, in this fortress, the strange crystal stones were stored in a secret room, which was tightly sealed. Moreover, each crystal was placed separately to avoid the leakage of radioactive energy!

There are thousands of them!

In the next few days, Tang Long was still trying to find a way to open the lid of the strange stove!

He also read a lot of books. He knew more and more about the structure of the fort, but he still had no idea how to open the lid of the furnace!

In a twinkling of an eye, it is the ninth day!

On that day, Tang long, with some of his beasts, was still in the fort, looking for ways to turn on the stove.

The emperor will live up to his heart!That day, Tang Long found a small metal secret door in that study!

The secret door, hidden behind the metal bookcase, if not for Tang Long rummage, it is really not found!

When the secret door is opened, there are many dense lines around it. The lines are connected with a chair. Around the chair, there are various kinds of energy crystal stones. In addition, the whole secret room emits colorful strange light!

"is there any way to open the furnace in this secret room?"

Tang Long secretly thought, a foot, just stepped into the door, suddenly, on the wall in front of him, on a blank box, there was a strange light, and the light in this box, even converged into a human figure!

The figure is very clear, like a living man!

Tang Long was stunned: "what's going on? Why are there people here? "

This man seems to be about fifty years old. At this time, he is already talking: "Hello, people who come in here. I am the designer and maker of the sky fortress. Although I successfully built this fortress, I still failed to escape the final doomsday. No one can escape the doomsday catastrophe. I can not be excluded!"

"You come here to show that we are predestined and that the world has not been destroyed. Maybe, I can leave a little bit of last life for this world!"

"This sky fortress can automatically produce air, produce all kinds of energy, even water and some necessary level, which can guarantee a hundred people. At the same time, it can survive for at least 100 years. After a hundred years, there is nothing I can do about it!"

"Although the control methods of the fortress are very complicated, I have transformed them into energy biological waves. As long as you sit in this chair, you can immediately learn all the knowledge of operating this fortress!"

Hearing the last words, Tang Long's heart was filled with joy!

At this time, the figure is also gradually blurred, to the end, is disappeared without a trace!

The portrait disappeared for a moment. The chair connected with many lines in front of me suddenly gave out dazzling light, and there was a strange electric current flickering above the chair!

"In order to save the golden monkey, I'll try the adventure too!"

Tang Long walked towards the chair, then bit his teeth and sat on it directly!

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