In Youye's eyes, there was an obvious expectation: "good man, you said that when the things here are completed, you will accompany us to have a good time outside. It's better to go to Jinling City to have a look when we find the tree of life!"

She is very clever. She knows that Tang Long gets the tree of life by Sutra, but she still says so.

Tang long did not speak.

Jiang HaoChen immediately said, "brother Tang, if you are willing to go to Jinling City, you must go to the war god's mansion."

"War god mansion?" Tang Long was stunned.

This man can really drag his name. He dares to call his mansion the God of war!

"I'll go if I have time!" Tang Long said casually, holding the hands of the northern palace fairy and Youye, he summoned the red flame lion and the snow wolf king, and the three of them mounted their horses and headed for the depths of the jungle!

Beside Jiang HaoChen, one of Jiang HaoChen's subordinates looked at him: "master, do we continue to look for the tree of life?"

"Of course, if I can't find the tree of life, my father will have to die. Therefore, in any case, I must find the tree of life and get the spring of life!"

"But the strength of those who come to find the tree of life seems to be getting stronger and stronger!"

"We have to look for it. We have no way out!"

"All right."

A few of the hands helplessly agreed, toward the distance in a hurry.

Although they all had very serious internal injuries at this time, they did not dare to stay here. There were so many dead warriors of the undead sect. If they stayed, their lives would be in danger!


when the three Tang Long left their place, Beigong Xianer looked at Tang Long and asked, "bad guys, shall we go now?"

Of course, she knew that Tang Long got the tree of life.

Now that you've got all of them, it's no use staying here. It's better to leave early.

Of course, Tang Long has no objection.

The three men rode on the beast and hurried along. Although they met many warriors from time to time, no one started to fight them. They were very safe and reached the edge of the dense fog forest.

At this time, it is late at night!

The moon rises and the sky is full of stars, but the light in the jungle is dim.

The dense fog is too big. The starlight and moonlight pass through the dense fog. The light is much weaker. It passes through the leaves and has little light. Even with Tang Long's eyesight, he can't see anything five meters away.

"Good man, shall we rest here for a night?" You night road.

Beigong xian'er also said: "anyway, today, we can only spend one night in the wilderness. Bad guys, take a rest here, and tomorrow we will leave the dense fog forest again, OK?"

Tang Long saw that the northern palace fairy and Youye all wanted to rest. He knew that they were all very tired at this time.

Think about it, looking for the tree of life here, all the way to kill, never much rest, two girls, how can not tired!

"Good." Tang Long nodded heartily: "let's find a suitable place to rest."

Just as he was saying that, suddenly in the thick fog ahead, a group of people came rapidly. The leader, dressed in a red robe of blood, could feel the smell of evil death coming towards this side!

"The people of the blood temple are here!" Tang Long frowned slightly.

Beigong Xianer and Youye are all a little nervous at this time.

Now the power of the blood temple is becoming more and more powerful. Not to mention that many ancient sects have joined the blood alliance, and even many reclusive demons have emerged, one by one, they have joined the blood temple!

See the blood Temple of people come, even if it is Tang long, are become extremely cautious!

After all, the people in the blood temple are too cruel, and these guys, one by one, are extremely shameless, but they are very powerful!

Tang long at this time, also had to avoid the edge!

The three men gathered their breath and quietly lurked behind a highland not far away.

In the night sky, the figures darted through, with the destructive breath of evil death, which made the sky and the air violently churn up!

Tang Long knew that the strength of these people was very strong, and even, there were warriors in the realm of the holy king!

There are hundreds of warriors who pass through the blood temple from here!

After a long time, these people finally entered the deep fog forest, disappeared without a trace!

Tang long used the sea to explore the surrounding activities and make sure that there was no one around. Then he gently breathed his breath, but he was not willing to continue to stay here. Otherwise, in case of danger, it would be too late to regret it!

Holding on to the slender jade hand of Beigong Xianer and Youye, Tang Long said: "Xianer, Yeer, we'd better leave here first. I think that next, more and stronger warriors will arrive here, this dense fog forest, or there will be an unprecedented war!"

Beigong Xianer and Youye, although they are a little tired, want to stop here for a night's rest. However, when I think of the horrible atmosphere that passed through just now, I feel a little uneasy."Let's go, then." The gentle way of the North Palace fairy.

Tang Long said nothing more and summoned the Golden Phoenix.

The Golden Phoenix came out of the heavenly spirit garden and rose up directly. In a short time, it turned into a golden phoenix with a full length of more than five meters and even more than ten meters in length!

"Let's go!"

Tang Long took the northern palace fairy and Youye and jumped to the back of the Golden Phoenix.

The back of the Golden Phoenix is very broad.

Tang Long took out a blanket and asked Beigong Xianer and Youye to sit on the blanket, while he sat half seated and held them in his arms to ensure that they could have a more comfortable rest.

The Golden Phoenix spread out its wings. Suddenly, the golden wind howled and a fierce hurricane filled the space of hundreds of meters. The Golden Phoenix suddenly soared into the sky with unimaginable speed, and left towards the distant night sky.

Beigong Xianer and Youye are hugged tightly by Tang long. He feels extremely tired. He closes his eyes and soon falls asleep.

Tang long did not dare to rest.

He always rallied his energy, exerted his magic skills in the field of the sea, and paid attention to the movement and stillness around him.

As soon as he finds that there are strong men coming this way in the distance, he immediately asks the Golden Phoenix to bypass these people. He does this, of course, to ensure the safety of Youye and Beigong Xianer as much as possible, and at the same time, he also hopes that they can have a good rest.

In a hurry, three hours passed.

At this time, Tang Long and their way away from the dense fog forest, to a rolling mountain area.

Although here, also has the massive jungle, but, actually did not have the thick fog.

Tang long, commanding the Golden Phoenix, landed here and gently awakened the northern Palace xian'er and Youye in his arms: "xian'er, ye'er, wait for me here, I'll make a cave."


Two people sleepy eyes misty should a, fall in the back of Golden Phoenix, soon fall asleep again.

Obviously, they are really tired. , the fastest update of the webnovel!